What could possibly be a reason for
refusing to have church services but still meet in mass gatherings for
Wokeness? There is only one plausible answer. These folks have converted from
Christianity to embrace the Popularity Gospel.
The Religion of Wokeness is not
compatible with Christianity. It has its own doctrines, own worship, own
ordinances (chiefly, protest and virtue-signaling), and own messiah-figures. It
has its own, competing version of confession, repentance, and atonement.
True Christians need to reject Wokeness
– and the high priests of Wokeness – as fierce opposition to the Lordship of
Christ and true Christian religion.
Socialism is un-Christian and un-American, and needs to be rejected. In 2022, we have a president, in obvious mental decline, who professes to be Catholic, while endorsing with his lips, a Socialism agenda, speeches larded down with disunity, blatant lies, and profanity (in one recent instance, taking God's name in vain), all of which is un-Christian. We have some anti-Christian members of Congress who do not stand for the historical moral values of our Country. I am, thankfully, hearing of more and more Christians who have had enough of this rubbish and are standing up for what is morally and ethically right. It's time that we follow all the teachings of Jesus and tell the truth.
I was brought up in a Christian family, by Christian parents who taught us children to tell the truth; and I'm not going to pretend that what is currently happening in our country, is right. The Bible is very clear about these matters.
We need more pastors to take their Biblical responsibility seriously and stand up for morality and justice in our country.
All Christians have a role to play, an active role, with love, truth, and civility, in letting Christ's light shine in the darkness: not just sit in a Sunday church service and then, go into the world and be silent as church mice! No, we are to call the world back to Jesus.
Franklin Graham had this to say about taking a stand for Christ:
We need to pray for a tidal wave of change and revival in our country.
We need a return of the Voice of God thundering through prophets standing in America’s pulpits. Not the prissy Purpose Driven drivel passing as the Gospel today. The feminized-preachers of today cannot hold a candle to those who ushered in The Great Awakening which led to the American Revolution, and the abolition of slavery — two world-changing events spearheaded by the pulpit.
When America comes to repentance, foolishness will end, and evil politicians will find themselves out of a job. That won’t happen until an army of Jonah’s rise up with prophecy that the doom of America is at hand; that we are facing serious threats to our Christian democratic way of life from other nations run by ruthless tyrants that do not love God. We need preaching that calls for repentance and return to sound biblical sensibility and morality.
As John Adams, second president of the United States and signer of the Declaration of Independence said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
It is time for the Church in America to find its voice again. It is time for Christians to be the salt and light of the earth. We will be hated for it and persecuted. Jesus told us we would. We are not persecuted now because we have been silent, as Satan wishes. It is time. Let there be silence from the pulpit no longer. -J.Hughes Nov 2022 Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other…(Matthew 6:24).
2023: Heresy is now invading the church thru heretical ministers:
Why "Woke Christianity" is a threat to Christians today:
We need to be in prayer about the latest intrusion by the Biden administration into American religious life:
If you are concerned about where to find un-biased, trustworthy news, may I recommend several overseas news sources: The Daily Mail, Sky News Australia, and GB (Great Britain) News.
In 2023, we are now looking at the latest attack on Christianity with the Nashville Christian school shooting:
But, the entire country can see the reason Biden can't respond to the school shooting, in a coherent manner:
More information about the Biden "WOKE" agenda intrusion into schools and colleges:
Other colleges are also under threat from the "Woke" agenda. Consider the new agenda at Old Dominion University, with a new Dean of the College of Education, who is pushing Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project (of fake history), and "Safe Space" for gays:
Then, there was the problem of the transgender professor at ODU who tried to rebrand Pedophiles as only "Minor-Attracted Persons":
Is "WOKE" the only religion allowed in US public schools?
Clemson has left their mission of educating students with a new roll-out of mandatory diversity training:
Progressive Democrats in California want to make "Safe Spaces" at schools for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS:
Forced "Diversity Training" Backfires says new Harvard study:
"Whiteness” is the “original sin” in the woke religion, according to The Babylon Bee’s Managing Editor Joel Berry, who recently responded. “We talk about wokeness as a religion, and in Christianity and a lot of religions you have this idea of original sin – this fundamental flaw that all human beings have,” he told Sky News Australia. “In wokeness, that original sin is whiteness. “They’ve kind of taken that principle, borrowed it from religion, and they’ve assigned it to the idea of whiteness, patriarchy, western civilization, you know, with the goal being the eventual dismantlement and teardown of western civilization."
Society is underpinned by Christianity
"Telling the truth in a Post-Truth World"(A sermon by Dr. John MacArthur, courtesy of Grace to You)
Unfortunately, immorality has invaded school boards and city councils....those of the LGBQ persuasion are pushing back against parents and pushing their own agenda. Certainly glad I attended school in the 1950-60s before this rubbish was allowed in our school libraries.
The problem parents face; what they can do:
nation’s schools are struggling. Academic underperformance has been an issue
for decades. And now there is the very real sense that America’s schoolchildren
are being taught to hate their country, their parents, and even
you have children, there is one school in your neighborhood to which they are
automatically assigned, which feeds into one middle school and then into one
high school. Your witness in those spaces is desperately needed. While church
attendance is in decline, school attendance remains mandatory. You probably
realize that many families in your community build their social lives and
networks around their public schools the way Christians build our lives around
our church communities.
know what kind of values our churches offer. Are you aware of the values
offered by your local public school? This publication offers an overview of the
issues and influences facing our public schools and suggests the only and best
remedy is the constructive engagement of concerned citizens and parents. We
live in the greatest nation on earth, the beacon of hope for the world. We can
make America’s school systems as exceptional as our nation. Our children,
entrusted to us by God, deserve our very best.
(Source: The Family Research Council)
Here is a free guidebook to help parents:
But, back in December 2020, the 'progressive' anti-Christian movement was already underway:
The new religion of woke anti-racism
by Michael Barone
June 10, 2020
It’s all about religion, isn’t it? “We have a cult of social
justice on the left,” Andrew Sullivan wrote in New York magazine, “a religion
whose followers show the same zeal as any born-again Evangelical.”
The linguist John McWhorter elaborated on that theme in the
Atlantic. “Anti-racism,” he wrote, “ïs a profoundly religious movement in
everything but terminology.”
McWhorter likened the notion of “white privilege” to
original sin, argued that the hope that Americans will “come to terms with
race” is as vague as hopes for Judgment Day, and observed that the faithful on
the lookout for “that which may be blasphemous” resort to social media shaming
tantamount to “the excommunication of the heretic.”
You could be pardoned for supposing that Sullivan and
McWhorter were reflecting on the past week’s events — the epidemiologists
piously proclaiming that participating in crowded protests of police racism was
more important than the otherwise sacred duty of social distancing, the
chastened suburbanites in Bethesda, Maryland, kneeling before and asking
forgiveness of black fellow citizens.
But actually, their quoted comments both appeared in
magazines dated December 2018. They nevertheless proved apt as commentary on
events no one then imagined.
Sullivan and McWhorter understood that we have been living
for two decades in a political era in which the demographic factor most highly
correlated with voting behavior is religion, or within each sectarian group the
degree of religiosity.
And they observed that that produced, for the first time in
American history, a partisan division between the largest metropolitan areas
and rural and small-town areas outside metropolitan boundaries. Our coastal
metropolises voted 3-1 for Hillary Clinton while rural areas north and south,
except for Vermont and the Berkshires, voted 3-1 for Donald Trump.
While non-metropolitan voters, as President Barack Obama noted
in 2008, still tend to cling to traditional religion, articulate white
metropolitanists are increasingly comfortable defining themselves as “atheists”
and characterizing their religion as “none.”
They believe instead in Science, with a capital S. Science,
they claimed, justified the two-month lockdowns and the need, until the
protests of the police misconduct that resulted in the death of George Floyd,
to maintain them.
Actually, scientific advice kept changing — understandably,
since evolving evidence refuted epidemiological models of a novel virus. And
epidemiology has an understandable bias toward pessimism since society wants
warnings against unlikely but disastrous downside risks.
Science, moreover, provides no convenient formula for
weighing the predicted benefits of lockdowns against their high and
incommensurate costs. That requires judgments based on your values — which is
to say, in many cases, on your religion.
So urban liberals insisted on strict limits on traditional
religious services, symbolized by the vexed tone of New York Mayor Bill de
Blasio’s denunciation of an Orthodox Jewish funeral. But they quickly bent
themselves into logical pretzels by endorsing crowded, mass anti-racism
protests. My (tolerant, modern, liberal) religion is better than your
(parochial, antiquated, traditional) religion.
Is this conflict really necessary? Overwhelming majorities
of Americans believe the Minneapolis police officers acted wrongly and support
peaceful protests. Traditional Christianity preaches the moral equality of
every individual — a position consistent with believers in secularized
And large majorities believe that violent rioting is
wrong—and support sending in the National Guard and, if necessary, even the
military, to end it. But here there’s a collision with believers in the woke
religion of anti-racism, at least if young staffers in the New York Times
newsroom are indicative. For they demanded, and got, the firing of the
editorial page editor for running an opinion article by a Republican senator
urging deploying the military when necessary to stop rioting.
Absent from the catechism of woke anti-racism religion is
any acknowledgment of the facts, cited repeatedly by the Manhattan Institute’s
Heather Mac Donald, that police shootings of blacks have become exceedingly
rare. Christianity asserts that original sin will always be with us, but racism
in America has been in long-term deep decline.
Protests have featured confessions of sin and demands for
reforms. Some, such as “defunding the police," are so lunatic that
Democratic politicians have been skittering away and explaining that
“defunding” doesn’t mean defunding. Others, such as requiring police cameras,
are already widely in use or not particularly controversial. Some are not
familiar but bear serious consideration: police officers’ “qualified immunity”
from federal civil rights lawsuits, instituted by Chief Justice Earl Warren and
a unanimous Supreme Court in 1967, could be abolished or altered by the court
or Congress.
Unfortunately, neither historical perspective nor
statistical literacy nor any need for consistency are of much importance to
practitioners of the religion of anti-racism.
Dr. John MacArthur on Critical Race Theory, White Privilege, Systemic Racism, and Unconscious Bias: A Christian Perspective
Biblical Prospective: Protestors, Race Hustlers, Socialists, and Politicians who cause Chaos:
What does Black Lives Matter really stand for? What does the Bible say about it?
Icons define the space they occupy. Tearing down statues is Woke religion at work in the United States.
Marxists want to take down every single 'pillar of society.'
Wanting to remove statues is the symptom of a deeper sinister movement at work.
It's unfortunate that many Americans still have not learned who founded the BLM organization and
what their real purpose is.
The Woke mob has convinced the Virginia governor and his followers to tear down the statue of Robert E. Lee. The mob has been aided and abetted by a so-called Lee relative, discussed below, who, in actuality, is NOT related to the General at all.
Add to that is the pandering to the Marxist-created organization, BLM, by including tokens of that ilk in a newly created time capsule to replace the one dug up under the statue.
News host Gary Hardgrave says the 21st century is "so filled with red tape
processes and bureaucratic oversight" after Virginia's governor called for
the removal of a historic statue. It comes as the statue of Confederate General
Robert E Lee has been removed. "The Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, has
said, 'let's tear down the statues because history must reflect the 21st
century'," Mr Hardgrave said.
if that's the case then I want every statue around the world, particularly
around Australia, redesigned so they're to have a clipboard on it.
"Because seriously, the 21st century is so filled with red tape processes
and bureaucratic oversight that we possibly can't be celebrating any of our
heroes of the past without actually acknowledging the clipboard of the 21st
century. "They want to rewrite history, they want to devalue our values,
they don't want to know where we've come, from how we've got here, and whether
we can do better is only off the back of all the mistakes we've made in the
POST SCRIPT: I have personally done research into Robert W. Lee's ancestry and contacted the real heirs of General Lee. Robert W. Lee, IV, is not, repeat, NOT related to General Robert E. Lee. -J. Hughes
General Eisenhower had this to say about General Lee:
New Gallup poll released in 2021 reveals that church attendance in the U.S. is down. This may be part of the downside of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
"Social Justice vs. Authentic Biblical Justice" -Rev. Phil Johnson
U.S. law defines money laundering as the practice of engaging in financial transactions to conceal the identity, source, or destination of illegally gained money. It is often done by moving money into multiple bank acounts (called "shells") to hide the transactions. See the next photo to see some of the "Shells" involved in the Biden scheme:
Factual news from overseas confirms what Americans are already learning about dishonesty in the White House:
Private Matter’: Joe Biden’s Very Public Clash With His Own Church
BLM's newest target: Christian Athletes and Coaches
Pastor arrested after citing Biblical marriage definition:
White House FAKE Twitter followers:
Biden's false information front and center:
brings Woke to the
White House
Meghan McCain's husband Ben Domench
says Biden's first prime-time address was a 'garbage speech full of lies from a
senile person who thinks he is running America''
- Domench, publisher
of the conservative online political magazine The Federalist, appeared on
Fox Business to critique Biden's speech
- 'This
is another garbage speech full of lies from a senile person who thinks
they're charge of America but actually isn't running anything,' Domenech
- He was
not the only one who targeted Biden for alleged lying during the
- In an
op-ed for CNN, conservative commentator Scott Jennings said: 'Biden didn't
really tell the "truth" about his COVID relief bill'
- Biden
said the 'goal' was to have Americans enjoy July 4th with their loved ones
- McCain,
the daughter of late Sen. John McCain and co-host of The View, responded
to Biden's pledge that US will be 'close to normal' by July 4
- She
tweeted: ''If this virus is over by the Fourth of July - there won't be a
firework left in this entire country because I will have bought them all'
Joe Biden has
made a series of false claims about the vaccine rollout but the media is
failing to hold the new president to account, according to Sky News Digital
Editor Jack Houghton. President Biden described the vaccine plan produced by
the Trump Administration as a “dismal failure”, even though America was on
track for a million doses a day before Biden took office.
However, Mr Biden’s
comments were repeated unchallenged by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
“Back here in Australia, our ABC Newsradio ran Biden’s false claims completely
un-challenged,” Mr Houghton said. “If Donald Trump had entered office making
such claims he would have been quite rightly blasted by the left-wing media
both here in Australia and the United States. “But it appears the ABC has no
problems airing false claims when the great Joe Biden is responsible.”
Biden refuses to face reporters and our current Mexican border crisis
The Morning Briefing: Joe
Biden Is the Worst 5-Day President Ever
Never before has the leader of the free world been so cognitively compromised:
How weak is Joe Biden ????
Biden didn't even know he was having
a press conference:
Biden's 'handlers' have been told to not let him take questions from reporters:
But we were warned of his mental meltdown prior to the election.....but who was paying attention?
The story about Biden falling down 3 times on the Air Force One plane,
only appeared in the U.S. media on
FOX News and on the overseas media outlets like Daily Mail, BBC, and Sky News in Australia:
Editorial note: This is why so many Americans are turning to overseas media outlets to get the news about their own country. They cannot depend on getting the truth from the so-called 'main stream media,' Google searching, Twitter, or Facebook, in the U.S. It was thru the overseas media: audio, video, news, and print media, that we were able to learn the truth about what happened in 2017 and 2020, especially those responsible for the Marxist individuals who founded the BLM movement and the truth of the Antifa riots. (Those two sections, 2017 and 2020, may be seen on "The Old South Sub-section" webpage). Going overseas is the only way to get the truth, uncensored. Period.
These 'main stream' newspapers and tv stations did not carry the Biden on the plane stairs story:
The Woke cover-up of the president's health
Joe Biden is no longer in charge at the White House
Biden is no longer with us. Remember the voice in the earpiece on his inaugural day telling him to "salute the Marines?" Now he will "be in trouble" if he answers questions?
And another new poll out in April 2021 says that the majority of Americans do not trust Vice President Kamala Harris and do not think she is competent to be President. She only got 2% of the vote in the Democratic Primary before the 2020 Election and dropped out of the race.
Any rational adult and young person can clearly see (and hear): Joe Biden is in complete Cognitive Decline:
are you going, Joe? Another 'senior moment' as confused President Biden ignores
Secret Service agent directions into White House and bizarrely walks onto lawn
- In Biden's latest bizarre gaffe,
the president was filmed returning to the White House after spending time
in Wilmington, Delaware
- Secret Service agent points
for him to follow the sidewalk path into White House
- Instead, Biden is seen following
the agent up the lawn and through the gardening into the presidential
- The video has left shocked
critics of the president once again surmising whether Biden is suffering
the effects of cognitive decline
President Joe Biden was
filmed seemingly ignoring the direction of a Secret Service agent tried to
direct him to a path leading to the White House.
In Biden's latest bizarre
gaffe, the president was filmed returning to the White House after spending
time in Wilmington, Delaware when the agent points for him to follow the
sidewalk path into the White House.
Instead, Biden is seen
following the agent up the lawn and through the garden into the presidential
The video has left shocked
critics of the 78 year-old president once again surmising whether Biden is
suffering the effects of cognitive decline.
Biden is being dishonest with the public with this propaganda.
Biden's dementia was evident in the 2020 campaign, but was downplayed by the mainstream media. Here he claims to a Philadelphia crowd he's wearing an Eagles jacket while sporting Delaware Blue Hens gear.
President Threatens Americans, Twists
History to Push Antigun Agenda
By Larry Keane, June 30, 2021
President Joe Biden is at it again. The Commander-in-Chief
quite literally threatened Americans with unprecedented military action in an
attempt to justify the most radical antigun agenda ever thrust on the nation.
History, facts and even the U.S. Constitution don’t matter
when it comes to his nouveau interpretation of the Second Amendment. The more
President Biden speaks on guns, the more he’s turning out to be the least
trusted man to understand them and their place in America.
President Biden’s remarks from The White House, with the
U.S. Attorney General standing by his side, completely missed the purpose of
the Second Amendment. The president attempted to justify banning modern
sporting rifles (MSRs) and standard capacity magazines by reinterpreting the
Second Amendment as a Constitutional clause to protect hunting in America.
Rights, Not Needs
He said, “…no one needs to have a weapon that can fire over
30, 40, 50, even up to 100 rounds unless you think the deer are wearing Kevlar
vests or something.”
That’s not what the Second Amendment is about. It’s a Bill
of Rights, not needs and anytime anyone in the government attempts to dictate
to Americans what their needs are, be worried. The president wasn’t done,
“And I might add: The Second Amendment, from the day it was
passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon
you could own,” President Biden said. “You couldn’t buy a cannon.”
Actually, Americans could own cannons then and still can. In
fact, America relied on private citizens and their cannons for military
success. The Austin American-Stateman reported this when President Biden
attempted to peddle this same falsehood during the presidential campaign.
“Privateers were privately owned and operated ships that in
wartime captured enemy ships for profit,” the newspaper reported. “While
privateers received a license from the government that allowed them to avoid
being prosecuted for piracy, they were not a part of the official navy. So any
cannons they set sail with (or that they seized from the enemy) would be
private property, not the property of the government or the regular military.”
Washington Post fact-checked the president’s preposterous
claim not once, but twice, and gave him Four Pinocchios, the most that can be
given. Politifact rated the statement as “False.”
Did He Just Threaten Nukes?
If that wasn’t bad enough, President Biden went so far as to
threaten the use of unprecedented military force against American citizens to
make the case to ban guns.
“Those who say the blood of lib- — ‘the blood of patriots,’
you know, and all the stuff about how we’re going to have to move against the
government,” President Biden explained. “Well, the tree of liberty is not
watered with the blood of patriots. What’s happened is that there have never
been — if you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the
government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”
“The point is that there has always been the ability to
limit — rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own
it,” he added.
Setting aside the fact that this wasn’t the first time
President Biden threatened military force against American citizens, he
actually justified why the Framers had the foresight to ensure the American
citizens were never left without the means to defend themselves against a
tyrannical government.
The only part of what the president claimed that came close
to the truth was restrictions on who could possess a firearm. The federal
government placed no restrictions, but states did. They banned black slaves and
indigenous Americans from the right to keep and bear arms. That’s hardly a
historical point to make a case for disarming Americans today. As we have noted
before, the origins of gun control are rooted in racism.
Set the Record Straight
David Harsanyi, writing for National Review, pointed out
that President Biden not only edited history to fit his antigun narrative, he
also edited quotes. The quote referenced by the president is derived from
Thomas Jefferson’s letter to William Stephen Smith, son-in-law of John
Adams. The full quote reads: “The tree
of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and
A government that would threaten the lives and liberty of
its own citizens is exactly the reason the Founding Fathers included the Second
Amendment in the list of things the government couldn’t do. When it comes to
guns, it’s clear – shall not be infringed.
President Biden is the last person who should be dictating
gun policy to America. Time and again he speaks about a subject of which he has
no practical understanding of, at best, or totally ignorant of, at worst.
President Biden infamously told his own wife to blindly fire
two blasts of a shotgun if there was ever an intruder. This advice was actually
invoked in a court case, where the accused, Jeffrey Barton, was charged with
aggravated assault. Prosecutors ended up dropping those charges and instead
charged him with police obstruction, of which he was convicted.
President Biden once argued to ban 9mm Glocks, claiming in
an interview with Charlie Rose that he could kill more people with a
.38-caliber revolver. He also oddly told police they should shoot “unarmed”
attacking criminals wielding knives “in the leg.” Police ripped that
suggestion. Fox News reported the Fraternal Order of Police said it was
“completely ridiculous,” “unrealistic” and a “pandering talking point.”
President Biden is the last person America should be looking
to for firearm policy. His ideas are beyond ignorant. They’re dangerous.
Biden Needs to See a Dementia Specialist Right Now if the Mayo
Clinic Is Right
Michael Austin
June 24, 2021
(The Western Journal)
Does Joe Biden suffer from dementia?
The answer to that question remains unclear.
However, it is undeniably true that the president is currently exhibiting many
symptoms of someone with a deteriorating brain disease.
Remarkably, the list of symptoms for dementia
provided by the Mayo Clinic could alternatively be used as a checklist of odd
behaviors exhibited by Biden.
Those symptoms are a number of cognitive and
psychological changes, including:
· “Memory
loss, which is usually noticed by someone else”
· “Difficulty
communicating or finding words”
· “Difficulty
reasoning or problem-solving”
· “Difficulty
with coordination and motor functions”
· “Confusion
and disorientation”
· “Inappropriate
· “Agitation”
“See a doctor if you or a loved one has memory
problems or other dementia symptoms,” the Mayo Clinic also noted.
All of these above symptoms have been on
display by Biden on numerous occasions.
For instance, during a recent appearance at
the G-7 summit, Biden repeatedly mixed up the names of Syria and Libya.
is horrible. At some point his cognitive disfunction has to be considered a
natl security threat if only because of the confidence it must give our enemies
“President confuses Syria with Libya three times”
Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) June 13, 2021
Later on during that very same trip, following
his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Biden failed at an attempt
to recite the Declaration of Independence during a briefing.
Biden once again misquotes the Declaration of Independence before
forgetting the rest:
hold these truths self-evident that all men and women.”
Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 16, 2021
The gaffe was reminiscent of one of Biden’s
most famous blunders when he failed to recite the Declaration, instead saying
“you know the thing.”
“etc” from Joe Biden is an upgrade from March 2020 when he said, “We hold these
truths to be self-evident. All men and women created by the you know, you know
the thing.” https://t.co/WrRcMCOj2f pic.twitter.com/044bgqIbd6
Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) May 28, 2021
When it comes to “difficulty with coordination
and motor functions,” there is perhaps no better example than when, on March
19, the president slipped and fell three times while climbing the stairs to Air
Force One.
Another angle pic.twitter.com/BQkfn9eRcQ
Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 19, 2021
“Agitation” has certainly been displayed by
the president as well. Only just last week, Biden lashed out at a reporter for
asking him a completely fair question about his meeting with Putin.
you don’t understand that,” Biden tells a reporter pushing him to explain how
it was a constructive meeting with Putin if he still denies human rights abuses
and cyber attacks, “you’re in the wrong business.”
Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) June 16, 2021
“Inappropriate behavior” has certainly been a
hallmark of Biden’s career. There are multiple videos of him touching, sniffing
and even kissing young girls during his time as vice president.
that wasn’t disturbing enough, in this clip, Biden not only touches a young
woman but smells her hair, kisses her, whispering something into her ear, only
to tell her “see you back home, I hope” after visibly creeping out her and who
I assume is her mother. pic.twitter.com/WrFLWmAPFJ
RAM (Richard Armande Mills) (@RAMRANTS) November 13, 2017
In this clip, Biden swears-in (R) Senator Jim
Risch. During photographs, Biden touches Risch’s daughter, specifically asking
to take a photo alone with her. You can hear Risch say “Dad’s going to stand
pretty close.” (I wonder why?) Biden even jokes and says, “If I was young…”
RAM (Richard Armande Mills) (@RAMRANTS) November 13, 2017
Concerns over Biden’s mental faculties have
also been expressed by a former White House physician.
Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, who
served as White House physician for former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald
Trump, sent Biden a letter on June 17 asking him to take a cognitive test.
“The American people should have absolute
confidence in their President,” the letter said.
“They deserve to know that he or she can
perform the duties of Head of State and Commander in Chief.
“They deserve full transparency on the mental
capabilities of their highest elected leader. To achieve this, we urge you to
submit to a cognitive test immediately."
Why the American People Have Turned Against Biden
Former President Trump spoke in Arizona and there is newly uncovered 2020 Election Fraud; plus, the Democrats who, themselves, had previously stated that voting machines could be rigged:
Joe Biden lied in 2004.....and he's still lying in 2021:
draws derision after claiming he used to drive a massive truck
Chris Jewers For Mailonline 29 Jul 2021
President has been questioned over his
claim that he used to drive an 18-wheeler truck, with evidence only suggesting
he once rode in one for a night in 1973.
Here's the story in detail about Biden's lying to the public, again:
Biden confuses job titles of South Korean president
and Netanyahu This has happened so often, we can no longer call Biden's blunders "gaffes." They are evidence of his dementia cognitive decline, which is getting worse.
When President
Biden, 78, presented 94-year-old Korean War veteran Ralph Puckett with the
Medal of Honor on Friday, he said, 'The people in the Republic of Korea
haven't forgotten, as evidenced by the fact that the prime minister of Korea is
here for this ceremony,'
Less than 24
hours earlier, Biden referred to Netanyahu as 'President Netanyahu' during his
speech celebrating an Israel-Hamas cease-fire, according to The Post.
mix-ups are the latest in a string of dementia gaffes that have provided
Biden's critics with punchlines about the oldest president in the United
States' history.
Joe Biden mistakenly called Korean President
Moon Jae-in a 'prime minister' a day after he called Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu 'president.'"
Biden cannot even answer a simple question without referring to a note card?
Joe Biden Facing Ridicule After Revealing He “Sits On
The Toilet Backwards”
Today’s Team Five
November 21, 2020
At the end of a press conference that
can only be described as nothing less than bizarre, presidential candidate Joe
Biden wrapped up his speech with a personal anecdote involving his morning
routine. The story definitely did not seem necessary. It did not seem relevant
and I’m sure Biden had intended this story to be a lighthearted end before
leaving the stage. However, it was anything but that.
“We all have 24 hours in a day. Sure
there are things you need to do. Each morning after I finish my cereal, like
every other American, I go to the bathroom. But I don’t just do that, I’m
hunched over writing ideas, my notepad on the toilet top.” Biden continued,
“(laughing) that’s the great thing about the toilet really, why do you think
they designed it like a desk? So when you sit doing your business, you can also
take care of business.”
It could have
been the intimate setting of the press conference that caused Biden to open up
so personally I had never seen less reporter hands
go up in a press conference. After the first part he could have played it off
as someone who just likes to take notes on the john. Weird but whatever. But
then he went on to clarify. “Why do you think they designed it like a desk?”
I was speechless.
And to remove any and all doubt, he
later confirmed that he does in fact sit on the toilet backwards. What’s worse?
He didn’t know he was sitting on it backwards… for 77 YEARS this man thought
sitting on the toilet backwards was the correct way.
“Yeah that wasn’t – my staffer brought
it up to me.” Biden explained in a follow up interview with MSNBC, “Apparently
not everyone sits on the toilet like that. Apparently I sit on it backwards. I
think it was – I don’t know it made sense to me it’s a good place to eat your
cereal. Efficient. I guess. (Laughter).” – MSNBC
Poor Joe…
Joe Biden
continues to shoot himself in the foot but now I’m starting to think he is
doing it on purpose.
This man
literally just said on MSNBC that he eats cereal on his toilet. Like, he sits
on it backwards and uses the top of the toilet to eat his cereal of off. This
is who the DNC wants to push through as the candidate for the National
When this all
first came out I thought fine whatever, the man sits on the toilet backwards.
The worst part about it was the fact that I had just envisioned Joe Biden on a
toilet. But then he doubles down. It’s not his fault that he sits on it
backwards. That’s how it looks like it’s supposed to work. I mean come on it
looks like a desk. And look, you can eat cereal off it while you drop a deuce!
Add this to the
other allegations….
Whatever, it’s
not like this is the worst thing Ol’ Joe has done.
A new edition of the Biden mumble
-HOWIE CARR, AUG 13, 2021
Dementia Joe has been busy,
accomplishing in a mere six months what it took Jimmy Carter four years to do —
generally laying waste, both at home and abroad, to a once successful and
prosperous society.
No wonder Biden called a “lid” on his
arduous schedule at 11:27 a.m. one morning last week, and then took a slide to
Camp David on Thursday.
Despite the horrific news on
inflation, Afghanistan and the invasion of the southern border by hundreds of
thousands of virus-infected foreign criminals, Joe took time out to announce
some positive news.
It’s time for another edition of
Weekend at Biden’s.
Dementia Joe has been busy,
accomplishing in a mere six months what it took Jimmy Carter four years to do —
generally laying waste, both at home and abroad, to a once successful and
prosperous society .
No wonder Biden called a “lid” on his
arduous schedule at 11:27 a.m. one morning last week, and then took a slide to
Camp David on Thursday.
Despite the horrific news on
inflation, Afghanistan and the invasion of the southern border by hundreds of
thousands of virus-infected foreign criminals, Joe took time out to announce
some positive news.
As always, all dialogue guaranteed
“The latest report on consumer prices
shows prices show that we’ve expanded some easing uh excuse me the expected
easing we thought was gonna come has increased that we are we’ve seen a good
monthly report.”
At another appearance, he said, “I
used to drive an 18-wheeler, man.” (He didn’t, man.)
recently he has misidentified the Food and Drug Administration as the “Federal
Drug Administration,” as in this promise: “That’s why I’ve instructed the
Federal Drug Administration to get these genetic drugs to consumers.”
generic, but genetic. Dementia Joe can no longer read even the simplest words
off the Teleprompter, or from his briefing books, or note cards.
sees transmissible and says “transmissionable.” (He’s a car guy, you know.) He
calls one of his pork bills “our Build Back Pletter plan.” He sees the word
honor and reads it as “iron.”
never taken a drink, but Biden now slurs worse than Ted Kennedy after a bucket
of bad ice cubes. Biden pronounces vision as “veshin,” address as “duress.”
Pursue becomes “perzoo.”
comes out as “fur-virors.”
become “hackidents.” He worries over “inflationary pressian uh pressures.”
Because, you know, prices “dramatically outpraced inflation.”
for pronouncing “prescription,” forget about it. It’s totally beyond him. But
this week he did brag about one accomplishment.
we get the breast prices for the products at home and abroad.”
those “breast prices” are on what Dementia Joe was referring to last month as
“prescription jugs.”
always, Dementia Joe had a lot to say about COVID-19. He urged the
“unvashinated” to get the jab.
talked up “vaxation” rates — not vaccination, or vacation, or even vexation. He
invented a new word — vaxation. Such linguistic concoctions are called
neologisms — yet another word Dementia Joe doesn’t know the meaning of.
always, he had some problems with names and titles. He said Trump was president
in 2009 (“Freudian
slip,” he explained.)
Ohio, he gave a shout-out to Sen. Rob Portman as “a Congressman from this
area.” He called the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, “Jennifer.”
(Jennifer Granholm used to be Michigan governor, and is now his Energy
called Fox News Channel “Fax.” He confused the governor of Arkansas with an old
Steely Dan album — “Aja Asa Hutchinson.”
always enjoy Dementia Joe’s latest take on economic affairs. Here he is on
outsourcing jobs:
hire the American company, but that ‘Merican company is gonna have subsidiary
overseas where non-American Americans don’t work where it’s much cheaper they
can make more money and they’re gonna say we have to have that as part of the
chain of building the products.”
don’t say, Mr. President.
Dementia Joe is a Renaissance man. If he wasn’t president, he could be working
for “the Forest Department,” as he calls it. That’s how profound his
understanding of the timberlands is.
of climate change as well where you have bugs insects eating up the trees as
well making things that that are changing and killing the forest themself then
and they become real tinder and uh it’s like you know uh dropping a match in a
you know in a almost like in a pool of fuel.”
— insects — eating trees? Who knew? Woodpeckers knew. What will he tell us
are some more of Dementia Joe’s Greatest Hits, August edition:
by the way, one of the things I’ve gotten able to get done I’ve get uh I have
overwhelming support from the African American clergy that I sort of come from
in my sort of support.”
they accept it as gospel that working folks aren’t gonna aren’t are are are are
gonna get left behind not be able to keep up.”
been saying from the very beginning when I announced that uh I’m tired trickle
down it doesn’t work very well.”
have to resturn it to some decency and honor and uh it’s just anyway. ...”
no mistake the less the exla the excuse me the escalation.”
a lot of money it’s over 500 million dollars billion new money over those eight
the Cuban bypass the Cuban people bypass the censorship that’s being
mandatorily imposed.”
the they’re down the road in Bethlehem or up the road in Bethlehem I should
well as individual sanctions against the chief and deputy of chief the chief
and deputy chief.”
up and calfing capping the orphan wells.”
trapped uh we’ve tapped additional aircraft from the Department of Defense.”
half a chance, there’s not a thingle single thing you can’t do.”
gonna discuss a wide range of issues all of us here tonight today.”
inherited this job.”
one way to put it, I suppose. As Gertrude Stein said of Oakland, there is no
there there.
Biden's first 100 days as
He's governed as a socialist.
President Trump warned the American people prior to the 2020 election, of Joe Biden's real agenda:
As a Christian and former History and Social Studies instructor, I can no longer remain quiet about the un-Christian Socialism agenda that Joe Biden is pushing. This is a disgrace to our Country and the American people.
Former Secretary of State and overseas media correctly analyze Joe Biden's Socialist speech:
No longer in doubt: Joe Biden's speech to Congress reveals his cognitive decline.
Senator Tim Scott
felt the full wrath of the left-wing media, academia and political class who
resorted to “racial slurs” in their desperation to prove the African American
politician wrong, according to Sky News host Rita Panahi. Mr Scott delivered
the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s first address to Congress and
argued that instances of racism do not amount to systematic racism or make the
country racist. In the aftermath of his speech “Uncle Tim” trended for hours on
Twitter, and CNN, MSNBC and CBS went into “attack mode”, Ms Panahi said. “If
you're a conservative woman or conservative minority you will be attacked often
with sexist and racist language to bully you into silence,” she said. “In 2021
the only systematic racism is from the left who push critical race theory, a
poisonous, intellectually bankrupt doctrine that amounts to state-enforced
racism. “The very people who claim the west is institutionally racist are
trying to institute racism into schools and workplaces.” According to Ms
Panahi, mockery of Mr Scott is about sending a message to other African
American people to expect similar treatment if they “deviate from the leftist
Australia Prime Minister refuses to support the Anti-Israel Durban Declaration which IS supported by Joe Biden:
Meanwhile, war drums are beating overseas while Biden mucks around with Climate Change nonsense:
Apparently Biden is obsessed over his mask:
Sunday, June 6th, 2021,
marked the 77th anniversary of the United States’ hallmark frontal
assault against the German National Socialist Party in World War II. The
invasion on the shores of Normandy included tens of thousands of soldiers from
the Allies, such as the United States, France, and the United Kingdom.
While the invasion was a success and
can be argued to be the turning point in World War II against fascism and
authoritarianism, the Allies and America suffered a hefty casualty total,
numbering in the thousands.
Every year, Americans of all political
opinions acknowledge this day as an important and special one, especially given
those who gave their lives so that Americans at home may continue to enjoy
their liberties and freedoms in peace.
Joe Biden broke that trend.
On Sunday, there were no statements or
social media posts from Joe Biden or The White House regarding D-Day.
Critics of the White House’s silence
on Sunday point out that it confirms the idea that Democratic leadership shows
little care for America’s servicemen and women and have no real concern for
protecting the liberties of Americans.
Effectively, showing no care for
America’s triumph on the shores of Normandy and the lives she sacrificed to
fight fascism, Biden is furthering a Democrat habit of complacency against
legitimate fascism and authoritarianism.
Biden’s attitude can be seen in modern
America with his complacency and indifference towards the fascist group known
as “Antifa.”
During the Presidential debate with
President Trump in late-2020, while Trump called out Antifa’s far-left violence
and tactics, Biden brushed them aside as merely an “idea, not an organization,”
and said that white supremacy is a greater threat.
Antifa spawned years ago from groups
utilizing “black-bloc tactics.” These refer to dressing in all black, covering
themselves up, and using violence and intimidation tactics to achieve political
goals with lower odds of being identified and arrested. They are typically
carried out in legitimate, peaceful protests, using regular civilians as
shields for violence. Because groups like antifa usually have the same or
similar political views as those they use as shields, they are grouped with
peaceful demonstrations in the media and escape accountability.
The name “antifa” comes from the term
“anti-fascist.” The name is a propaganda tactic to cause those who are ill
informed about the group’s views and tactics to assume they are merely fighting
against fascism, a seemingly good thing. Generally, American voters oppose
Their tactics are not antifascist;
they are fascist. Suppressing speech of conservatives and Trump
supporters with violence and intimidation is a prime instance of antifa’s black
bloc tactics in action that run contrary to a group promulgated as being “anti-fascist.”
Biden and the media succumb to and
promote this propaganda technique, merely brushing off antifa as an “idea” that
is “anti-fascist.”
Biden’s complacency with the Antifa
organizations across the country further demonstrates his indifference to the
same kind of fascism America bravely fought off during World War II.
A social media post or statement takes
a small amount of time and effort. If Biden and The White House remotely cared
about the victorious but tragic events that took place on D-Day in 1944,
sending out a tweet is the least they could have done.
Welcome to Joe Biden’s America.
-Eric Daugherty
This is the Biden oval office with a large portrait of FDR in the center,
over the fireplace.
But Joe Biden clearly doesn't know his history very well or is, has been well demonstrated, cognitively 'out to lunch' as to FDRs involvement in D-Day events, which he, Biden, has chosen to ignore.
Joe Biden is a disgrace to our Veterans.
FDR was a religious man, one who attended his local Episcopal church regularly and on D-Day, offered a prayer for our nation on a coast-to-coast radio hookup:
Former President Donald Trump, did not ignore this great event in our national history:
In another event, he asks where HIS MOM is:
The 'Woke' Biden administration has created the border crisis:
Professor Hanson is interviewed by former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia on the current crisis in the United States:
The term "Easter Eggs" is now being 'cancelled'
Peter Pan and Dumbo the Elephant are being "Cancelled" by Disney "Woke" mob
Now it's "Chestfeeding" not "Breastfeeding"
It's "Pregnant Bodies" not "Pregnant Women"
Each week we see new assaults on Common Sense and Personal Choice:
What is the New ‘Woke’ Military Really Preparing Us
Russian vs. China vs. American
army recruiting videos:
a U.S. Army medic in the early 1970s, my father worked with wounded veterans
who were suffering from what we would now call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
At the time, so my dad told me, many of these PTSD victims were heavily
medicated, their rational and physical capacities greatly impaired. The result
was both depressing and comical. My father recounted to me stories of trying to
play basketball with these wounded warriors, passing the ball to vets so
drugged up that it would slam into their faces to little effect. On other
occasions, the men would sit in a circle to talk about their feelings.
Battle-hardened vets would announce, slowly and articulately, with smiles on
their faces, “I feel like shit.”
anecdotes recently came to mind when reading James Hasson’s Stand Down: How
Social Justice Warriors are Sabotaging America’s Military. As Hasson’s account
make startling clear, progressive activists, especially during the Obama
administration, have sought to radically remake the U.S. armed forces, “even
over the explicit objections of the most seasoned military leaders.” And as I
learned from my father, the United States military has been the object of
social experimentation for generations. All the same, as with most progressive
projects, data suggests that whenever social engineers are given a long leash,
they’ll pull as far as they can. That’s all the more reason to express concern
and outrage over Hasson’s reporting.
organization, be it a corporation, publication, or even a sports team, needs a
clear, easily perceptible mission statement. The United States military, since
the founding of our nation, has had a pretty obvious one. Its objective, as
Hasson notes, is to be prepared for wars, and when necessary to win them. As my
World War II veteran grandfather liked to jokingly observe, the military during
America’s more isolationist days was once subject to the Department of War. As
Washington has become embroiled in decades-long conflicts far from home, it was
renamed, in an Orwellian twist, the Department of Defense. Yet however we term
it, the military is charged with maximizing combat readiness for future
Hasson explains, social experimentation is directly undermining this readiness.
This comes at a time when the military is already understaffed and
overstretched, with fewer squadrons and active soldiers than defense
experts—both inside and outside the government—recommend. The fitness of Navy
ships and Navy readiness are also on the decline, as evidenced by the 2017
collision off the coast of Japan between a U.S. destroyer and a container ship.
Presidents have deployed the military for all manner of objectives, which can
only with great imagination be justified as defending national security, such
as the 2012 hunt for Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony in the jungles of Uganda.
is at his best when decrying the inanity of social justice initiatives imposed
upon the armed forces. Our military academies, like secular academia
writ-large, offer courses that attack America’s history and identity as
backwards and corrupt, while promoting identity politics, the transgender
agenda, and anti-religious sentiments. It fosters living arrangements that put
people of all sexes and sexual identities together, a recipe for trouble.
Hasson rightly argues:
credo of intersectionality is entirely incompatible with traditional military
culture, with its hierarchy of command, its focus on duties rather than rights,
and its emphasis on the merit, disciplined conduct, and professional competence
of its members rather than their assumed victimhood.
military cannot afford to be a “safe space,” because it will never execute its
mission in safe spaces. It cannot endure complaints about micro-aggressions,
because the very nature of combat necessitates enduring acts of aggression. It
cannot cater to all the unique variations of individual soldiers, because it
is, in Hasson’s words, a “great equalizer” of men and women, regardless of
race, ethnicity, sex, or economic status.
military now accepts transgender soldiers and even allows soldiers to “change”
genders while in military service; it pays the bill for these treatments and
accepts that those who undergo them will be unavailable for months. Not to
mention that those who identify as transgender have much higher rates of
psychological problems, including depression and suicide, than others. What is
the military supposed to do when soldiers have these issues while deployed to
places where they are consistently in combat? “These intensive medical
procedures are simply incompatible with wartime service,” says Hasson.
Unsurprisingly, a 2016 Military Times poll found that only 12 percent of
active-duty troops thought the new Obama administration’s policy would improve
from this, according to Hasson’s documentation, there is also the lowering of
standards in U.S. Army Ranger school, one of the most elite programs in the
entire military. This allowed underperforming women to graduate. Women have
also been allowed into combat units, despite mounting evidence compiled by the
Marine Corps that co-ed units perform less well than their all-male
counterparts. The harsh reality that men and women are physiologically
different must be ignored to meet the demands of identity politics.
Hasson is at his worst when censuring the Obama administration and other
liberals and Democrats for not listening to the military’s advice. The real
problem is that the armed forces have the same negative tendencies as other
parts of the federal government. The military will always ask for more money and
resources. It will always want to show off its prowess and capabilities, even
if their execution has little connection to its mission and may actually
undermine American security. It will always be susceptible to groupthink and
inertia over against innovation. Students of U.S. military history will
remember that Lincoln, a civilian, clashed with numerous incompetent generals
until he finally found one whose winning strategy aligned with his own. Often
one needs to get outside the system—and certainly one as large as the
military—to understand and effectively change it.
weakness aside, Hasson’s book has raised the alarm regarding this crisis, one
that is slated only to get worse. Terrifyingly, 71 percent of Millennials are
not even eligible for the military because they are obese, have criminal
records, or lack high school diplomas or GEDs. The military is already granting
waivers to many applicants to make up for their shortfalls. Meanwhile, our
soldiers are being told that evangelical Christianity and Catholicism are forms
of “religious extremism.” There needs to be a course correction, and it needs
to happen soon, lest we find out, the hard way, that we are sorely unprepared
for conflict.
Source: Casey
Chalk covers religion and other issues for The American Conservative and is a
senior writer for Crisis Magazine. He has degrees in history and teaching from
the University of Virginia, and a masters in theology from Christendom College.
US Army now giving 'green light' to trans-genderism. Here's what happened to one former Army Special Forces male who decided to go transgender and enter an all-women's sport:
The Conservative Clergy of Color, a group of Black
ministers and pastors, announced Monday it published a full-page ad in the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution to address the “lies” being told by President Joe
Biden and Stacey Abrams (D) about the Georgia Election Integrity Act of 2021.
The advertisement, which
features a photo of both of the prominent Democrats, specifically calls out
Biden and Abrams for their messaging about the new law, describing their agenda
as “devastating” to minority-owned small businesses in Atlanta, amid Major
League Baseball’s decision to pull out of the city due to Georgia Gov. Brian
Kemp’s signing the election integrity bill into law.
“Biden and Abrams keep saying
the Election Integrity Act is worse than Jim Crow, which is an insult to the
millions of Black Americans,” Bishop Aubrey Shines, founder of Glory to God
Ministries and a founding member of Conservative Clergy of Color, said.
“The truth is that this law
actually expands access to the ballot box, while also taking common-sense steps
to protect the sanctity of every legal vote,” Shines added. “We believe that it
should be easy to vote and hard to cheat and the Georgia Integrity Act makes
that possible for all voters.”
The advertisement features
two columns, one of “lies” and one of “truth,” with the truth column dispelling
Biden and Abrams’ claims:
• LIE: The new law restricts early voting. TRUTH: The law
expands early voting hours and additional weekend voting opportunities,
including Sundays.
• LIE: Voter ID requirements are racially discriminatory.
TRUTH: IDs are necessary for numerous everyday activities, and the law even
lets voters use documents like utility bills instead of state-issued IDs.
• LIE: Restrictions on distributing food and water to voters
are intended to make voting more uncomfortable for minority voters. TRUTH: The
law only prohibits using free food and beverages as a form of electioneering.
• LIE: The new law eliminates absentee ballot drop boxes.
TRUTH: Drop boxes never existed before the pandemic. The new law creates rules
to keep them—and the ballots inside—secure.
• LIE: The new law allows “takeovers” of local election
administration. TRUTH: The law protects voters when local officials fail to
prevent excessive lines or struggle to process absentee ballots.
“There’s nothing ‘racist’
about the Election Integrity Act, and it’s certainly not ‘Jim Crow 2.0,'” the
ad stated. “Your lies are now devastating minority small businesses in Atlanta
following the MLB’s decision to move its All-Star Game to Denver, resulting in
a loss of $100 million in business. Enough is enough.”
“Easy to vote. Hard to
cheat,” the ad read boldly along the bottom.
“As our ad points out, the
lies that Biden and Abrams are telling about this law aren’t just another example
of political theater,” said Shines. “Like elections, lies have consequences.”
“The MLB’s decision to
relocate the All-Star Game in response to the left’s irresponsible and baseless
assertions will deprive hard working Georgians – including countless Black-owned
businesses and their employees – of a much-needed economic boost that would
have helped them recover from the pandemic-induced economic downturn,” Shines
Biden’s Bombastic Rhetoric Dishonors Victims of Civil
Rights Struggle
Joe Biden stated:
'Parts of our country are backsliding [to] the days of Jim Crow ... when black
people were made to guess how many beans---how many jelly beans in a jar...'
By Assistant
Editor Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing
editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center
for Policy Research. Bucknell University’s Michael Malarkey contributed research
to this opinion piece.
April 17, 202
(Deroy Murdock,
Headline USA)
In his latest bid
to unite America, President Joe Biden has called Georgia’s new
election-integrity law “Jim Crow for the 21st Century” and “Jim Crow on
“Parts of our country
are backsliding,” Biden moaned Wednesday. “The days of Jim Crow, passing laws
that hearken back to the era of poll taxes, when black people were made to
guess how many beans—how many jelly beans in a jar—or count the number of
bubbles in a bar of soap before they could cast their ballot.”
Biden said this
via satellite to the National Action Network. Its founder, Al Sharpton, is a
museum-quality racial arsonist who has called Jews “diamond merchants.”
anti-Semitic slurs may even be to blame for a 1995 massacre. He referred to
Harlem store owner Fred Harari, who is Jewish, as a “white interloper.” That
may have inspired Roland Smith, a crazed protester, to shoot up and ignite
Freddie’s Fashion Mart. The ensuing inferno killed seven. Smith fatally shot
Rather than bring
Americans together, Biden’s inflammatory rhetoric pits citizens against each
other. His needlessly incendiary language is like complaining that a
supermarket that lacks kosher food hearkens back to Kristallnacht.
While Biden
bashes the Peach State’s new statute, why didn’t he help loosen Delaware’s much
tighter vote rules?
• Days of in-person early voting? Georgia:
17. Delaware: Zero
• Ballot drop boxes? Georgia: at least 159
(no fewer than one per county). Delaware: Zero
• No-excuse absentee ballots? Georgia: Yes.
Delaware: No.
• Voter ID required? Georgia: Yes.
Delaware: Yes.
Biden also
trivializes the pain of Jim Crow’s genuine victims while diluting the cruelty
of these mandates and their 76-year-long, “separate-but-equal” reign of terror.
“This makes Jim
Crow look like Jim Eagle,” Biden told journalists at his March 25 press
conference. “I mean, this is gigantic what they’re trying to do, and it cannot
be sustained.”
Male bald eagles
typically weigh 10 times as much as an average one-pound crow. Does Biden truly
believe that Georgia’s “Jim Eagle” law is 10 times worse than Jim Crow’s
multifaceted, anti-black voter suppression?
Poll taxes once
made voting too expensive for poor citizens, many black. Georgia’s new law
imposed no poll tax.
Before 1965,
Alabama’s literacy test asked prospective voters 68 questions, including: “If a
state is a party to a case, the Constitution provides that original
jurisdiction shall be in ________.”
By refusing to
hear Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s anti-vote-fraud case last December and
citing a lack of standing as its justification, today’s Supreme Court forgot
that it should be the correct answer.
Also, “The
Constitution limits the size of the District of Columbia to ________.”
Answer: 10 square
Despite the
urgent, nationwide need for improved civics education, today’s Georgia kept
literacy tests buried.
Michigan’s Jim
Crow Museum observes that in many a lynching, “The victim was an example of
what happened to a black man who tried to vote.”
Yet, Georgia did
not reinstate lynching.
Northern Freedom
Riders headed South to register black voters in 1961. They endured beatings and
fire-bombings. Georgia has resurrected neither.
FBI missing
poster for Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner Three young Congress of Racial Equality
activists named James Chaney (a black man), Andrew Goodman and Mickey Schwerner
(both white) registered black Mississippians in June 1964.
On Goodman’s
first evening on duty, local Klansmen murdered them and hid their bodies in an
earthen dam.
investigators found the bodies of black Freedom Summer college students Henry
Dee and Charles Moore, a cadaver in a CORE T-shirt, and five other corpses.
That was Jim
Crow, not merely requiring voters—black and otherwise—to show ID, as do 36
states (including Biden’s blessed Delaware). Blacks routinely present ID at
airports, banks, libraries, hotels and millions of other venues daily.
For Biden to
compare Georgia’s vote-expansion bill with the Jim Crow that slaughtered
Chaney, Goodman, Schwerner, Dee and Moore is morally grotesque, über-divisive,
and a profound insult to those who were killed while crushing Jim Crow and
securing black voting rights.
And, remember:
The Jim Crow laws were passed, signed and brutally enforced by Democrats, not
Perhaps that’s
why Biden cannot shut up about Jim Crow. Those racist rules were his party’s
The Golf Course goes "Woke"
WOKE Marching
Through The Institutions
(From the Movie To Kill a Mockingbird, by Getty Images):
"To Kill a Mockingbird" Discussed by Dr. Elwood Watson
This is a lecture on the 50th anniversary of To
Kill a Mockingbird presented by Elwood Watson, a professor at ETSU, at the
Johnson City Public Library ETSU Online Programs.
AT BAYLOR UNIVERSITY.....................
‘Equity’ Is Not
‘Equality,’ Comrade
Old Dominion University recently hosted the author of the 1619 Project which is filled with false history. It now plans to host a program on "Decolonization" which is a part of Critical Race Theory nonsense.
President Tim Sands of Virginia Tech agrees with newest "Woke" agenda: an anti-Israel movement called BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions), by not pushing back on resolutions passed by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate, which has caused so much up roar, that he has had to make a statement that, in effect, supports the anti-semitic resolution instead of standing up for what is right.
BDS is an anti-Israel and extremist group that seeks to undermine the Jewish state of Israel.
In a new move to pander to the extreme left, VA Tech now has the "first living-learning community for LGBTQ+ studies" called "Lavender House." Again, forgetting what the Bible says, this college just does it's own thing.
How BDS works to undermine democracy on a college campus:
Teachers told by School District to create Fake Curriculum online to send parents.
California college professor slammed for not knowing the origin of the police in the United States. She believes that the police were started to "capture runaway slaves during the Civil War."
Antifa is coming to a school near you in California:
How can you link White Supremacy with Classroom behavior?
But not every student is falling for the WOKE culture:
"Decolonization" coming to colleges
Critical Race Theory at West Point, and then we had this, a cadet who supports Communism and ANTIFA:
American Medical Association is "cancelled"
BLM continues to riot as does ANTIFA in Portland, Oregon
Race and Culture writer Rav Arora
says the US is experiencing a form of "racial hallucination" where
the "racial composition of shootings now dictates the level of media
attention" given to the cases. Mr Arora said there was "no evidence
of any racist motivation or anti-Asian bigotry" in a recent Atlanta
shooting perpetrated against a number of Asian-American women. "The
evidence so far shows this man was a kind of religious fundamentalist. He had a
sex addiction and he went to these massage parlours to get these illegal sexual
activities," he said. "He tried to basically kill these women to try
and get rid of his sex addiction... but the narrative is completely different.
"So there is no evidence of racist motivation, but you have to understand
the ideology that's at play here which is essentially critical race theory; the
idea of reducing people to a racial essence. "So, all that matters is a
white shooter who killed six Asian women - so that disparity in race, must mean
racism was the driving factor when, in fact, it wasn't. But this is the kind of
filter applied to these cases and it completely distorts the evidence of the
Here's the report:
Christian baker again under attack for not bowing to Biden's transgender policies:
The WOKE now want to CANCEL the term "ANGLO-SAXON"
Here's one U.S. athlete who doesn't love her country. She has bought into the "systemic racism" lie of the BLM.
Why support her?
After qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics by finishing third in the
US Olympic track and field trials on Saturday, hammer thrower Gwen Berry
faced away from the American flag during the playing of the National
Most people would predict tears of excitement after achieving such
a milestone, but Berry went in a different direction.
Berry turned toward the spectators as the National Anthem played
and, towards the ending, pulled up a black t-shirt with the words “Activist
Athlete” on the front to cover her head.
Rep. Mike Loychik wrote in response to Berry turning away, “If you won’t stand proudly for the anthem, you don’t deserve
to stand for Team USA. Gwen Berry should be BANNED from the Olympics!”
This wasn't her first time to protest:
Berry caused a stir in 2019
when she lifted her fist in the air while standing on the podium at the Pan-Am
Games. The US Olympic and Paralympic Committee issued a formal reprimand and a
12-month suspension as a result of the action.
US Olympic fencer and bronze medalist wears X-symbol
available on Olympic podium:
Imboden and his teammates received the
bronze medal match within the males’s foil group occasion in opposition to
Japan with a complete rating of 45 to 31, with Imboden defeating Kyosuke
Matsuyama 10 to 7.
“The X is a logo of solidarity. A
number of the athletes communicated and determined upon this image to indicate
solidarity for one another and help the oppressed,” Imboden tweeted on
“For me I personally wore the image as
an indication in opposition to rule 50. In help of athletes of colour, Ending
Gun violence, and all of the athletes who want to use their voice on the
platform they’ve earned,” Imboden added.
The Rule 50 ban,
which prevents athletes from protesting or demonstrating on the Tokyo 2020
Olympics, was upheld by the Worldwide Olympic Committee (IOC) forward of this
summer season’s Video games.
In July, the IOC revised the rule by
passing Rule 50.2, which allows athletes to specific their views in blended
zones, press conferences, throughout interviews and several other different
areas. Nevertheless, athletes are nonetheless not allowed to protest whereas on
the rostrum.
In line with IOC
tips, sanctions for athletes who violate Rule 50 are dealt with on a
case-by-case foundation “to make sure due course of and the proportionality of
“I additionally want to draw
consideration to the hypocrisy of the IOC, and the entire organizations who
revenue so immensely off the athletes and have but to listen to their name for
change,” added Imboden in his tweet.
“We attempt to respect the views of
all of the athletes; we have given them extra alternative to specific
themselves … We have created potentialities earlier than the game begins to
make protests,” mentioned IOC spokesman Mark Adams earlier this week.
Imboden beforehand demonstrated on the
2019 Pan American Video games in Lima, Peru, when he took the knee whereas the
nationwide anthem performed, later tweeting that he felt that the
“shortcomings” of the US — racism, the necessity for gun management, the
mistreatment of immigrants, and “a President who spreads hate” — dimmed the
satisfaction he felt successful gold and bronze medals as a member of the US
Imboden is
certainly one of a number of athletes who’ve made demonstrations at Tokyo 2020.
US hammer thrower Gwen Berry raised a clenched fist as she was launched into
the stadium on Tuesday, later explaining she was protesting social and racial
US shot-putter Raven Saunders was the
primary athlete to protest, crossing her arms into an X-shape whereas on the
rostrum after she received silver on the ladies’s shot placed on Sunday.
Nevertheless, the
IOC mentioned on Wednesday its investigation into Saunders’ motion is
“absolutely suspended in the intervening time,” after the information of her
mom’s loss of life in a single day.
Well said...........
Olympian Lolo
Jones said many Americans don't want to see US athletes using their platforms
for their social justice activism. Some athletes have decided to use their
platform to advocate for their own causes The US soccer teams takes the knee in
support of the Black Lives Matter movement while hammer thrower Gwen Berry
turned her back on the US national anthem during last month's Olympic trials.
"I think sometimes people just want to tune in to watch sports, to just
watch sports, and they're not there for the political side of it,"Ms Jones
told Fox News. "But then on the athlete’s side, the athletes are like,
‘this is the biggest platform I've ever had and I want to speak my
causes.’" The Olympics Opening Ceremony in Tokyo drew the lowest ratings in
33 years with just 16.7 million viewers in America, which constitutes a 37 per
cent drop from the 2016 ceremony.
I agree....I don't want to watch Olympic athletes who 'take the knee' and promote other Marxist agendas:
America's great ideals no longer represented
in the Olympics
Jul 20, 2021
Social justice is killing sports. A case in point is the Olympics,
where minorities have dominated the games, acted as ambassadors of the United
States and proudly competed for the best nation in the world as far back as
1936, when Jesse Owens single-handedly defeated Hitler.
Now we are faced with young social activists who care nothing
about their freedom but use the Olympics as a platform for objecting to the
country they are supposed to represent. If you asked one of them which country
they would rather represent, they would have no answer — the USA is the best
nation in the world for all of the freedoms that we honor and believe in.
The protesting U.S. competitors, being so disrespectful of our
country, should move elsewhere to a place that they can comfortably represent.
The problem is that no such other country exists. I cannot watch these fake
Americans perform on the world stage and show their misguided contempt for the
greatest nation in the free world.
I will wait until love for America returns to our Olympians before
I watch another Olympics. God bless the USA and God help those who use their
American freedom to disrespect our great nation.
Baton Rouge
(FROM: Letters to the Editor, “The Advocate” newspaper, Baton
What happened to U.S. athlete
Simone Biles?
These lads from Great Britain, who (along with their parents) obviously love their country, their flag, their national anthem:
It was one of the most emotional scenes for Team GB (Great Britain) at the games:
Tom Daley (left) and Matty
Lee celebrate winning gold in the men's synchronised 10m platform final at
Tokyo 2020 today:
Wiping away tears while their national anthem is played:
The mother and father of
heroic Team GB diver Matty Lee have spoken of their immense pride this morning
after watching their lad scoop Olympic gold.
Helen and Tim Lee celebrate their son Matty's Olympic success:
Tom Pidcock of Team GB poses
with his gold medal after the men's cross-country race on day three of the
Olympics today:
David Daley and his wife
Rosemary celebrate their grandson Tom's gold medal success in Tokyo today:
Gold medalist Adam Peaty of
Great Britain during the medals ceremony of the 100m breaststroke final on day
three today:
Bowen Becker, Blake Pieroni,
Caeleb Dressel and Zach Apple won gold in the 4x100-meter relay in Tokyo on
In an interview after his podium appearance, Chalmers had this to say, among other things.....
"I did everything I could, to do
it for my country,"
he said.
If only we had more athletes who would forget the Marxist BLM, taking a knee antics, and say that about our country.
Team GB star Adam Peaty insists
'money doesn't buy happiness' as he hits back at critics of his decision to
take a break from swimming to protect his mental health ahead of 'war of
attrition' leading up to Paris Olympics in 2024
Team GB star Adam Peaty insists
'money doesn't buy happiness' as he hits back at critics of his decision to
take a break from swimming to protect his mental health ahead of 'war of
attrition' leading up to Paris Olympics in 2024
Adam Peaty has defended his decision to
take a break from the swimming pool
The 26-year-old insisted pressures facing
those at the top of sport are unique
He revealed he will protect his mental
health by skipping upcoming events
Peaty described next three years leading up
to Paris 2024 as a 'war of attrition'
Find out the latest Tokyo Olympic news
including schedule, medal table and results right here
By David Charlesworth, Press
Association Sport
Published: 04:21 EDT, 2
August 2021
British swimmer Adam Peaty
has been dismayed by some of the reaction to his announcement that he is set to
spend a month away from the pool in order to prioritise his mental health.
Peaty won two golds and a
silver at Tokyo 2020, including retaining his men's 100 metres breaststroke
title, as Team GB claimed a record eight swimming medals, eclipsing their
previous best of seven at the 1908 Games.
The 26-year-old from
Uttoxeter pointed out that the next three years leading into Paris 2024 will be
a 'war of attrition' with World and European Championships and the Commonwealth
Games all to come in 2022.
He therefore intends to skip
the International Swimming League, starting next month, in order to reset,
referencing the struggles of American gymnast Simone Biles and England
cricketer Ben Stokes as reasons to strike a balance.
However, he has been saddened
by some of the negative comments he has read in an article highlighting his decision,
insisting the burden he and his team-mates have carried over the last few
months is different to usual employment.
Peaty said on Twitter:
'Reading some of the comments in response to this is why we have such a stigma
around mental wellbeing in sport.
'It isn't a normal job. There
is a huge amount of pressure. Money does not buy happiness.
'I'm taking a break because
I've been going extremely hard for as long as I can remember. I've averaged two
weeks off a year for the last seven years.
'Unfortunately there are
people out there who think they know you more than you know yourself.'
Peaty bagged his second
successive men's 100m breaststroke title, adding gold in the mixed 4x100m
medley relay and silver in the men's equivalent in the final race of the
swimming programme in the Japanese capital on Sunday.
Asked afterwards how they
would unwind, James Guy joked 'a burger and some chips will do me' but Peaty
offered a more sobering reflection on how important time away from the
pressures of the sport is.
He said on Sunday: 'It's been
hard for everyone, for every sport out there, it's been very, very tiring.
'But I think (what's next is)
celebrating and having what my coach Mel Marshall and me call a forced rest,
where we're not allowed to touch the water for a month now.
'It's going to be a war of
attrition over the next three years, we have three major championships next
season, and you'll see people who are falling off, going all the way through
ISL and World Cups, by the time they get to Paris.
'You're seeing it in all
sports now. You're seeing it with Simone Biles, you're seeing it with Ben Stokes,
mental health matters. It is about getting the balance right at that elite
level. We love to celebrate, why shouldn't we?'
TOKYO, JAPAN - AUGUST 01: Isaiah Jewett of Team United States and
Nijel Amos of Team Botswana jog in together after falling during the Men's 800
Meters Seminal on day nine of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at Olympic Stadium
on August 01, 2021 in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Abbie Parr/Getty Images)
After disaster struck at the Tokyo Olympics in
the men’s 800 Meters, two runners that fell to the track consoled one another
in a touching display of sportsmanship.
During the final semifinal heat of the event,
Isaiah Jewett of the United States fell in the last 200 meters of the race,
after he was seemingly clipped from behind by Botswana’s Nijel Amos. He went to
the ground and took Amos with him. The fall effectively ended the race for both
men in devastating fashion.
However, Jewett and Amos showed an incredible
mutual respect for one another a few seconds after the crash. Once reality set
in, the two runners helped each other up and shared an embrace.
In an otherwise frustrating and upsetting
moment, Jewett and Amos showed a tremendous amount of mutual respect and
compassion for one another.
Unfortunately for both men, their time in the
800 meters at the Tokyo Olympics will now be over. Jewett finished second at
the U.S. Olympic Trials and figured to be a factor for a medal if he had made
the finals.
Although Amos appeared to be partially
responsible for his fall, the American expressed no hard feelings toward his
fellow competitor. After the race, he spoke with the media and explained that
no matter the outcome, he wanted to show respect to everyone.
“Regardless of how mad you are, you have to be
a hero at the end of the day,” Jewett said, per the Associated Press. “And that
was my version of trying to be a hero — standing up and showing good character
even if it’s my rival or whoever I’m racing or if anything happened.
“Because that’s what heroes do, they show
their humanity through who they are and show they’re good people.”
Jewett plans to file a protest but there’s no
guarantee that he’ll be successful. If not, his time competing at the Tokyo
Olympics will be over.
-Zack Koons, for The Spun, Aug 1, 2021
surfer jumping in to translate for the rival who’d just beaten him.
High-jumping friends agreeing to share a gold medal rather than move to a
tiebreaker. Two runners falling in a tangle of legs, then helping each other to
the finish line.
an extraordinary Olympic Games where mental health has been front and centre,
acts of kindness are everywhere. The world’s most competitive athletes have
been captured showing gentleness and warmth to one another — celebrating,
pep-talking, wiping away one another’s tears of disappointment.
Igarashi of Japan was disappointed when he lost to Brazilian Italo Ferreira in
their sport’s Olympic debut.
only did he blow his shot at gold on the beach he grew up surfing, he was also
being taunted online by racist Brazilian trolls.
Japanese-American surfer could have stewed in silence, but he instead deployed
his knowledge of Portuguese, helping to translate a press conference question
for Ferreira on the world stage.
crowd giggled hearing the cross-rival translation and an official thanked the
silver medalist for the assist.
thank you, Kanoa,” said a beaming Ferreira, who is learning English.
later, at the Olympic Stadium, Gianmarco Tamberi of Italy and Mutaz Barshim of
Qatar found themselves in a situation they’d talked about but never experienced
— they were tied.
high jumpers were perfect until the bar was set to the Olympic-record height of
2.39 meters (7 feet, 10 inches). Each missed three times.
could have gone to a jump-off, but instead decided to share the gold.
know for a fact that for the performance I did, I deserve that gold. He did the
same thing, so I know he deserved that gold,” Barshim said. “This is beyond
sport. This is the message we deliver to the young generation.”
they decided, Tamberi slapped Barshim’s hand and jumped into his arms.
with a friend is even more beautiful,” Tamberi said. “It was just magical.”
on the same track, runners Isaiah Jewett of the U.S. and Nijel Amos of Botswana
got tangled and fell during the 800-meter semifinals. Rather than get angry,
they helped each other to their feet, put their arms around each other and
finished together.
top athletes come to know each other personally from their time on the road,
which can feel long, concentrated, and intense — marked by career moments that
may be the best or worst of their lives.
feelings have often been amplified at the pandemic-delayed Tokyo Games, where
there is an unmistakable yearning for normalcy and, perhaps, a newfound
appreciation for seeing familiar faces.
designed to prevent the spread of Covid-19 have meant Olympians can’t mingle
the way they normally do.
a hard-fought, three-set victory in the beach volleyball round-robin final on
Saturday at Shiokaze Park, Brazilian Rebecca Cavalcanti playfully poured a
bottle of water on American Kelly Claes’ back as she did postgame interviews.
U.S. team had just defeated Brazil but the winners laughed it off, explaining
that they’re friends.
excited when quarantine’s done so we can sit at the same table and go to dinner
with them. But it’s kind of hard in a bubble because we have to be away,” said
Sarah Sponcil, Claes’ teammate.
fellow American Carissa Moore, the pandemic and its accompanying restrictions
brought her closer with the other surfers.
reigning world champion said she typically travels to surfing competitions with
her husband and father. But all fans were banned this year, and Moore admitted
she struggled without their reassuring presence in the initial days of the
had flown to Japan with the U.S. team 10 days before the first heat, and soon
adjusted to living in a home with the other surfers, including Caroline Marks,
whom Moore considered the woman to beat.
said she didn’t know Marks well before the Tokyo Games but on the night she was
crowned the winner and Marks came in fourth, her rival was the first to greet
the USA Surf team with me, it’s been such a beautiful experience to bond with
them,” Moore said. “I feel like I have a whole another family after the last
two weeks.”
the punishing women’s triathlon last week in Tokyo, Norwegian Lotte Miller, who
placed 24th, took a moment to give a pep talk to Belgium’s Claire Michel, who
was inconsolable and slumped on the ground, sobbing.
had come in last, 15 minutes behind winner Flora Duffy of Bermuda — but at
least she finished. Fifty-four athletes started the race but 20 were either
lapped or dropped out.
is Olympic spirit, and you’ve got it 100%,” Miller told Michel.
-AP/Tokyo, Aug 2, 2021
For me, one of the most unusual face masks worn by an Olympian:
Great moments
in Tokyo Olympics can inspire us, while in pandemic.
Concerning the teamwork, and sportsmanship at the Olympics,
the Bible has this to say:
Woke Flying: United Wants 50 Percent of its New Pilots
to be Women or “People of Color”
United Airlines announced its plan to have 50
percent of pilots trained in the next ten years to be women or “people of
“Our flight deck should reflect the diverse
group of people on board our planes every day. That’s why we plan for 50% of
the 5,000 pilots we train in the next decade to be women or people of color,”
the airline wrote on Twitter.
After many criticized the company on Twitter,
United then followed up, writing “All the highly qualified candidates we accept
into the Academy, regardless of race or sex, will have met or exceeded the
standards we set for admittance.”
The follow-up didn’t placate everyone,
including Dave Brooks, the former managing editor of The Daily Caller, who
questioned why United hadn’t achieved this goal already if they had qualified
candidates of color.
“So why haven’t you done this before now? If
you had qualified women and minorities, why didn’t you hire them? This implies
you’ve been discriminatory until now,” Brooks suggested.
Others questioned whether the airline would
refuse to hire qualified white men just to meet the self-imposed quota, while
some wondered if the diversity policy would apply to flight mechanics – who are
mostly men – and flight attendants – who are mostly women.
In a link to an application website for those
interested in becoming pilots, United writes, “Today, United has one of the
most diverse pilot populations of any U.S. carrier with nearly 20% of our pilot
group made up of women and people of color. We are working toward raising that
number even higher by partnering with diversity-led organizations and
continuing to remove gender and racial barriers. And we’re going one step
further with plans for 50% of United Aviate Academy students being women and
people of color to ensure our students reflect the diversity of the customers
and communities we serve.”
The company is partnering with JPMorgan Chase
to offer millions in financial aid to help people become pilots.
“Together United and JPMorgan Chase are
offering $2.4 million in financial aid to the best and brightest talent,
opening the door to a lucrative career for people who previously didn’t have
the opportunity to pursue one. We’re in the business of breaking down barriers
and we want the pilot population — some of the highest paying jobs in the
industry — to be open to a much more diverse pool of candidates,” the website
The Left is bringing WOKE WAR III to the Dinner Table:
Joe Biden is first president to deliver a National Day of Prayer proclamation, without mentioning the name "God."
Biden Becomes 1st President to Omit 'God'
National Day of Prayer Proclamation
Michael Foust | ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor | Thursday, May 6,
President Biden
on Wednesday issued a National Day of Prayer proclamation that touted the "power
of prayer" and invited Americans to "give thanks," although the
proclamation's absence of the word "God" sparked criticism and marked
the first time that's happened in modern history.
By a 1952 law, every U.S.
president must issue a proclamation designating a National Day of Prayer. This
year the day fell on May 6.
"Today, we remember and
celebrate the role that the healing balm of prayer can play in our lives and in
the life of our Nation," the proclamation reads. "As we continue to
confront the crises and challenges of our time – from a deadly pandemic, to the
loss of lives and livelihoods in its wake, to a reckoning on racial justice, to
the existential threat of climate change – Americans of faith can call upon the
power of prayer to provide hope and uplift us for the work ahead."
On the National Day of
Prayer, "we unite with purpose and resolve, and recommit ourselves to the
core freedoms that helped define and guide our Nation from its earliest
days," it reads.
"We celebrate our
incredible good fortune that, as Americans, we can exercise our convictions
freely – no matter our faith or beliefs," it reads. "Let us find in
our prayers, however they are delivered, the determination to overcome
adversity, rise above our differences, and come together as one Nation to meet
this moment in history."
The proclamation, though,
omits the word "God," making Biden the first president not to include
"God" in his proclamation in the modern history of National Day of
Prayer proclamations. The omission is ironic, because secular groups in recent
months have criticized Biden for discussing religion too much.
According to the text of
proclamations at UC Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project, every
proclamation since 1953 – the first year proclamations were required under law
– had included "God" until this year. Most proclamations mentioned
"God" multiple times.
David Brody, the chief
political analyst for CBN News, criticized the proclamation for what it didn't
"Joe Biden's National
Day of Prayer Proclamation has been released and it doesn't even mention God
once! How do you release a proclamation about prayer and not mention God at
all?" Brody wrote in a tweet.
Joe Biden’s National Day of
Prayer Proclamation has been released and it doesn’t even mention God once! How
do you release a proclamation about prayer and not mention God at all? Of
course it mentions climate change & racial justice. Truly, this is
pathetic...and not surprising! pic.twitter.com/czOQx3ioHj
— David Brody
(@DavidBrodyCBN) May 6, 2021
President Trump's 2018
proclamation mentioned
"God" multiple times, such as: "On this National Day of Prayer,
let us come together, all according to their faiths, to thank God for His many
blessings and ask for His continued guidance and strength."
President Obama's 2015
proclamation referenced God three
times, including in the following phrase: "Through prayer we find the
strength to do God's work." Obama's 2010 proclamation read, in part,
"On this day, let us give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed
upon our Nation."
President George W. Bush's
2003 proclamation read, "We come
together to thank God for our Nation's many blessings, to acknowledge our need
for His wisdom and grace, and to ask Him to continue to watch over our country
in the days ahead."
President Clinton's 1995
proclamation read, "Let us not
forget those painful lessons of our past, but continue to seek the guidance of
God in all the affairs of our Nation."
President George H.W.
Bush's 1991 proclamation read,
"As one Nation under God, we Americans are deeply mindful of both our
dependence on the Almighty and our obligations as a people He has richly
President Reagan's 1987
proclamation encouraged Americans to
"turn our faces and our hearts to God not only at moments of personal
danger and civil strife, but in the full flower of the liberty, peace, and
abundance that He has showered upon us."
President Carter's 1979
proclamation read, "We endure
and remain a land of hope because of the basic goodness and strength of our
people and because the God of us all has shown us His favor."
President Ford's 1976
proclamation, issued during the
nation's bicentennial celebration, read, "Let us also reflect on the
profound faith in God which inspired the founding fathers."
President Nixon's 1973
proclamation read, "America is a
nation under God."
President Johnson's 1967
proclamation read, "Let each of
us pray that God will endow us with the constancy to prevail in defense of
freedom, and with the courage and resolution to preserve and extend His
blessings of liberty."
President Kennedy's 1962 proclamation read, "May we especially ask God's
blessing upon our homes, that this integral unit of society may nurture our
youth and give to them the needed faith in God, in our Nation, and in their
President Eisenhower's
1959 proclamation read, "Let us
remember that our God is the God of all men, that only as all men are free can
liberty be secure for any, and that only as all prosper can any be content in
their good fortune."
President Truman's 1952
proclamation encouraged Americans to
"beseech God to grant us wisdom to know the course which we should
In 1952, Truman signed a bill
into law requiring presidents to issue a National Day of Prayer proclamation.
(Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and
news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity
Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chronicle, the Toronto Star and the
Knoxville News-Sentinel.)
National Day of Prayer: Joe Biden Mentions
‘Racial Justice,’ ‘Climate Change,’
but NOT God.
President Joe Biden issued a proclamation
for Thursday’s celebration of the National Day of Prayer in which he failed to
mention “God,” but said the day is one in which “Americans of faith can call
upon the power of prayer” as they confront “racial justice” and “the
existential threat of climate change.”
Biden said:
As we continue to confront
the crises and challenges of our time — from a deadly pandemic, to the loss of
lives and livelihoods in its wake, to a reckoning on racial justice, to the
existential threat of climate change — Americans of faith can call upon the
power of prayer to provide hope and uplift us for the work ahead.
The president quoted the
words of the late civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis:
As the late Congressman John
Lewis once said, “Nothing can stop the power of a committed and determined
people to make a difference in our society.
Why? Because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on
this planet.”
Biden said, continuing his
theme of social justice:
Throughout our history,
Americans of many religions and belief systems have turned to prayer for
strength, hope, and guidance. Prayer has
nourished countless souls and powered moral movements — including essential
fights against racial injustice, child labor, and infringement on the rights of
disabled Americans. Prayer is also a
daily practice for many, whether it is to ask for help or strength, or to give
thanks over blessings bestowed.
The president also stated:
The First Amendment to our
Constitution protects the rights of free speech and religious liberty,
including the right of all Americans to pray.
These freedoms have helped us to create and sustain a Nation of remarkable
religious vitality and diversity across the generations.
Biden admin signals they
support coercing doctors into performing abortions, gender transition surgeries
— even if doctors object. https://t.co/4tZBbqYll8
— CatholicVote.org
(@CatholicVote) March 2, 2021
However, as faith groups have
observed, the Biden-Harris administration supports American taxpayer funding of
abortions, both domestically and abroad, as well as forcing doctors to perform
abortions and gender transition surgeries, even above their objections.
A rising group of right-wing
U.S. Catholic bishops is colliding with a very Catholic president who supports
abortion rights. https://t.co/A351JzqRjB
— The Washington Post
(@washingtonpost) April 28, 2021
Biden’s supporters continue
to refer to him as a “devout Catholic” and even “very Catholic,” yet he
supports policies that are in opposition to the most sacred teachings of the
Catholic Church.
— CatholicVote.org
(@CatholicVote) May 5, 2021
The president continues to
say he is focused on unity:
On this National Day of
Prayer, we unite with purpose and resolve, and recommit ourselves to the core
freedoms that helped define and guide our Nation from its earliest days. We
celebrate our incredible good fortune that, as Americans, we can exercise our
convictions freely — no matter our faith or beliefs. Let us find in our prayers, however they are
delivered, the determination to overcome adversity, rise above our differences,
and come together as one Nation to meet this moment in history.
CatholicVote, however,
recently said Biden has taken a “partisan wrecking ball” to the issues that are
most important to Americans of faith, a view widely shared by others.
Included in President Biden’s
#NationalDayofPrayer proclamation?
* “diversity”
* “racial injustice”
* “climate change”
* a quote by Rep. John Lewis
NOT included?
* Jesus
* God
* Christianity
— Rachel Semmel
(@rachelsemmel) May 5, 2021
“Devout Catholic” Joe Biden
left out “God” in his National Day of Prayer this week.
In contrast, President Trump
mentioned God in every one of his National Day of Prayer proclamations.
In his 2020 proclamation,
Trump mentioned “God” 11 times.
Joe Biden appeased his
Marxist base and left out “God.”
“Throughout our history,
Americans of many religions and belief systems have turned to prayer for
strength, hope and guidance,” Biden’s proclamation reads. “Prayer has nourished
countless souls and powered moral movements – including essential fights
against racial injustice, child labor and infringement on the rights of
disabled Americans. Prayer is also a daily practice for many, whether it is to
ask for help or strength, or to give thanks over blessings bestowed.”
Last month ‘devout Catholic’
Joe Biden did not mention Jesus Christ at all in his ‘Easter’ message to
But he mentioned Coronavirus
7 times.
Very telling.
Rev. Franklin Graham had this to say:
Before the 2020 Election,
why did Joe Biden meet
with a racist anti-Semite in Kenosha?
-Karen Townsend, Sep 04, 2020
Joe Biden and his campaign
seem to have a problem with calling out anti-Semites. Yesterday in Kenosha,
Wisconsin, Biden met with the family of Jacob Blake, Jr. There is only one
response to that action that anyone should have – why did he do that?
Jacob Blake, Sr., father of
the man shot by Kenosha police as he tried to flee from them, has been revealed
as racist and anti-Semitic through social media postings. In 2020, if everyone
is to be canceled over past social media posts, shouldn’t people be somewhat
curious about this man’s thoughts as the media and Democrats turn his son into
a victim of police abuse? Biden took a knee to the Blake family to appease Black
Lives Matter and shore up points with black voters.
The media and anti-police
Democrats began making the case for Jacob Blake, Jr. – he’s an innocent victim
of police violence against black men – as soon as the shooting happened. Then
some truths started coming out of his criminal history and abusive history
against women, including the woman he digitally raped just before police tried
to arrest him after he violated a restraining order. And, Blake, Jr. had three
of his six kids in his vehicle as he attempted to flee police. All of this is
to say the 29-year-old man isn’t a law-abiding citizen randomly attacked by the
At first, the parent that
came to the forefront was Jacob Jr.’s mother. She seemed reasonable and calm.
President Trump reached out to her by phone but she missed his call. She said
afterward that she was sorry to miss it and would like to talk to him. She
expressed her respect for the office. Democrats are desperate for President
Trump to be blamed for the violence in the streets so by the time the March on
Washington 2020 happened, the rest of the family came forward and let it rip.
They are anti-Trump, anti-conservatives, and prone to make racist statements.
Democrats were silent. The Blake family’s rhetoric has become more harsh and
vocal with each day’s passing.
This week when President
Trump went to Kenosha, he didn’t meet with the Blake family. Instead, he did
what he should have done – he met with local business people, and local
officials. He brought good news to the community – financial assistance and
support from his administration to help rebuild the city after the violent
riots and demonstrations. He met with law enforcement to thank them for their
When Joe Biden went to
Kenosha, having been pressured to do so after Trump’s visit, he made a big deal
out of meeting with Blake’s family, as well as a conversation with the younger
Blake by phone. Jacob Blake, Jr. wasn’t killed by the police. He remains
hospitalized. Biden said he met with the family for about an hour. No one asked
him about the reports about Blake, Sr.’s history on social media. The offensive
posts cited aren’t from very long ago. They are from 2018 and 2019.
Jacob Blake Jr.’s uncle
Justin Blake (brother of Jacob, Sr.) told CNN that Blake’s family spoke to
Biden about “the desire for better policies regarding social justice in
America.” The family’s attorney released a statement after the visit. @AttorneyCrump’s statement on Vice President
Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden’s visit today with the family of #JacobBlake.
— Ben Crump Law, PLLC
(@BenCrumpLaw) September 3, 2020
The social media posts are
anti-Semitic and racist.
Those posts show anti-Semitic
comments (such as saying the Jews control the media), repeatedly refer to white
people as “crackers” and “pinks” or “pink toes,” trash the Christian church,
and refer to some women as “hoes.” In one post, he wrote, “Fresh out of
Facebook penitentiary I say f*** the white man.” In 2019, he captioned a
graphic that reads “white Jesus exposed as the biggest fraud unleashed on the
planet,” with the following: “Crackers have never told the truth diabolical
Liars.” The posts date to 2019 and 2018.
His posts often criticized
racial disparities in society and the mistreatment of Blacks, from slavery
onward, such as when he wrote, “Not one North American penny should be donated
to the rebuilding of Notre Dame until Flint’s water has been fixed.
In 2018, he shared a photo of
a boy peeing on a Donald Trump sign. Another post refers to “young Black
Blake,Sr. says it isn’t about
politics. Yet, he refers to Trump as the “orange cracker” on Facebook.
“I’m not getting into
politics. It’s all about my son, man. It has nothing to do with a photo op,”
Blake said to CNN. His Facebook page is another story; for years, he’s been
railing against Trump, referring to him as an “orange cracker.”
“I know some dumb crackers
but this orange cracker is the dumbest of them all,” Blake wrote.
Jacob Blake Jr.’s Facebook
page also contained this post but far fewer visible posts than his dad’s page.
None of this kind of
discourse seems to bother Team Biden. It is more important to pander for the
black vote. Earlier in the campaign, there was a kerfuffle caused by Linda
Sarsour’s endorsement of Biden. She is the anti-Semitic co-founder of the
Women’s March. Sansour is a follower of Farrakhan. She has since been kicked
out of the Women’s March leadership because she is too much even for them.
After Biden’s campaign distanced him from her endorsement (only after critics
spoke up about it) more confusion was created as the campaign backtracked on
the distancing.
But apparently, Biden’s team
balked and covered to the Farrakhan lobby, with the Middle East Eye reporting
that Ashley Allison, national coalitions director for the Biden campaign, told
a group of “activists” that she was “sorry” for the initial Sarsour statement
in an off-the-record call.
“Historically, Republicans
and Democrats have been quick to dismiss Muslim, Arab American, and especially
Palestinian American voices, and I want to reiterate on behalf of all of us our
support for your communities,” Biden foreign policy adviser Tony Blinken
reportedly said, promising that Biden’s administration would be “genuinely
But when pressed by CNN’s
Jake Tapper about the story, top Biden aide Symone Sanders said the campaign
“continue[s] to reject the views that Linda Sarsour has expressed.”
Huh? Sarsour’s endorsement
was denounced before it wasn’t denounced? Is anti-Semitism acceptable or not?
How many times have Democrats, Never Trumpers, and Biden himself painted Trump
as racist? They do it on a daily basis. Surely the Biden campaign should have
to answer for their pandering to anti-Semites and racists on their side of the
During today’s press
conference, not one journalist dared to ask such a question, though it was just
yesterday that the Biden campaign was boasting about Joey B’s compassion as he
gave the Blake family more than an hour of his time. I’ll not hold my breath
for any questions about the anti-Semitism problem his campaign has in future
press conferences.
Joe Biden's support of
Who needs a resume when we have quotas?
Time to pull back the curtain on the Theater of Woke
CNN executives caught and exposed in deceiving the American public prior to the 2020 Election:
Joe Biden Used a
Private Email Account to Send Hunter Government Documents. WHY?
By Matt Margolis, PJ Media, Jul
21, 2021
Hillary Clinton’s private
email server cast a dark shadow over her 2016 presidential campaign, as it
became clear she used the private server to thwart government transparency laws
and then went to great lengths to destroy evidence—even that which was under
It turns out she wasn’t the
only one using a private email.
According to emails found on
Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe Biden used a private email account to send his son
Hunter Biden information from the State Department, according to Just The News,
which has reviewed some of the emails.
While some of the emails were
personal in nature, “others were political in nature, and still others clearly
addressed business matters, often forwarding information coming from senior
officials in the White House, the State Department and other government
Hunter Biden was serving on
the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings while then-Vice
President Biden was the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine matters.
Joe Biden infamously bragged about his role in the firing of Ukraine prosecutor
Viktor Shokin back in 2016. Shokin was investigating corruption at Burisma
Holdings. Biden told Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko he would withhold a
$1 billion loan unless Poroshenko fired Shokin—an indisputable quid pro quo.
It is not yet clear if Biden
discussed Burisma or Ukraine matters with Hunter via this private account.
Related: The DOJ Is
Investigating Hunter Biden, But ‘The Big Guy’ Nominated TWO DOJ Lawyers With
Hunter Ties
Biden’s private email address
was confirmed by a former senior Obama administration official who told Just
The News that some administration officials knew of the private address and
that he used it from time to time. “I saw it used to communicate with his
family and friends or to pass information to them,” the official said.
Current Secretary of State
Tony Blinken was also aware of the private email account.
Like Hillary Clinton, Biden’s
use of a private email address raises questions about violations of federal
law, as any emails involving government business are meant to be preserved for
the federal record.
“The Presidential Records Act
required Joe Biden to make sure that any of his gmail account emails, including
these emails to Hunter Biden, were forwarded to a government account so they
could properly be handled by the National Archives,” Tom Fitton, president of
Judicial Watch, told Just The News. “No wonder the Obama White House wanted to
protect Hillary Clinton from the consequences of [her] email shell game!”
“We might know more beginning
next year, when Judicial Watch and the public can begin filing FOIAs for Obama
White House emails,” Fitton added.
(More information on how the 2020 Election was 'rigged' {yes, I said 'rigged'} can be found on "The Old South" webpage in the special 2020 insert, which includes the latest bombshell report that exposed the voter fraud in Georgia).
Here is the complete and concise report courtesy of
Sky News Australia:
The Land of Surveillance
-Cory Bernardi, Sky News Australia
The land of the free is fast becoming the land of the
surveillance state.
We know the big tech platforms censor, suppress or cancel
views and information they don’t want you to know or that they disagree with.
I’m not talking about the serious stuff like threats of
genocide against Jews by the nut known as Iran’s Supreme Leader. That’s
clearly OK in tech wokeville as they let him tweet to his black hearts content.
Of course it is appalling but at least the craziness is
displayed for all to see.
I’m actually more concerned about the coordinated decision
to suppress what they deem to be ‘misinformation’.
Misinformation isn’t false information, it’s not fake news –
it’s actually truth that others don’t want you to know.
That’s why corporate thugs like Facebook, hire the likes of
Peter Daszak to be their fact checkers on Coronavirus.
Now Daszac, as I have mentioned many times was directly
involved in the gain of function bat virus research at the Wuhan Lab…which we
have been told repeatedly wasn’t done (even though it was).
Daszac was even financed by Dr Fauci’s outfit, although
Fauci told the US Congress that wasn’t true (even though it was).
Both were not telling the truth. Some might say 'covering for
each other'.
Incredibly, one is still considered the pre-eminent ‘expert’
on Coronavirus and the other is still a ‘fact checker’.
It’s like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse when he
won’t allow anyone to suggest some chickens have been killed, while the fox
grows fatter and the chickens fewer.
The tech giants have been aided and abetted by the
Democrats, because they were targeting a common enemy – Donald Trump.
Now however, the Biden administration has its sights set
much wider than that.
The left leaning Democrat website Politico reported that:
Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National
Committee, are also planning to engage fact-checkers more aggressively and work
with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that is sent over
social media and text messages.
Let me state for the record, fact checkers are essentially
They are usually partisan hacks hired to spin information
whichever way their funders deem helpful.
Make no mistake, this is an outrageous move into private
messages and lawful discussions with others.
Remember, this is not targeted at terrorists, BLM rioters or
Antifa organisers, it is directed at ‘misinformation’ surrounding the
So if you have concerns about the experimental jabs the
authorities are pushing, perhaps because they have been linked to dangerous
blood clots, or heart inflammation or GBS – a serious condition where the
immune system attacks the nerves.
It's all true – and published on the Centre for Disease
control (CDC) website.
However, sharing that information is misinformation
according to the leftist authoritarianism in the Biden administration and that
is now justification enough for their ‘fact-checkers” to read and censor your
text messages.
The tyrannical left already have a lock over the Internet
and major social media platforms, now they are looking to control another
communications platform.
If this gets up in the United States, how long will it be
before they try it here?
We now in a country where 'mainstream media' is lying to the public.
The Bible says, "God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)
Critical Race Theory promotes racism
report says Britain
is 'a model to the world' on diversity:
Biden brings Woke to our military with transgender allowed, a "stand down" to ferret out 'non-Woke undesirables', and hire a "diversity chief".
Pentagon's diversity chief is
'reassigned' after he compared Donald Trump to Hitler on Facebook
- The Pentagon's pick for chief of
diversity and inclusion has been 'reassigned' while the DoD investigates
whether it's appropriate he stay in the role
- Richard Torres-Estrada previously
shared posts on social media that were anti-former President Donald Trump
- The biggest offender is a post
where he compared Trump, during last summer's infamous Bible photo-op, to
Adolf Hitler
- Fox News Channel and later
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirmed that Torres-Estrada was
'reassigned' pending an investigation
Biden tells U.S. troops in England one of the most outlandish and untrue statements ever uttered by a Commander-in-Chief
Mr. Biden: the biggest challenge to our troops IS NOT "Climate Change". Their job is to fight and protect American and it's people. This man has uttered one of the most ridiculous statements and proves to our troops his ignorance.
Knife-wielding suspect who attacks Capitol police is under-reported by media:
My Read grandparents in Oklahoma studied the Bible and
prayed daily. It is my prayer that we
return to the Bible and it's teaching, as we face each day with the courage
that only Jesus can provide. With the
pandemic; with the political and social turmoil in our country, in some
cases, deliberately created, as noted in the foreign correspondents reports
with updates/full discussion on "The Old South" webpage, we need to
be in prayer about all of these issues that face our country.
Our country is facing a multifaceted crisis involving a
rejection of morals and Christian virtues. Several people, in places of
leadership, are making statements, making decisions, and backing legislation
which are outright sinful and disruptive to our nation and American family
life. In addition, our culture, our history, and our schools are under attack
by those who do not value our American heritage. We need a return to honesty,
integrity and Christian values in public life; by politicians; in our
schools, and in our own private lives.
We need a spiritual revival in our country.
Gene Whitehurst, son of
former organist Gwen Whitehurst at South Norfolk Baptist Church for over 25
years, has written beautifully about the problem of children's transgender and
sexual orientation; how parents are viewing this situation; how they approach
raising their children. He has given
permission to republish it here. It is
well worth reading.
Male and Female He created
“Train up a child in the way
he should go…” (Prov 22:6)
Recently, I heard where a 5
year old boy thought that he was or was inclined to be a girl. And his mother was encouraging him to choose
for himself. I’ve talked to young boys who
at some time in their early youth identified himself to be an elf; later a
brontosaurus; later a ninja; still later an astronaut. Through these stages these boys would choose
outfits suitable to his childish ideas.
These young boys were raised in Christian homes and were trained in
Scriptural truths by his parents and church.
It does not take long for a boy to understand sexual differences and
accept his sex.
God has built into us certain
innate knowledge as to one’s sex.
Unfortunately such knowledge has been distorted and corrupted by a
people who increasingly exclude God and His Bible from our culture. To counter this corruption parents should
ensure that a child understands his/her sex.
Parents must be aware of the
pressures on a child by culture and to ‘train their children in the way that
they should go.’ A young child neither
has the capacity nor life experiences to decide to be the opposite sex or to
know what that means. This is especially
true if they are influenced by a culture that wants a child to decide for
themselves what sex they want to be. If
it is observed at birth that a newborn is a boy or girl, then this should
foster the appropriate teaching that that child should receive by the parents –
and every other responsible person in their life.
"Male and female HE
created them…” (Gen 5:2)
Females have two X
chromosomes in their cells, while males have an X and a Y chromosome in their
cells. Egg cells all contain an X chromosome, while sperm cells contain an X or
Y chromosome. God created man and woman
with this clear attribute. A person’s
sex is chosen by God. These chromosomes
are in the brain not in the sex organs!
God ordains one’s sex at conception, so one is either male or female at
conception. God decided which sex you
were to be. This is Scripture and this
is science.
Trying to psychologically or
surgically change one from one sex to the other is trying to reverse God’s
decision. Going against God’s decisions
has grave dangers. Stick with God’s
choice. Don’t monkey with God’s
Gene Whitehurst
Welcome To Your New World
Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution
As the nation continues to spiral under its 21st century
cultural revolution, here's a running list of the ongoing insanity. (From an article published in June 2020)
That Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan was full of untruthfulness. Here's another example:
The Woke Princess Markle again lecturing the world:
Prime is set to release a "Cinderella of our times" as a remake of
the classic casts Cinderella to "look more like and behave more like"
Meghan Markle, according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt. Mr Bolt spoke with
YouTuber and Commentator Daisy Cousens on "the many ways Cinderella now
resembles Meghan Markle".
showed it has its limits when it comes to its dedication to diversity and
inclusion when it failed to continue streaming a critically acclaimed and
popular documentary on the only black Supreme Court justice during Black
History Month.
Just in time for Black History Month,
the streaming service Amazon Prime Video has removed a PBS documentary about
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, whom I had the opportunity to meet many years before he became a Supreme Court Justice.
Amazon Prime Video’s parent company,
Amazon, Inc., is owned by Jeff Bezos who also owns the Washington Post,
one of the champions of free speech. At least, the paper used to be one.
But the Thomas documentary, “Created Equal:
Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” mysteriously disappeared from the company’s
New Film Exposes Joe Biden's Role in
the 'High-Tech Lynching' of Clarence Thomas
By Tyler O'Neil Jan 28, 2020
A new documentary about the life of Supreme Court Justice Clarence
Thomas highlights the latent racism in the Senate confirmation hearings led by
then-Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.). In the film, set for release on Friday, Thomas
recounts the horrifying accusations leveled by Anita Hill and Biden’s twisting
of Natural Law in an attempt to trip him up on abortion.
In the documentary, provided in an early screening to PJ Media,
Thomas exposes the racism of low political expectations.
“You have to believe in affirmative action because we think you
ought to believe in affirmative action. How is that different from slavery? How
is that different from segregation?” the justice says. “You can’t think those
thoughts!” While he is a black man, his race was seen as illegitimate because
he did not fit the stereotype of what a black man should think.
“I had been looking at the wrong people as the people who would be
problematic toward me,” he explains. “We were told that, oh it’s going to be
the bigot in the pick-up truck, it’s going to be the Klansman, it’s going to be
the rural sheriff. And I’m not saying that there weren’t some of those who were
bad, but it turned out that through all of that, ultimately the biggest
impediment was the modern-day liberal.”
Thomas grew up facing segregation. The deaths of Martin Luther
King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Bobby Kennedy hit him particularly hard. He had
joined the protests of the late 1960s. He bucked against the idea of people
forcing rules upon him. After graduating from law school at Yale, he faced the
bigotry of low expectations — people assumed he made it to Yale Law School due
to his race, and he found it hard to find a job. Only a Republican would hire
him, so he took the job.
He grew to realize that the Democrats’ approach to race was
mistaken and even offensive. “I was distressed by the Democratic Party’s promises
to legislate the problems of blacks out of existence.” He supported Ronald
Regan in 1980 because he wanted to get “government off the backs of the poor.”
Due to his conservative ideas, Thomas found himself dismissed as
not being “really black.”
“Any black misguided enough to accept a job in the Reagan
administration was automatically branded an Uncle Tom,” he explains.
While serving in the Reagan administration, Thomas delved deep
into the Constitution and the Natural Law philosophy behind it. He cites the
Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
“That’s Natural Law in a nutshell,” he explains. When America
allowed slavery and segregation, those evils stood condemned by Natural Law —
they conflicted with the nation’s ideals. The idea that all men are created
equal is a powerful rebuke to the racism in America’s past. Thomas embraced
Natural Law as the guiding principle of American law, the philosophy behind the
After serving in the Department of Education and the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) under Reagan until 1990, he joined the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Washington, D.C. Circuit that year. In July 1991,
President George H.W. Bush nominated him to replace Thurgood Marshall on the
Supreme Court.
This is where Joe Biden comes in. Biden took a leading role in the
orchestrated attempt to “Bork” Clarence Thomas. This should come as no surprise,
given Biden’s role in the political hit job on Robert Bork — a role he bragged
about last October.
The NAACP “said they were going to be non-committal and were not
going to oppose me. Well, shortly after that, they opposed me,” Thomas explains
in the film. Friends told him the AFL-CIO had sent a letter to the NAACP. “What
I was told was that they needed cover for the women’s groups to oppose me, so
they needed the NAACP out front.”
When Joe Biden, then chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee,
pressed Thomas on the issue of Natural Law, he was trying to get the Supreme
Court nominee to slip up on the issue of abortion.
In the film, the justice says Biden did not understand what he was
talking about.
“Natural Law was nothing more than a way of tricking me into
talking about abortion, since many Catholic moral philosophers saw the two
things as intimately related. But my view was different,” Thomas says. He
testified that he never even debated Roe v. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court case
legalizing abortion. Biden found this impossible to believe.
Yet the hearings got worse. Anita Hill, who had worked with Thomas
at the DOE and the EEOC, accused him of sexual harassment. She had done so in
testimony to the Senate during the confirmation. In the film, the Supreme Court
justice insists that the leaking of this testimony was a crime. “This was a
criminal act that did this.”
“I was shocked, surprised, hurt, and enormously saddened” by the
allegations, he says. “She never raised any hint that she was uncomfortable with
me.” When he heard more about the specific allegations, Thomas recalled
thinking, “Thank God! I know that never happened.”
The film shows his powerful testimony in 1991.
“Senator I would like to start by saying unequivocally,
uncategorically, that I deny each and every single allegation against me today
that suggested in any way that I had conversations of a sexual nature or about
pornographic material with Anita Hill, that I ever attempted to date her, that
I ever had any personal sexual interest in her, or that I in any way sexually
harassed her.”
“This is a circus, it’s a national disgrace. And from my
standpoint, as a black American as far as I’m concerned, it is a high-tech
lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do
for themselves, to have different ideas,” he declared. “And it is a message
that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You
will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate
rather than hung from a tree.”
“I have been harmed. I have been harmed. My family has been
harmed. I’ve been harmed worse than I’ve ever been harmed in my life. I wasn’t
harmed by the Klan. I wasn’t harmed by the Knights of Camelia. I wasn’t harmed
by the Aryan Race. I wasn’t harmed by a racist group. I was harmed by this
process — this process — which accommodated these attacks on me,” Thomas said.
“I’d rather die than withdraw from the process. Not for the purpose of serving
on the Supreme Court, but for the purpose of not being driven out of this
process. I will not be scared. I don’t like bullies. I’ve never run from
Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the Supreme Court by a 52-48 vote
in a Democrat-majority Senate, with 41 Republicans and 11 Democrats supporting
him. Biden voted against him.
Even so, liberals have engaged in racist attacks against the black
Supreme Court justice. The film concludes by showing political cartoons with
Clarence Thomas in a Ku Klux Klan hood and a news magazine headlined “Uncle
Thomas: Lawn Jockey for the Far Right.”
“If you criticize a black person who’s more liberal, you’re a
racist. Whereas if you can do whatever to me or to now Ben Carson, and that’s
fine because ‘You’re not really black because you’re not doing what we expect
black people to do,'” Thomas says.
“The framers understood Natural Law and natural rights a certain
way and it is an underpinning of the Declaration of Independence,” the Supreme
Court justice explains. Natural Law is not some dog-whistle that Joe Biden
should demonize — it is the centerpiece of America’s constitutional order.
The documentary notes Clarence Thomas’ many accomplishments,
including his 600 opinions — 30 percent more than every other sitting Supreme
Court justice. While the film is a fitting tribute to the justice, it also
draws attention to Joe Biden’s past — a past that should deeply concern
Americans today.
The explosive new film may also undermine Biden’s
support among black Americans — who tend to prefer him to the other 2020
And this is probably why Amazon pulled the documentary off their
"White Privilege: The New
Original Sin"
-Dr. Thomas Ascol
New York Post Opinion
Contributor Rav Arora says Robin DiAngelo claiming she had an ‘out of body
experience’ when she found out she was white shows a “religious fundamentalist,
kind of, bent of our new anti-racist movement”. “It is not just secular, it is
not just materialistic, it attempts to do something much more than that which
is to kind of fulfil a spiritual impulse,” Mr Arora told Sky News host Rita
Panahi. “And it does in a quite bizarre and embarrassing attempt at that." I
think this is where we’re running into the problem of politics and ideology,
trying to replace religion or spirituality in our society.
“The problem is the two just
cannot converge, you cannot have ideology replace the need for connection, for
unconditional love, or relationship with God, if you will, and this is just one
of the many problems that we have with our anti-racist discourse.”
Here is the story; notice how 'white privilege' undermines religion:
Joe Biden,
high priest of
the cult of Woke
-Peter Wood, Spectator, Australia
‘Do you think he died of dispossession?’ That’s the
facetious question the nameless hero of Ralph Ellison’s 1952 novel, Invisible
Man, asks the audience at a rally in New York City in the 1930s. He is a smart
and ambitious but naive young man who has fallen into the hands of a radical
faction — no doubt the American Communist party — who want to use him to stir
up black activism in Harlem. The audience warms to him as he admits his
incompetence and compares the microphone to the ‘steel skull of a man’. Echoing
his Marxist tutors, he asks, ‘Do you think he died of dispossession?’
I read the passage and think of the elusive charmer — ‘If
you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t
black’ — President Joe Biden. The poor man knows what a microphone is. He has
been speaking his odd, sometimes plagiarized, often jumbled stultiloquence into
microphones for over 50 years, since he was first elected to the New Castle
County Council in Delaware. Along the way he discovered the important truth
that the substance of what he said mattered far less than conveying a sense of
his amiability. His statements are often the verbal equivalent of those famous
shoulder rubs he gives, meant to impose familiarity on the recipient rather
than win her permission. His words, C’mon man, are phatic: aimed at connecting,
not at saying.
But like Ellison’s Invisible Man, Biden has the microphone
and the audience, and the audience replies, per Ellison, ‘We with you, Brother.
You pitch ’em we catch ’em!’
And Biden has been pitching ’em non-stop. Whoever has been
feeding him executive orders and dictating phrases into his earpiece has
realized that Biden has no filters at all. He isn’t the Invisible Man. He is
the Malleable Man. The best proof of that is his declaration: ‘I’m rescinding
the previous administration’s harmful ban on diversity and sensitivity training
and abolish [sic] the offensive, counterfactual 1776 commission. Unity and
healing must begin with understanding and truth, not ignorance and lies.’
We catch ’em, indeed. Biden in so many words just put his
office in support of critical race theory, that offshoot of Frankfurt School
Marxism. Joe Biden probably has little idea what that ‘theory’ is. He knows it
has something to do with ‘race’, and that’s enough. It would be a long day on a
Delaware beach before he could tell the difference between the Frankfurt School
from a Coney Island Footlong.
In a spirit of charity, I’ll offer some help. By the 1930s,
original Marxism was running out of steam. Stalin wasn’t helping the brand by
murdering millions of his countrymen. Some German thinkers — the Frankfurt
School of Marxists — came up with the idea that instead of fighting the evil
capitalists with rocks or guns, the communist revolutionaries should attack the
main ideas that made the liberal, bourgeois social order so popular. Liberalism
was already on the rocks in Germany, thanks to Hitler, so a fair number of
these Marxists immigrated to the United States. Their project was to convince
Americans that our sense of freedom and fairness was an illusion. Beneath the illusion
lay the real but invisible world of capitalist oppression. Liberal tolerance
was hiding this truth, and the task of the revolutionaries was to show us that,
rightly understood, we were all under the thumb of the oppressors.
Persuading people to feel oppressed when they are actually
free is a tall order, especially when the supposed oppressor remained
invisible. To make the Big O visible required creative techniques like staging
riots. That was what the communists hoped Ellison’s Invisible Man would help to
do. Riots bring police, and police beat people up, and presto, the oppression
becomes visible.
Still, the American Communist party made little headway in
efforts to persuade Americans that they were oppressed by the free market. But
Frankfurt School Marxism did stumble onto something useful. Substitute
something else for ‘capitalism’ and the idea that we are pushed around
willy-nilly by a great, pernicious but mostly invisible force attracted a lot
more believers. Some substituted ‘patriarchy’ for capitalism, and all at once a
movement arose that blamed systemic patriarchy as the great source of
oppression. Feminism, based on this principle, could indeed provide plenty of
instances of injustices toward women, but the theory of patriarchy as an abiding,
systemic premise of all civilization wasn’t open for debate or for the kind of
interrogation that a genuine social scientific hypothesis would be subject to.
It was (and is) treated as a transcendent insight, the denial of which merely
shows that the skeptic is still in the grips of the illusion.
Critical race theory is another branch of this tree, and it
works in an identical fashion. Its proponents simply assume that America is an
entirely racist country. Everything — economics, politics, popular culture,
family life, entertainment, organized religion, science, shopping, our very
language — is infected with ‘systemic racism’. We may not see it, but that’s
because we are wearing racist blinders. We may be disposed to doubt that this
insidious form of prejudice surrounds us like the air we breathe, but that’s
because systemic racism plants those doubts in our gullible heads.
All we can really do is turn to the enlightened few who will
lead us out of the dismal swamp of implicit racism into the sunlit uplands of
And there we will enjoy the company of our great
Anti-Racist-in-Chief, Joe Biden. But getting there won’t be easy. We will have
to study hard, and our government will have to spend billions of dollars
teaching us. And President Biden has just announced that he will do just that.
‘Rescinding the previous administration’s harmful ban on diversity and
sensitivity training’ means restoring critical race theory as mandatory
training for federal employees and federal contractors. And abolishing ‘the
offensive, counterfactual 1776 Commission’ means distancing the executive
branch of the US government from the American founding and the principles on
which our national unity has been based for the last 245 years. That’s a small
price to pay for the ‘unity and healing’ that ‘begin with understanding and
truth, not ignorance and lies’.
Don’t let those words slide by into Biden gabblebarf. He is
consigning the words of Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Washington, Franklin,
Hamilton and others to the category of ‘ignorance and lies’. Truth and understanding
apparently begin with Nikole Hannah-Jones, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Derrick Bell,
Ibram X. Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and the egregious 1619 Project.
I wouldn’t place any bets on Biden understanding or
intending any bit of this. That hardly matters, any more than it mattered
whether an Aztec priest wielding an obsidian blade believed that by ripping out
the beating heart of his victim he was helping Huītzilōpōchtli hold back the
powers of darkness. It was just his job, and the power of the regime depended on
it. President Biden is faced with a similar situation. Cutting out the heart of
the county is what we need to do at the moment. Otherwise Huītzilōpōchtli or
Trump or somebody will take his power away. He doesn’t want to die of
Joe Biden is a 'race-baiter' and lying to the American people; he is creating tension and division in our Country. Where is "Fact Check" when it comes to his lie about 'Jim Crow'?
Biden’s Toxic Identity Politics
(An article by George Neumayr written
before the 2020
Among Joe
Biden’s biggest cons is his claim that he seeks national unity. “I believe that we have to end the divisive partisan politics that
is ripping this country apart,” he says
piously, even as he practices the most cynical racial politics.
From the start, his campaign
has been drenched in lies about Trump’s supposed support for racism. Biden
launched his campaign with the race-baiting lie that Trump, after the riot in
Charlottesville, Virginia, had called white supremacists “very fine people.” That
has been debunked countless times. But Biden keeps repeating it,
with the media’s help, of course.
Biden once mused, “I was probably one of those phony liberals. The kind that
go out of their way to be nice to a minority … ”
Wallace, who knows perfectly well that Trump has condemned white supremacists,
did Biden’s bidding on Tuesday.
Instead of asking Biden why he keeps repeating the lie — Wallace could have
cited the Annenberg Public Policy Center’s debunking of Biden, “Biden’s comment that Trump has ‘yet once to condemn
supremacy’ is inaccurate” — he demanded from Trump a renunciation of
white supremacists Trump has already made multiple times.
If anyone is a racial
arsonist, it is Biden, who throws around charges of racism wildly. He called
Trump’s coronavirus-related travel ban “xenophobic.”
In 2012, he preposterously claimed
that Mitt Romney’s policies would put blacks “back in chains.” In a speech
earlier this year, he tarred Republicans as “Bull Connors”: “They wear nice
suits. They wield their power rolling back rights, punishing the poor, denying
access to health care and quality education, and turning away refugees and
asylum seekers.”
Biden proposes as a cure for
racism not a color-blind meritocracy but reverse
racism. He defended critical race
theory training on Tuesday night, despite its openly racist treatment of white
people. He and his running mate Kamala
Harris support the vengeance-filled demands of Black Lives Matter. And
Biden promises to turn personnel policy under his administration into a
race-based bonanza.
“Biden has taken the position
that he will not consider any candidate who is a man or woman who is white,
Asian, Hispanic, or other minority that is not black, no matter how qualified,”
writes Jonathan Turley, referring to Biden’s promise to place a black woman on
the Supreme Court.
Biden’s relentless identity
politics is a measure of his opportunism. He didn’t always practice it. In the
1990s, under Bill Clinton, as the Democrats tried to triangulate the
Republicans, Biden talked tough about crime in America’s ghettos, saying
Americans “are worried about being mugged on the
subway. Women are worried about being raped on the way to their automobiles
after work.… They worry that their government does not seem to be doing much
about it, and unfortunately they appear to be right.”
“One of my objectives, quite
frankly, is to lock Willie Horton up in jail,” he said in 1990. Imagine him
making such a remark today.
Biden once mused, “I was probably one of those phony liberals. The kind that go
out of their way to be nice to a minority … ” He still is a phony,
except now he displays his fraudulence through identity politics.
A pandering Biden as president is a
prospect that should give Americans pause. He will bring into his
administration the reverse racists of Black Lives Matter and reduce every
policy to a grievance test. Just look at his campaign website, which treats
almost every issue, from housing to the environment, as a pretext for
Obama and Biden had eight
years to close the racial divide. They pandered nonstop to Al Sharpton, who visited
the White House so many times he might as well have had his own office there.
But the racial divide only grew larger.
A Biden presidency promises
more of the same. In his quest to complete Obama’s “fundamental transformation”
of the country, Biden will not end race wars but ignite them. His path to the
presidency has been marked by the lowest and most vicious demagoguery. He seeks
to win not on unifying principles grounded in the Constitution but by
caricaturing Trump’s views as racist. As we saw on Tuesday night, he refuses to
debate matters on the merits.
Like Hillary Clinton, Biden
finds it easy to dismiss conservatives as “deplorables.” Speaking before a
group of LGBTQ activists in 2018, he said, “They, not
you, have an ally in the White House…. They’re a small percentage of the
American people — virulent people, some of them the dregs of society.”
The irony is that this toxic
identity politics is sure to catch up with him, even if he wins the presidency.
Don’t be surprised if he is hoist by his own petard, as the champions of Kamala
Harris put pressure on him to quit the presidency early and hand it off to her.
They will point out to him that as an old white male he can’t pass his own
racial tests and owes it to blacks to step aside.
“I am the
Democratic Party,” he declared on Tuesday
night. No, he is not, as Black Lives Matter will surely remind him if he wins.
Joe Biden
‘embraces anti-Semitic agenda’ revealing ‘hardcore leftist’ colors:
Americans shouldn't be surprised about Biden's anti-Jewish stand; we saw this during the election campaign:
How Joe Biden Should Implement Critical Race Theory in
the Defense Department
James S. Corum
28, 2021 (Photo, below, included by author of article):
President Joe Biden has already shown
that racial equity and Critical Race Theory will play a key role in the
ideology of his administration. Essentially, Critical Race Theory holds that
certain races have malign characteristics intrinsic to their skin color. Some
races use racial privilege and power to oppress other races.
This theory is not
new; indeed, it has been a major stream in Western thinking for over a century.
A version of Critical Race Theory was
implemented as the core ideology of the German State between 1933 and 1945. In
the German version of Critical Race Theory, it was the Jewish race that used
their power and privilege to oppress other races, and therefore needed to be
legally sanctioned. One can read the scholarship of the Third Reich’s leading
institute of racial science, Jena University’s Institute for Heredity and
Racial Policy (Institut für menschliche Erbkunde und Rassenpolitik) from the
1930s and simply exchange the term “Whites” in place of “Jews” — and it reads
awfully close to today’s official racial ideology.
As a military man and former Defense
Department civilian I am concerned how we implement Critical Race Theory in the
Defense Department. After all, the Defense Department is the one branch of the
government over which Joe Biden, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, has
complete control. Moreover, the problem of whiteness in the military has
already been brought to the forefront by Democratic Representative Steven
Cohen. (Democratic congressman Steve Cohen suggests National Guard members
might ‘want to do something’ to Joe Biden during his inauguration because ‘they
are mostly white Trump supporters’ | News Break)
The Department of Defense senior
leadership has already instituted training that highlights the problem of a
military in which over 50% of its members share the malign characteristics of
being both male and white. One might think that an official ideology that
declares an entire race to be malign and oppressive could not pass muster with
the clear language of the 14th Amendment and the 1964 Civil
Rights Act. However, we can be sure that any legal opposition to Critical Race
Theory will be swept aside by Chief Justice Roberts.
Indeed, the real problem in
implementing Critical Race Theory will be in its practical application. We can
look at the Third Reich experience with critical race theory. The Nuremberg
Laws enacted in September 1935 created legal sanctions against German Jews, who
then constituted less than 1% of the German population. The German State
believed that it would be easy to sanction and suppress a relatively small
group, but there were unanticipated realities. In the century since Jewish
emancipation, Jews had assimilated, become middle class, and intermarried
widely with Christian Germans. When the law required all Germans prove their
Aryan Germanic status, many more than 1% of Germans had enough Jewish ancestry
to face sanction under the Nuremberg Laws. These included many individuals very
useful to the German State, including distinguished soldiers, engineers,
doctors, and aircraft designers. There were also cases of devoted Nazi
Gauleiters, totally committed to the Party, who discovered that Grandma Schultz
had actually been born a Goldberg. Such people faced loss of party status, job,
and citizenship.
The head of state, Mr. Hitler,
instituted an imaginative program designed to retain the services of many
valuable and talented Germans with Jewish ancestry. Hitler intervened and
personally reviewed files of people legally declared Jewish and, in a few
thousand cases, pronounced that certain people –including many in the military
– were not Jewish but actually Aryan. Hitler issued certificates of
“Arianization” clearing people of their Jewish ancestry and thus entitled to
all rights and privileges of an Aryan German citizen. (Bryan Rigg, Hitler’s
Jewish Soldiers, Kansas 2002)
In combating whiteness in the U.S.
armed forces, the Biden administration can follow the 1930s German approach and
issue certificates of “minoritization,” making the recipient legally
non-white. Applications for minoritization could be accompanied by a large
financial donation to the Joe and Hunter Biden Charitable Foundation, soon to
be established. However, few members of the armed forces have the
financial resources to make the kind of donations that the Bidens would expect.
So, the rank and file will have to look to other means of achieving minority
Senator Elizabeth Warren gives us one
model for “minoritization.” Early in her career, Senator Warren declared
through “family lore” evidence she was not a blonde, white woman, but actually
a Native American. Thanks to this scam, she advanced through affirmative action
to become Harvard Law School’s first female professor “of color.” It was
remarkably effective – except for one inconvenient fact. In becoming Native
American, she chose the only racial group clearly defined
under American law. To be a recognized member of a Native American nation,
“family lore” doesn’t’ hack it. One must prove direct ancestral connections
through tribal registers, no tribal registration, no Native American status. In
the great chandelier of our politician-lawyers, Elizabeth Warren may be the
dimmest bulb.
But, luckily for most of us who are
smarter than Senator Warren, other races and ethnicities are not clearly
defined under U.S. law. So, I suggest a variation of the Warren method to
attain coveted minority status that is simple and legal. In my own family tree,
I found a Mary Brown who married an ancestor in the 1830s. There is no
information as to her birth, or parentage, or origin. But according to “family
lore,” I heard that Mary Brown was actually born Maria Moreno and had
immigrated from Spain. Voilà! I have just been transformed
from being a white oppressor into being a non-white victim.
Recent scientific studies of mitochondrial
DNA could be used redefine race Thanks to the Medieval invasions of Europe by
the Asiatic Huns, Avars and Mongols, just about anyone whose family originates
to the east of Switzerland is likely to have a good deal of Asian DNA in their
makeup. The only problem with claiming Asian as your racial category is
that you are screwed if you apply to an Ivy League school, especially
Harvard. But until the U.S. adopts detailed racial definition laws — the
Third Reich’s Nuremberg Laws or the Apartheid Laws of the Republic of South
Africa are excellent models for the Biden Administration — most
white personnel can find a way to claim coveted minority status.
But what can we do about the
high-ranking leadership staffed by thousands of white male flag officers and
senior civilians who have for decades been part of the systemic racism that
plagues America? In the long past era when the Defense department was focused
on winning wars, it was necessary to tolerate meritocracy regardless of race.
But, thankfully, that can be dispensed with today. Under the Clinton,
Bush, and Obama presidencies, the outmoded Defense department focus upon
winning wars was thrown out. Since the Clinton administration, the key
prerequisite for career advancement has been a readiness to say or do anything
that will please the political leadership.
The one thing that can immediately end
the malign power of white males in the military and civilian senior ranks of
the Department of Defense is to require all high-ranking white males to undergo
transgender surgery. Even if generals and senior civilians remain white,
they will be freed of the toxic influence of maleness. Nothing less can
reassure the Democrat party leaders of the military’s absolute personal loyalty
to Joe Biden. This progressive move to literally transform our senior defense
leaders will not harm the nation, as the establishment’s military/security
policies will continue to fail regardless of whether the top leaders or white
or minorities, male or female (or cisgender). And while a Bidenized defense
leadership will continue to lose wars, at least our senior leaders will look a
lot more interesting.
To make a statement like that with another foreign country that is in the 'nuclear family' is, speaking diplomatically, a very serious mistake. We only have to look at the history of President Roosevelt and his Sec. of State Cordell Hull dealing with Japan from 1938 to Pearl Harbor, to see what the implication might be. The language Biden used is not diplomatic. It could be more of his cognitive decline involved, as referenced in the following video of his calling his Vice President, "President Harris." It would be prudent for the Sec. of State to have input into this before the situation escalates.
What the rest of the world sees that is covered up by the U.S. main stream media:
Joe Biden is showing obvious dementia; and this is sad for our country.
Deception or Dementia? With Joe Biden, It’s Likely
A life-long habit of lying and rapid cognitive decline
could make his presidential tenure a debacle.
By Henry I. Miller, M.S.,
M.D., April 16, 2021
(Henry I. Miller, a physician and molecular biologist, was a
Research Associate at the National Institutes of Health and the founding
director of the FDA’s Office of Biotechnology.)
Joe Biden has benefited from
the popular wisdom that he is a consensus builder, promoter of national unity,
and an empathetic, straight-talking, working class guy from Scranton,
The Post awarded Biden its
highest mendacity rating: Four Pinocchios.
By all accounts, these are
notions that should already have evaporated less than three months into his
presidency. Bipartisanship has been nonexistent; his political stance has
shifted far to the left; and his commission to study Supreme Court “reforms”
appears to be a prelude to packing the court, a brazen power-grab.
Nevertheless, the presidential speechwriters, flacks, and apparatchiks have
obviously been instructed to emphasize Biden’s supposed kinder, gentler,
collaborative, truthful qualities at every opportunity.
President Biden’s recent
pronouncements on Georgia’s new voting rights law tell a very different story,
however. At a news conference on March 25th, the President remarked, “What I’m
worried about is how un-American this whole initiative is. It’s sick. It’s sick
… deciding that you’re going to end voting at five o’clock when working people
are just getting off work.”
The next day, the White House
issued a statement on his behalf regarding “the Attack on the Right to Vote in
Georgia.” “Among the outrageous parts of this new state law, it ends voting
hours early so working people can’t cast their vote after their shift is over,”
it read.
Although Georgia’s new law
did make some changes to early voting, experts consulted by the Washington Post
(a paragon of the left-wing mainstream media, remember) say that “the net
effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit
them.” The Post awarded Biden its highest mendacity rating: Four Pinocchios.
The same disdain for the
truth also pertains to the President’s pronouncements about his
administration’s policies—especially, his promise to “Build Back Better” for
American workers. Contrary to his claims, the proposed tax increases on
corporations “would reduce the after-tax return on investment and make U.S.
companies less competitive globally with the highest combined state-federal
corporate tax rate in the developed world,” according to an editorial in the
Wall Street Journal. The Journal concludes that “lower profits mean slower wage
increases for workers and higher prices for consumers to make up for higher
costs,” which gives the lie to Biden’s repeated claims that he’s the champion
of the middle class.
In spite of the persona that
Biden tries to project, his misrepresentations and exaggerations are already in
evidence only three months into his presidency.
Playing fast and loose with
the truth is nothing new for Biden. Over several decades, he has become
infamous—even among politicians—for gaffes, blunders … and lies.
Eventually, the habit of
lying began to overlap with clear evidence of cognitive decline…
In 1987, during the first of
his multiple bids for the presidency, then-Senator Biden plagiarized part of a
campaign speech from a speech by Neil Kinnock, who was then the leader of
Britain’s Labour Party, even revising his own family history to conform to the
speech. Biden, who once faced disciplinary action for plagiarizing part of a
law school paper, claimed that same year that he “went to law school on a full
academic scholarship—the only one in my class to have a full academic
scholarship” and that he “ended up in the top half” of his class. At one point,
he had boasted that, in college, he was “the outstanding student in the
political science department” and “graduated with three degrees.”
After the flagrant
inaccuracies in his statements were exposed, Biden made this admission on
September 22nd, 1987: “I did not graduate in the top half of my class at law
school, and my recollection of this was inaccurate.” He actually graduated 76th
out of a class of 85 from the Syracuse College of Law, and in college, received
a single B.A. degree.
Understandably, his
presidential campaign hopes were dashed—for the 1988 bid, at least—but as a
liar, he was just getting warmed up.
While he served in the
Senate, Biden’s untruthfulness was so renowned that Congressional staffers
began passing around a spoof Biden resumé claiming that he was the “inventor of
polyurethane and the weedeater” and “Member, Rockettes (1968).” Eventually, the
habit of lying began to overlap with clear evidence of cognitive decline (which
is hardly surprising for someone who has had two neurosurgical operations for
leaking cerebral aneurysms). During the 2008 presidential campaign, he
observed: “When the stock market crashed [in 1929], Franklin Roosevelt got on
television” and explained it to the public. In fact, Roosevelt did not become
president until 1933, and his first appearance on TV was six years later.
Since that gaffe, Biden, who
is now 78, has for years fumbled and bumbled increasingly frequently in his
public remarks. His then-boss, President Barack Obama, reportedly was none too
happy about it. According to the authors of Game Change, Obama asked angrily,
“How many times is Biden gonna say something stupid?” Obama administration
national security official Ben Rhodes wrote in his memoir that “in the
Situation Room, Biden could be something of an unguided missile.” And, of
course, Biden’s performance during the 2020 presidential campaign was generally
lackluster, lethargic, and replete with gaffes and misstatements.
As a physician, I wonder
about a possible connection between Biden’s cognitive decline and his
Biden’s cognitive decline is
getting worse. Last month, the Leader of the Free World forgot not only the
name of his own defense secretary, but also the name of the building (the
Pentagon) in which the headquarters of the Department of Defense is
located. And during his one and only
press conference, President Biden had to have on the podium cheat sheets with
detailed answers to questions he would likely be asked. (I shudder to think
what it would be like to brief him on a complex issue.)
As a physician, I wonder
about a possible connection between Biden’s cognitive decline and his
dissembling. People who are suffering from dementia often make up things to
fill gaps in their memory and ability to reason. Then again, it could just be
that a long and illustrious career of lying is hard to shake off.
One thing is for certain; we
can expect to see continuing validation from President Biden of the old quip,
“How can you tell when a politician is lying? His lips are moving.” But in the
same way that you can’t take your eyes off a train wreck in progress, it will
be fascinating to see whether the salient feature of Biden’s presidency will be
his mendacity or his dementia—or some incendiary admixture of the two.
The American media has anointed themselves the purveyors of truth. But that was before the most important Trump story you never heard:
A correction issued by the
Washington Post has revealed former President Donald Trump did not tell
Georgia’s top elections investigator to “find the fraud” or that she would be a
“national hero” if she did during a controversial phone conversation, says Sky
News host James Morrow.
Two months after the
publication of the story the Georgia Secretary of state released an audio
recording of Mr Trump’s December phone call which showed the Washington Post
misquoted the former president’s comments.
Mr Morrow said in the
recording Mr Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton
County asserting she would find "dishonesty" there and told her she
had "the most important job in the country right now”.
“When the actual recording of
the call was found, oddly in the trash bin of the computer belonging to Georgia
election authorities, it revealed the call was nothing like how it was
originally characterised.”
Mr Morrow said the forces of
groupthink, mass hysteria and the unchecked mainstream media have come together
to decisively rule on which people are fit to hold public office.
He described the correction
story as “the most important Trump story you’ve probably never heard”.
“This isn't about whether or
not Trump won or lost. Biden is president and the world has moved on but what
it is about is a media that has anointed itself the arbiter of truth when it
appears they don't even know the meaning of the word.”
Here is the report:
Woke tech giants are practicing Totalitarian Censorship:
Falsehoods told for Personal Gain
PIERS MORGAN: Beware President Biden
- if you go woke, you'll go broke, as your self-imploding liberal friends
across the pond in Britain are proving
Joe Biden,
high priest of the cult of woke
Replaces Women with 'Birthing People' in Woke 2022 Budget
The Climate Change agenda
is a Hoax
Green New Deal seeks to control Americans under the guise of a Crisis:
The only thing Green about "Green Energy" is the
Green Money that banks and corporations make.
Cultural Marxism is at the core beliefs of the current Democratic Party.
Ben Shapiro and David Horowitz discuss the cultural Marxist revolution and how the Left intend to use it to create a one-party system:
Iowa Farmers are Skeptical about Climate Change:
The real crisis at the Texas/Arizona border
Joe Biden wants to spread the illegals throughout America in federal military bases. In some cases, (we have discovered) put the teenagers in barracks already assigned to active duty military. (Fort Lee, Virginia has been mentioned as one place).
Some of these kids have been brought to one of the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo arenas, Freeman Coliseum and now there are reports of sexual abuse coming out from there.
Montana Governor responds:
Foreign News Correspondents are providing the details with pictures and stories about the Border Crisis in the United States which our own media will not cover.
The truth about Biden's Border Crisis is exposed by an on-the-ground reporter in Mexico:
Harris has NO plans to visit the border. Consider what she said BEFORE the election:
Arizona Democrat Criticizes Biden for Ignoring
‘Immediate Crisis at the Border’ in Speech
By Tobias Hoonhout
April 28, 2021
Senate Democrat Mark Kelly criticized President Biden for failing to articulate
how the White House will “address the immediate crisis at the border” during
his address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday night.
I share President Biden’s urgency in fixing our broken immigration system, what
I didn’t hear tonight was a plan to address the immediate crisis at the
border,” Kelly said in a press release following Biden’s 67-minute address.
the speech, Biden did not mention the situation at the southern border — which
has seen a record surge in illegal crossings, according to March data from
Customs and Border Protection. Border Patrol apprehended 172,331 migrants last
month, 48,587 of the whom were unaccompanied migrant children. Biden did call
on Congress “to pass legislation this year to finally secure protection for the
Dreamers, saying that “the country supports immigration reform.”
will continue holding this administration accountable to deliver the resources
and staffing necessary for a humane, orderly process as we work to improve
border security, support local economies, and fix our immigration system.”
Kelly continued. He also praised Biden for calling on “Republicans and Democrats
to continue working together on investments in education, infrastructure, and
technology like increasing domestic manufacturing of semiconductors to maintain
our competitive edge over China and create the jobs of the future in Arizona.”
week, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, a Republican, declared a state of emergency
at the state’s southwest border, calling it “overwhelmed.”
and our border communities are concerned for their safety and nonprofits, left
to pick up the pieces of broken federal policies, are strained,” Ducey said.
Arizona is the first state to declare an emergency due to the border situation.
Arizona Governor's speech on the Border Crisis that Biden created:
A Border Crisis of Biden’s Own Making
Rich Lowry
Fri, April 30,
For President Biden, the border should have
been similar to the COVID-vaccine rollout — something where all he had to do to
succeed was broadly maintain the path that his predecessor had already set.
Instead, Biden blew holes in Trump’s border
strategy and, as a surge of migrants predictably arrived at the border, his
team set about denying reality and implausibly blaming Trump.
If the Biden administration expended as much
energy securing the border in its first 100 days as it did denying there’s a
“crisis” at the border, the alleged noncrisis would already be abating.
As it is, Biden and Co. aren’t fooling anyone.
His rating on the border is abysmal — just 29 percent of the public approves of
his handling of the border in recent Quinnipiac and CNBC polls.
It is telling that the inevitable internal
Biden blame game over the crisis focuses on HHS secretary Xavier Becerra’s not
doing enough to house the incoming minors rather than on the policies that
started the unprecedented flow in the first place. The administration is
clearly most interested in how it can better process the people coming into the
country rather than how it can keep them out in the first place.
Biden’s treatment of the issue in his address
to the joint session of Congress on Wednesday night was particularly
He touted comprehensive immigration reform as
the solution to the border, although the security enhancements in such bills
are usually window dressing and wouldn’t address the specific loopholes that
allow migrants from Central America to gain access to America and stay here,
when migrants from Mexico largely can’t.
He said that there’s no way to solve the
migrant crisis without addressing the violence, corruption, gangs, political
instability, and destitution in Central America. Then, astonishingly enough, he
claimed to have alleviated all these problems as vice president until Trump
came along and ripped it all up.
It’s not clear what Biden is even referring
to, but if what he said were remotely true, there never would have been a
migrant crisis under Trump in 2019 because conditions in Central America would
have been too favorable for people to leave.
As for Trump supposedly reversing all the
progress in conditions on the ground, it’s not even clear what Biden’s theory
is. Trump did suspend aid to Central American countries to get them to
cooperate on stemming the flow of migrants, but the aid was quickly restored
when the countries played ball.
It’s completely obvious that what has driven
the crisis at the border are expectations that Biden would be more welcoming
than Trump and the exemption that Biden created for minors in Title 42, used to
turn around migrants during the pandemic.
Biden has also ended Remain in Mexico, the
successful program to get migrants to wait in Mexico while their asylum claims
are adjudicated in the U.S. (if they are allowed in the U.S. during this
process, they will never leave, even if their claims ultimately fail).
Why did Biden create this unnecessary crisis?
It’s the outcome of ideology triumphing over common sense. That is true of the
Biden approach more broadly — otherwise, he wouldn’t be proposing $6 trillion
in new spending. The effects are most visible at the border, with rapid,
real-world consequences, but that doesn’t mean that his domestic ambitions
won’t ultimately lead to similar, if less immediately evident, failures.
Outgoing Border Patrol chief: The REAL national
security crisis at the border is terrorists crossing:
Biden refuses to address the
crisis in Myanmar
Biden refuses to respond to the Israel-Gaza violence
The usual suspects in the media are distorting the conflict in the Middle East:
Some commentators fear Joe Biden is as weak and feeble as he appears.
Australian journalist John Anderson interviews Dr. R. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: "The U.S. Election, Supreme Court, and Cultural Shifts" (Oct 2020).
President Biden is the first president in over 100 years to not hold a press conference after 50 plus days in office.
President Calvin Coolidge held more press conferences and sooner than Biden.
Green "WOKENESS": Renewable Energy Creates More Pollutants than Fossil Fuel:
The 'Left's War
on U.S. History': Biden Bows to 'the Woke Left', Disbands the 1776 Commission
Italian Dictionary, Movies, and yes, NASA have gone "Woke":
Wokeness is blighting the lives of an entire generation
"TOXIC MASCULINITY" is considered "Woke"
DeSantis says critical race theory won't be taught in Florida schools because
it 'teaches kids to hate their country and each other'
- Governor Ron DeSantis made the
comments on Wednesday when he proposed a $106million boost in funding for
civics education in the state
- He said $17million would be for
developing civics curricula with 'foundational concepts' - and not
'unsanctioned narratives like critical race theory'
- 'There is no room in our
classrooms for critical race theory,' DeSantis said
- 'Teaching kids to hate their
country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer
money,' he added
- Critical race theory examines the
way race and racism influences politics, culture and the law
The view from Australia:
We are seeing freedoms slammed shut under new cultural divide.
"WOKE" is alive and well in Portland, Oregon, as the crime soars out of control and a 'Woke' Socialist mayor has turned a blind eye there for years.
An artificial rift is being created under Joe Biden that could be the downfall of America:
CNN has a history of deception............. and are becoming a fifth column mouthpiece for those who promote a radical political agenda, as revealed in the following 2 news stories:
More than 90% of Black individuals murdered are killed by other Black perpetrators.
Identity Politics and
the Spirit of the Age:
A conversation with
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
The Temptations of Socialism:
A conversation with
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
This picture needs no explanation:
Marxist' BLM movement aims to destroy the 'Western way
of life'
The Black Lives
Matter organisation is part of a global movement designed to destroy
capitalism, according to retired Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain.
“I was one of the first commentators to point out it was a very Marxist
movement,” she told Sky News. “What I am pointing out today is we have to
distinguish between the slogan ‘Black Lives Matter,’ which is a true statement
in the same way that ‘All Lives Matter’ is a true statement,” she told Sky News
"A lot of well meaning people who want to show black people that they care
about them, these people are doing it by supporting the Black Lives Matter
organisation, and my opposition is that they are confusing the slogan with the
organisation and the organisation is part of a global movement to destroy life
as we know it in America and probably the rest of the western world."
We have just celebrate our Independence Day (July 4, 2021),
but to some citizens, it was not a day for patriotism.
The truth about our National Anthem for those who think it's racist:
FRANCIS SCOTT KEY, on a boat downstream from
Fort McHenry during the attack by the British, is thrilled to see the fort's
huge American flag still flying in the morning light. He went on to write
the words to our
National Anthem.
(Photo courtesy of the
Library of Congress).
From today's "Open Windows" devotion,
a Southern Baptist devotional guide, courtesy of "Lifeway":
From the Malvern Daily Record, Arkansas, July 7, 2021:
Prior to the Afghanistan exit, I was aware of our military role in Vietnam and the disgraceful exit from that country. I lost my first college roommate in Vietnam; when I first started teaching school, a student in the first class I ever taught, and after his graduation, was killed in Vietnam.
Then, while serving on military active duty, I had to counsel Soldiers back from a tour with PTSD, Soldiers on a psychiatric ward in a military hospital, grieving families, and occasionally deliver the bad news of the death of their son or daughter in the middle of the night.
Now, with another military exit from a prolonged conflict, we have a debacle in progress in Afghanistan....... and 'where's Joe Biden"? He 'took a lid' and went on vacation.
And to any friends or family members who are reading this, I make no apology. If you voted for Mr. Biden, I feel sorry that you didn't do your homework and think before you cast your vote. I did not rely on the U.S. media for my complete information; but looked and listened to what fact-checked and fact-based reporters were saying overseas.
I always look at an individual's character, both Christian and moral, of the man who is running for political office. I also do research into the man's background; who is supporting him; what groups are supporting him; who he is supporting; what he did in the past when he ran for public office. Did the man tell the truth when running for office; did he use racist language and support a racist agenda? Did he support our American Constitution and the accurate history of our country? Or did he rely on BLM and other skewed progressive-radical political hacks?
I felt from prayerful consideration and thoughtful research, that Mr. Biden was without honest Christian character; was not competent, both physically and mentally, to handle the office of President. I was correct in my assessment. -J. Hughes, August 2021
Now on to the latest concerning Afghanistan:
Gates Stands By Statement That Biden Has Been Wrong On
Nearly Every Major Foreign Policy Question
Posted By Tim
On Date May 13, 2019
Robert Gates, who served as defense
secretary for the Obama administration, paused for a moment and said "I
don't know" in an interview Sunday when asked if he thinks former VP Joe
Biden would be a good president.
CBS's "Face The Nation" host Margaret Brennan asked Gates if he stood
by a statement from his memoir that Biden has "been wrong on nearly every
major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four
"I think I stand by that statement," Gates said.
I was rereading your memoir before we sat down to talk and you said in your
memoir, Joe Biden is impossible not to like.
Quote: "He's a man of integrity, incapable of hiding what he really
thinks, and one of those rare people you know you could turn to for help in a
personal crisis. Still, I think he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign
policy and national security issue over the past four decades."
Would he be an effective commander-in-chief?
ROBERT GATES: I-- I don't know. I don't know. I-- I think I stand by that
statement. He and I agreed on some key issues in the Obama administration. We
disagreed significantly on Afghanistan and some other issues. I think that the
vice president had some issues with the military. So how he would get along
with the senior military, and what that relationship would be, I just-- I
think, it-- it would depend on the personalities at the time.
MARGARET BRENNAN: He's a peer of yours. Does that mean you're older?
MARGARET BRENNAN: You think he's right for this moment?
ROBERT GATES: I think I'm pretty busy and pretty active but I think-- I think
having a President who is somebody our age or older, in the case of Senator
Sanders, is- I think it's problematic. I think that you don't have the kind of
energy that I think is required to be President. I think-- I'm not sure you
have the intellectual acuity that you might have had in your sixties. So, I
mean it's just a personal view. For me, the thought of taking on those
responsibilities at this point in my life would be pretty daunting.
Financial Times editorial
'A desire in the White House to wrap
up nagging foreign policy problems so it can focus on China is understandable.
But the abandonment of Afghanistan raises doubts over the depth of US
commitment to supposed allies, and its determination to see military
entanglements through to the bitter end.'
Leo McKinstry in the Daily Express
'Over the last 20 years, Britain is
estimated to have spent almost £40billion in Afghanistan, while 456 of our
brave personnel have lost their lives in the struggle, yet those heroic
sacrifices tragically look like they were made in vain.'
The Sun editorial
'Biden ignored repeated warnings,
then withdrew crucial air support for the Afghan army it has spent billions
arming over 20 years. It was an action which borders on the criminal. A total
and unnecessary moral failure which left Britain powerless.'
And Mr Sanger wrote: 'Mr Biden will
go down in history, fairly or unfairly, as the president who presided over a
long-brewing, humiliating final act in the American experiment in
'After seven months in which his
administration seemed to exude much-needed competence — getting more than 70
per cent of the country's adults vaccinated, engineering surging job growth and
making progress toward a bipartisan infrastructure bill — everything about
America's last days in Afghanistan shattered the imagery.' Nick Timothy in the Daily Telegraph
'It is ludicrous to think Britain –
alone or in concert with all the militaries of Europe – could or should have
fought a new Afghan war alone. First Donald Trump did a deal with the Taliban
promising the withdrawal of troops by May this year. Then President Biden
declared he had 'zero responsibility' to Afghanistan, insisting his sole
obligation was 'to protect America's national self-interest'. As his
predecessor might have put it: America first.'
Tom Tugendhat in The Times
'The fall of Kabul is the biggest
foreign policy disaster since Suez. The operation to seize the canal in 1956
symbolised the end of Britain's global ambition and refocused us on Nato and
alliances. It showed conclusively that the US could limit our actions and
change our policy.'
Mark Almond in the Daily Mail
'What makes this debacle different
from the Americans' hasty retreat from Saigon in 1975 is the existence across
the West of small cells of radical Islamists who will be inspired by our
humiliating retreat from Kabul. There were no Vietcong cells in London
waiting to be activated then. Today things are different. The humiliation of
the West in Afghanistan has set Islamist fundamentalism back on a roll.'
Simon Tisdall in the Guardian
'What will it take for Joe Biden to
admit he is disastrously wrong about Afghanistan? The US leader struck a
defiant pose last week. Sounding like a slightly desperate Olympics coach, he
told Afghans it was their country. If they want it, they have to fight for it.
In American politics-speak, this is called tough love. Without the love.'
Anybody notice how cold and
heartless Biden was in his
Afghanistan speech?
THE DEFIANT AND 'TONE DEAF' PRESIDENT News from reliable overseas sources:
Finally taking Afghanistan crisis seriously,
Joe? Four days after catastrophe began, President holds talks in the Situation
Room with Kamala - who has laid low for six days - and Mark Milley, Lloyd
Austin and Anthony Blinken.
Biden IGNORED Milley's
request to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan:
Biden snaps at George
Stephanopoulos for mentioning Afghans falling from planes in Kabul chaos.
Biden Got Very Confused
During Interview With Stephanopoulos... And ABC Edited out the worst parts...confirmed:
Joe's hazy memory: Biden does not 'recall'
if he was warned to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. Here's the complete story with complete transcript of Biden's very telling interview:
Time to impeach Biden: He’s actively trying to destroy
the America we know and love.
Time to revisit the cognitive decline of Joe Biden:
Biden has a mean streak in his personality that comes out when questioned. Note the following:
This occured during 2020 pre-election:
(More fact-checked information concerning Biden was available to voters prior to the 2020 election.
Much of this is covered in the special 2020 sub-section on "The Old South" webpage.
Also, note the statement from Mayo Clinic on this page, about the warning signs of dementia.)
British Parliament holds Joe Biden in contempt over
Biden's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal was condemned as
"catastrophic" and "shameful" on Wednesday as the Houses of
Parliament delivered an unprecedented rebuke to a US president.
An extraordinary and moving speech from
veteran MP Tom Tugendhat, with very harsh words for President Biden on
“To see their commander in chief call into
question the courage of men I fought with, is shameful."
The truth revealed by former President Donald Trump concerning the plan to draw down in Afghanistan:
News host James Morrow says the Democrats having a leader in Joe Biden who is
"callous and not with it" and having no succession plan if anything
should happen has left America and the world "not in a good place".
"They're in a terrible position right now," Mr Morrow said.
In a speech on Friday, August 20, 2021, Biden was back even more
defiant, defensive, and delusional.
The reporters on his prearranged list to call on, in Q&A, threw no softball questions, but grilled him essentially on his poor judgement and provided proof of how he had been advised not to leave Afghanistan 'cold turkey'.
Notice what Biden said in his speech; then what his administration leadership stated; there was a difference:
Biden said that no nation had criticized his Afghan withdrawal ?? But then we have this:
NATO’s former
secretary-general has accused America of committing a shameful act by walking
away from Afghanistan without consulting its allies.
He said the takeover of
the Taliban is a sad ending to a mission which achieved much for the Afghan
The comments were made at
a virtual meeting of NATO foreign ministers to discuss the escalating
situation, however, President Joe Biden has reaffirmed the US and its allies
were united on the withdrawal despite the chaotic exit.
Several countries in the
alliance have pressed for evacuations from Kabul to continue beyond the current
US deadline of August 31.
Foreign ministers called
on authorities in Afghanistan to facilitate safe and orderly evacuations for
those wanting to leave.
Here's the news report:
Britain loses patience with
Sleepy Joe: Tony Blair brands Biden an 'imbecile' over 'tragic, dangerous and
unnecessary' decision to quit Afghanistan amid claims current Prime Minister Boris Johnson remarked 'we would
be better off with Trump'
Tony Blair has branded Joe Biden an
'imbecile' over 'tragic' decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan
Ex-prime minister said Britain has a 'moral
obligation' to stay until 'all those who need to be are evacuated'
Mr Blair warned Boris Johnson manner of US
exit indicated UK could be relegated to second-power status
President wants evacuations done by end of
August - forcing UK to wrap up its operation at the same time
Tony Blair has blasted Joe
Biden's 'imbecilic' decision to withdraw US troops from Taliban-controlled
Afghanistan, calling the President's scuttle 'tragic, dangerous and
unnecessary' and claiming the move had 'every Jihadist group round the world
Mr Blair, who was in Downing
Street when London sent UK troops to the Middle Eastern country 20 years ago
following the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington DC, said Britain has a
'moral obligation' to stay until 'all those who need to be are evacuated'.
In a 2,700 article on the
threat of 'radical Islam', the former British prime minister said the exit was
not in the West or Afghanistan's interest as he lamented the likely reversal of
gains made during the occupation, with the Taliban reasserting itself across
most of the country in recent days.
Speaking to Sky News on
Sunday, Mr Blair said he has 'enormous respect' for Mr Biden, but suggested the
President - who campaigned on a slogan of ending 'forever wars' and is likely
to be keeping an eye on next year's midterms - had withdrawn US troops for
domestic political reasons.
He repeated his assertion
that the withdrawal was a 'serious mistake' and 'not something we needed to do'
and said there had been 'a lot of gains' made in the past two decades,
stressing that the deaths of British Armed Forces personnel were 'not in vain'.
Mr Blair also issued a stark
warning to Boris Johnson that the manner of the US' handling of the exit
indicated the UK could be relegated from the top division of international
powers, with reports Britain was largely kept in the dark about when American
armed forces would leave.
He added that countries
including China and Russia are likely to applaud the withdrawal and occupy the
'vacuum' in Afghanistan left by the NATO powers. Both the Prime Minister and
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab have suggested Britain will now have to turn to
Beijing and Moscow to assist with exercising a 'moderating influence' over the
Taliban post-withdrawal.
Relations between Britain and
US are strained, with Defence Secretary Ben Wallace warning 'no nation will be
able to get everyone out' of Afghanistan as Mr Biden's August 31 date makes the
mission even more time-pressured, in what is likely to be seen as a plea to
Cabinet insiders have
suggested the President was 'gaga' and 'doolally' for withdrawing so quickly,
while the Prime Minister has allegedly privately referred to Mr Biden as
'Sleepy Joe', the nickname coined by Donald Trump. Mr Johnson also allegedly
remarked Britain 'would be better off with Trump' - allegations branded
'categorically untrue' by Downing Street.
'For Britain, out of Europe
and suffering the end of the Afghanistan mission by our greatest ally with
little or no consultation, we have serious reflection to do,' said Mr Blair.
'We don't see it yet, but we are at risk of relegation to the second division
of global powers.'
His comments come as the US
President signalled he wanted evacuations from Kabul airport completed by the
end of the month as he prepares to withdraw all American troops - a move that
would likely force Britain to wrap up its operation at the same time.
Biden Just
Lied to Every American - We Have the Proof:
Report Reveals Just How
Much Biden Lied to Us on Afghanistan:
Pentagon Inadvertently
Confirms Biden Is Either Lying to Us or Just Has No Idea What He’s Saying:
Another press conference on August 22, 2021; following a written script; then delusional denial:
It's very clear why Biden's poll numbers are dropping:
Joe Biden is who we said he was:
You won't believe what she did behind the scenes, and why and how she enabled our senile president.
Here's the story:
Classic Dementia Symptoms Spotted In Biden
(quoted from “Informing America” news website)
According to Lead author Muireann
Irish, Biden is displaying classic symptoms of Dementia, who has described
Biden’s symptoms in terms of Cognitive decline causing significant changes to
the brain function. He is showing signs of memory loss, and according to some
of his interviews made public, he has a severe lack of empathy.
Ever since the US’s failed withdrawal
from Afghanistan, he has been least interested in giving a clear answer to any
of the questions. His responses were cold and delusional during public
addresses on his vacation in Camp Davis and even afterward with George
Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos released some unedited snippets of the interview
in which when asked if the Afghanistan situation was priced into the decision,
Biden gave a simple ‘yes’ answer to it. It followed with certain remarks from
his side about the US citizens trapped in the country, which he declared as
their stake to reach the airport. Moreover, when asked about his response about
the Afghans falling to their death after clinging to the US aircraft, Biden
said it was four days ago. It’s almost as if the man has lost the ability to
exhibit even the slightest bit of empathy.
Another snippet from the interview
with Stephanopoulos was also definitive of Biden’s deteriorating cognitive abilities.
When told that the Special Forces Officer agreed with Biden’s decision of
withdrawal but had hoped to withdraw with honor, Biden started rambling about
his dead son Beau’s military service. His son’s entire exposition was filled
with factual errors, and he even struggled to remember the essential details.
He said that his son had served as Navy Captain, corrected it to the Army, and
confused his service in Iraq with Afghanistan. The man failed to utter a few
lines about his son without making apparent mistakes. The entire interview was
reflective of his Dementia.
The US nation is on the verge of
chaos, and Biden is responsible for pushing it to the brink. It was hoped that
his administration would advise him properly against a poor decision, but none
of them could do anything to stop him. Even Vice President Kamala Harris played
a vital role in the military withdrawal, and she doesn’t even have any mental
illness. The entire administration is responsible for the botched army
withdrawal and ill-planned withdrawal. The US arsenal and artillery can get
into the hands of its enemies and the Afghans that helped the Americans in the
past 20 years are under threat of execution.
It isn’t where it ends. The US
citizens trapped in Afghanistan are potential hostages to the Taliban. The
rights of Afghan women and children are under serious threat as extremist laws
are imposed upon them by the Taliban. The US has turned a blind eye towards
these issues and has not only failed their citizens in Afghanistan but has also
let down their allies affiliated with the Afghan situation by keeping them in
the dark about the withdrawal discourse. In the coming days, America will
hopefully unfold from the dream and see the accurate picture of the Biden
Administration and its disgraceful failures.
Australian TV Host Delivers Brutally Honest Report on
Biden’s Dementia: Calls Out US Media for ‘Biden Protection Racket’
President Joe Biden’s
cognitive decline was apparent to all when he returned to the national stage in
April 2019 for the launch of his presidential campaign. That is, it was
apparent to anyone who was being truthful.
The mainstream media has
pretended for nearly two years that nothing is amiss.
In the video below, Sky News
Australia host Cory Bernardi delivers a brutally honest assessment of Biden’s
condition and the reasons why the U.S. media continues to pretend that all is
He tells his viewers what our
media would tell us had they not abandoned that responsibility years before.
Meanwhile, the now-ruling Taliban have started their anti-American propaganda:
And Joe Biden?
A strange thing happened
to him and John Kerry
back in 2008:
Sen. Tuberville: Biden's Handlers Are Running This
Country: 'He Can't Do Anything on His Own'
- Despite all the "big talk" before President Biden went overseas
this week, "we didn't get much done," Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.)
told "Mornings With Maria" on Friday.
action," he said, pointing to "gaffes" made by Biden on the
world stage.
problem we're having right now, this guy was elected president of the United
States. And the problem with that is, he's got his handlers running this
country. He can't do anything on his own. And people are losing confidence in
him every day.
know, if he wants to go over there, fine. But we spent millions of dollars and
we could have sent a pair of sunglasses and a sheet of paper over there by
Amazon and saved a lot of money for the American people."
Maria Bartiromo noted that Tuberville is not alone in thinking that Biden is
not running the country.
Thursday, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), the former White House physician, sent
a letter to President Biden, Biden's physician, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, urging a
cognitive test for Biden, the results to be shared with the American people.
More than a dozen Republicans signed the letter.
said Biden's "clear decline" was evident in his "embarrassing
performances on the world stage."
American people deserve to have absolute confidence in their President,"
Rep. Jackson said. "They deserve to know that he or she can perform the
duties demanded of the office, and they deserve to have full transparency on
the mental state of their highest elected leader. I would argue that the
American people don’t have that confidence in President Biden.
I was Physician to President Donald J. Trump, the liberal media relentlessly
pushed a narrative that he needed a cognitive test and that it should be the
standard for anyone serving as Commander-in-Chief and head of state. I
administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) test, and President Trump
excelled. Given the precedent set and Biden’s clear mental impairment, I
believe it is past time he undergo a cognitive test.”
I don't know whether we need to go that far," Tuberville told Bartiromo.
"But he needs to step out and start doing some press conferences, let the
American people know that he's representing all of us.
you can tell right now, everything's staged. Everything behind the scenes is
already charted. There's nothing out there that -- you know, we can just -- you
know, anybody can just ask a question, what are we doing here?
again, it's all about leadership. We don't have leadership right now. We're
being led by people from behind the scenes, and the American people are going
to lose confidence. We're just in the first five months of this presidency.
It's going to get worse.”
pointed to the out-of-control southwest border as well as Biden's defense
budget request, which is only 1.6 percent more than the amount appropriated in
Fiscal 2021. "We'll try to get by this year with this budget,"
Tuberville said, "but we can't keep cutting like this with China spending
more, Russia spending more and we're going the other way. It makes no sense. It
really doesn't."
In Biden's evening press conference after 13 military members were killed in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021, go back and listen carefully, when he gets to the Q&A, as he stated that 'he was instructed which reporters to call on.' HE WAS INSTRUCTED? BY WHOM?
When you watch Joe Biden speak on TV, you have to laugh, cry, or
throw things across the room in anger.
Apparently, his staff at the White House feels the same way. They
find his remarks so full of cringe that they mute the TV or just turn it off.
Hopeless US President Joe Biden is doing a disservice to the world (Notice the positive reference to President Trump):
In this crisis which Biden has created, let us pray for our troops and those of our allies.
Photos and Stories of those we lost in Afghanistan, August 2021:
We need a spiritual revival in our
country; we need to reaffirm our belief in Almighty God and thank Him for the
goodness we have in our country. We need to pray for changed hearts in
our people and in our nation's leadership. We need a return to the Bible
and all that it stands for. A nation cannot be blessed when it is not led
properly and its people do not follow God, especially when they do not tell
the truth to our people.
Christians are to be led by
Biblical teachings on how to make wise decisions, both personally, and at the
ballot box. The Bible is our source of wisdom, not so-called mainstream
media, 'cancel culture' and 'woke'. We must consider what we read and
hear, both in our country and abroad; then weigh that against what the Bible
says in order to come to a right conclusion about a matter.
Like many Americans, I am
heartbroken over the recent tragic events in Afghanistan. We need a
return to Christian leadership in our country and we should fervently pray
that it will become so. I grew up just before the Vietnam era and lost
my first college roommate to that war. Later, while serving in the
military for over 20 years, I counseled with Soldiers back from overseas and
suffering from PTSD; worked with the Mortuary Affairs Department; worked with
active duty Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, on the psych ward in a military
hospital; and, on some occasions, had to deliver the bad news overnight to
families who had lost a son or a daughter. This debacle in Afghanistan
is a national tragedy. We must earnestly pray for those in leadership
to seek God's guidance and move our country forward in a positive
direction. The sermon by Rev. Frank Hughes, Jr., "The Nation That
is Blessed," (included on this page) speaks to what happens to a country,
that does not follow the guidance, God is ready to give.
August 2021
Unfortunately, many in our country are just
waking up to what many sincere overseas journalists have been seeing
and saying for months:
We need a return to
Christian leadership in our country.
Consider how President Eisenhower approached the responsibility of the
presidency at his second inaugural:
A sermon by Rev. Frank
Hughes, Jr.,
"The Nation that is
Blessed" (Psalm 33)
from a July 4th service:
The Defining Image of Biden's Presidency
'We messed this up': Marine
Lt. Colonel is relieved of duties after posting furious video slamming 'seniors
leaders' at the Pentagon who 'let down' the 13 US troops killed in Kabul
suicide bombing.
Here's his story:
Nevada boy, 14, plays
'Taps' with a US flag at half-mast to honor fallen service members in
Here's the story:
'Biden turned his back on
my son': Fathers of Marine killed in Kabul ISIS suicide bomb BLAME President
for deaths of 13 US troops and 170 others. Pentagon warns President that
ANOTHER attack is likely.
Gold Star
mother of US marine killed in Kabul attack blasts Biden as ‘dementia-ridden
piece of crap,’ blames his supporters:
Emotional fathers of
Marines killed in ISIS-K bombing say 'disrespectful' Biden checked his watch
EVERY TIME a casket was removed from the plane during dignified transfer: One
dad slams the president for talking 'about his son more than mine'
The fathers of two of the
U.S. Marines killed in last week have blasted President Joe Biden for
repeatedly checking his watch at a ceremony marking the return of the 13 US
service members killed.
Mark Schmitz - the father of Lance Corporal
Jared Schmitz - and Darin Hoover - the father of Staff Sgt Darin Taylor Hoover
Jr. - spoke to Fox News host Sean Hannity on Monday night.
Both claimed the commander in
chief did not just check his watch once, but after every casket was removed
from the plane.
Hoover also told how he
refused to meet with the president at the event.
Schmitz said his own meeting
'didn't go well', and Biden spent more time talking about his own son Beau than
Jared Schmitz.
Biden trusts the Taliban ?
The world would not have
seen the west being "chased out of Afghanistan under fire" if it
wasn't for the Biden administration's "catastrophic" withdrawal
strategy, according to former head of British forces in Afghanistan Colonel
Richard Kemp.
"He didn't give
enough time for the Afghan government and security forces to prepare themselves
for a completely new situation without US support," Mr Kemp told Sky News
"He did it also at
the height of the fighting season when the Taliban is at its most active.
"If he'd waited to
give the Afghan government more time and to wait until say late Autumn or
Winter when the Taliban are far less active – we would not have seen the west
being chased out as it were out of Afghanistan.
"Not just chased out
but chased out under fire as we have seen."
Mr Kemp said President
Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan was motivated by both his "long
opposed" position on US military presence in the country and having an
"eye on the mid-term elections" with an "overwhelming
desire" to get out by 9/11.
Meanwhile, we discover that General Milley was disloyal to former President Trump and should have been fired. He had no right to call his counterpart in Communist China:
BLEEDING US DRY by Stephen J. Thorne, Legion Magazine:
Joe Biden's Afghanistan debacle has led to an international humanitarian crisis:
Thousands destined for Canada are trapped in Afghanistan and have requested federal aid.
The story follows:
This is more disgraceful action by the members of Congress who refuse to honor the memory of the fallen men and women who served our country:
NEWS FROM AUSTRALIA AND VETERANS WHO SERVED IN AFGHANISTAN (Australia is one of the few sources of news about the U.S. you can trust.)
Veterans in Virginia are incensed
at Biden's Afghanistan debacle:
As Biden repeats claim that 'nobody could have known' Afghan Army
would collapse, bombshell transcript from July reveals he pressured Afghan
President Ghani to create 'perception' Taliban wasn't winning 'WHETHER IT'S
Here's the story:
Biden Campaigned as a
Truth Teller. Afghanistan Undermined His Credibility and he has been found to be a serial liar.
Joe Biden did to himself
what his opponents couldn’t — shredded his own credibility in a high-profile,
hugely consequential matter that won’t be forgotten.
We know what Jesus said in the Bible said about lying and those in leadership who lie, so we are back to our current President, who has lied to the American people:
I pray that Joe Biden will confess his sin and ask God for forgiveness. The Bible is clear about this matter:
Biden remains obsessed about his deceased son who never faced combat; and has yet to understand the pain and trauma he has inflicted on our American troops. He has yet to show real empathy to them and their families. Here is a report from overseas which accurately describes what all military veterans are experiencing from the Afghanistan war:
Biden Voters Admit They Are Clueless On His Accomplishments
& Agenda
Pro-Biden super PAC ‘Unite the Country’ recently conducted focus groups in
Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. According to Joe
Biden’s voters, they don’t know know what any of his accomplishments are.
Things have become so “overwhelmingly clueless” for voters that many officials
noted concerns for the Democrat Party in the 2022 midterms.
to a ‘Unite the Country’ strategy memo, Democrats could look at losing in the
midterms unless their party takes a “more aggressive approach” to talking about
President Biden’s COVID-19 relief bill and the infrastructure proposal. They
said that his plans remain “undefined” in the public eye and that voters are
“primed with misinformation that help Republicans justify their opposition.”
They pushed for specifics on what it takes to pass the American Jobs Act and
the American Families Plan.
memo emphasizes that voters are getting their information about Biden from
“internet disinformation” and a “Fox-News driven spin.” Even voters who have a
favorable view of Biden said there is a real lack of information about the
specifics of the agenda. The memo went on to say that the mood in the country
is still overwhelmingly anxious and that more voters remain concerned with
Biden’s agenda.
in the focus group talked about having doubt in President Biden’s ability to
avoid the typical losses during his first midterm election, but said it has
been difficult translating any of his political successes.
the Country spent $49 million to help Biden will in 2020. While they have not
announced any spending plans, they said they would target college-educated
voters who supported him in 2020, Black voters, and white working-class voters,
particularly women. But Democrats have yet to make a case for why Americans
should vote for them in the 2022 midterm elections.
?National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Mike Berg
said that the Democrats’ majority is “doomed” because all they’ve done is cause
massive inflation and a labor shortage, not to mention a crisis at the border.
The White House will traditionally lose Congress seats during the first midterm
election and expect to see some of that power lost in 2022.
suspending the permit for the Keystone Pipeline and canceling contractors from
building the border wall, Democrats might see a lot more power lost in 2022
than they expected. Biden managed to put 200,00 people out of work in his first
term alone and is providing high incomes for people that don’t want to work.
He’s destroyed the border, stopped the pipelines, destroyed cities by defunding
cops, and punished children in schools for the color of their skin. There’s an
accomplishment that the Biden voters can list.
former deputy director of Intergovernmental Affairs Nick Rathod said the
Democrats haven’t made a case for 2022 and don’t have the robust infrastructure
to do so. He praised Republicans for their job of “building infrastructure to
support elections, communications, policymaking, and developing a real pipeline
for candidates.”
Biden voters “clueless” about his policies is as accurate as it can get. Even
Joe Biden is clueless about his own policies. He just does whatever the
teleprompter says.
And if you think Biden can think for himself and carry on as a 'normal' president, think again, as you consider this:
Biden finds he's unwelcome in some parts of the U.S.:
Grief comes home to US towns week after Afghanistan
war ends
Biden administration coverup continues:
(President Biden couldn't even deliver an in-person speech for the 911 event; he had to have one video-taped ahead of time. I would like to know why? What is going on with his cognitive function that he can't deliver a speech in person?....much less take questions from reporters?)
I am thankful for those who gathered at the National
Mall, Washington, D.C, to remember those who lost their lives on 9/11 and
participate in the
"Let Us Worship" event held there on Sunday,
September 12, 2021.
Former President Trump spoke to the group and called America to 21 Days of Prayer:
Then, there was the former President Bush speech given in Pensylvania, that we need to examine:
Meanwhile, in the aftermath of Biden's 'pre-recorded' speech for the 911 event, he went off script and, in one instance, the White House cut the audio feed to keep the TV audience from hearing him rambling on:
Our culture, military, foreign affairs, are all being hijacked by the WOKE Democrats. Professor Victor Hanson Davis is interviewed by Australian journalist, John Anderson:
The Tragic Cost Of Joe Biden’s Afghanistan
Decisions and The Lies He’s Told
Biden is exposed as a liar, by top Generals in Senate investigation:
In next news report, notice Biden
on fake White House stage set
leaves without answering questions
from reporters:
Even without the fake stage, Biden remains incoherent:
VP Harris showed she is ignorant of American History:
I was brought up in a Christian family to tell the truth. Period. If I sin, and all Christians do on occasion, I ask God to forgive me; but I do not continue sinning that which I asked forgiveness for.
I am finding more and more Christians are now speaking out, including other retired Chaplains and ministers, about the serious situation we face in this country: that we have a President who does not tell the truth.
Christians are to be discerning about what is true and what is false. That means when listening to a newscast, we look for the truth and not let someone pander to us with "spin." Most of the truth revealed on this page has come from overseas newscasters who delve into an issue and get to the truth of a matter. After a first cousin 'politely' accused me of finding all my news at FOX, let me emphasize again: I verify all that I read and hear; and I have found the news journalists in Australia and many in the UK, have done their homework and are telling the truth about what has happened in our country. You can find much of their reporting on this webpage.
Another concerning matter, already addressed in many instances on this page is the obvious mental decline of the President. When I recently mentioned this to the cousin referenced above, he looked at me quizzically; he found it hard to believe what I had just said. This cousin has advanced education and one would have thought he knew better. But he is typical of many who are so dyed-in-the-wool of one political persuasion, that they couldn't see the truth plainly before them. Perhaps many could take a lesson from some of their ancestors: my great-grandmother Read once was a registered Democrat, then changed; then there was my great-great-grandfather Read who was registered in the Whig party of Andrew Jackson, then switched to the Republican party of Lincoln; then there was a great aunt Read, living in Arizona, who registered as a Democrat, then changed to Republican. All this can be verified in the records. There was a reason for them switching parties.
In an earlier story related on "The Old South" Sub-section, I mentioned a Hughes second Cousin who was duped into supporting the BLM movement, ignoring the fact that that organization was founded by 3 Marixist women; it's/was on their website!
Our country is in desperate need of a Christian revival. And, we need to pray for our current president who cannot tell the truth about almost anything. -J.Hughes
The Bible says, "That we henceforth be no
more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of
doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in
wait to deceive”. Ephesians 4:14
Pentagon Confirms Biden's
Either Lying to the American People or Incompetent:
As a native of Virginia, I am proud that it's citizens have returned our state to Christian values and common sense with the election of a Republican governor. This was a repudiation of Joe Biden and his socialist agenda and his support of Critical Race Theory, which, in itself, is racist.
I encourage readers to explore the in-depth investigation which has been done on CRT (Critical Race Theory) on this page and "The Old South 2020 subsection" webpage. You are also encouraged to read on those same pages, the real agenda of BLM, which was formed by 3 avowed Marxists (they have admitted that publicly); and about the "Decolonization" theory and "1619" false history being pushed in our universities and schools.
Socialism is a subset of Communism, plain and simple. We need to be informed and speak out against this, which is a direct contradiction of the teachings of the Bible.
De-Fund the Police ? Only a Socialist or Communist would be in favor of that:
Calamity Joe and the
comeback kid: As 'sleepy' Biden is losing his grip on the reins and a resurgent
Trump rides high on the horizon, US expert NIALL FERGUSON predicts there's only
going to be one winner:
Biden is destroying America............
Communism is making a comeback
in our country
What I learned and studied in school about Democracy, Despotism, Communism, Propaganda Techniques, and the importance of Citizenship:
As a former history teacher, I have studied all our past presidents, and found that Democrat President Woodrow Wilson's wife was really in charge at the White House during the last part of his second term, due to one of many debilitating strokes he had. This fact was successfully covered up, with the assistance of his doctor, his personal secretary, and a Vice President who didn't want the office of president. It has been proven that his wife actually signed his name to several papers sent down from Congress.
Now, another Democrat, Joe Biden, is showing definite signs of senility and cognitive decline, and one has to wonder who is running the White House now.
Some thoughts about the
Kyle Rittenhouse matter
Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to prove to the world that he is cognitively compromised and that VP Kamala Harris lacks qualifications to hold that office
Biden family scandals continue.......
The Biden lie in "Build Back Better"
Let's play "Let's Pretend"
....and 3 days before Christmas, we have this......
2022 starts with political theater
Ben Shapiro explains what was 'really' being said by Biden and Harris:
In light of the above remarks concerning the January 6th soap opera, and after my own careful consideration of what is being stage-managed behind the scenes, I recommend that those reading this page listen to the lecture by Lisa Sergio, "The How and Why of Dictatorships." The parallel between what she described that happened during WW2 and after, and what is being perpetrated on our country by this socialist administration is unmistakable.
As you continue reading more about Biden, in the comments that follow Ms. Sergio's lecture, you will see the unmistakable comparison between him and the 'dictatorship of ideas' that is, in my opinion, now occuring in this country.
Then, the White House staff had to take charge of Biden's Q&A:
What happened prior to this presser when he ranted with a speech in Georgia? Senator Mitch McConnell tells us:
CAL THOMAS: President Biden lies again Jan 21, 2022 How do you know when a politician is lying? Answer: when his lips are moving. It’s an old joke, but it fits the Biden administration.
The president went to Atlanta recently where he made claims that would have sent a lie detector off the chart. With a tableau of mostly Black people behind him, Biden again asserted without credible evidence that Republicans are trying to stop minorities from voting.
That this is probably false on many levels does not deter Biden, other Democrats, or fundraisers from making the claim because in addition to lying, they are also confirming their belief that too many voters accept whatever they are told from political leaders, especially Democrats. One reason is that the major media rarely question their assertions, while Republicans and their policies are under constant media examination and assault.
The Atlanta speech apparently was viewed by the administration as a good way to change the subject from the economy and the worst inflation in 40 years, but polls show the public isn’t buying it. In major cities, they see supermarket shelves nearly empty of food and other staples. These are scenes more recognizable in poor and totalitarian countries, not America. Who should they believe, their “lying eyes,” or politicians? The verdict is in.
The latest Quinnipiac Poll finds Biden’s approval numbers have dipped yet again, to a record low 33 percent. One wonders what the approvers find in his policies that are worthy of their support? During a photo-op appearance last week in Long Beach, California, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg ludicrously claimed the supply chain bottleneck was solved in time to “save Christmas.”
Don’t tell that to consumers.
As The New York Post noted, “Inflation cost American shoppers a whopping $6.2 billion over the holidays, as retailers hiked prices on everything from clothing to groceries and appliances amid soaring demand and persistent supply-chain bottlenecks.” Buttigieg later seemed to partially reverse himself, telling CNN he expected supply chain issues to remain through most of the year, blaming heavy consumer demand.
It’s never the fault of politicians and their policies. The same poll found other bad news for Democrats, who control the White House and both houses of Congress and thus own this: “Seventy-six percent say they think political instability within the country is a bigger danger to the United States compared to the 19 percent who think other countries that are adversaries of the United States are the bigger danger.” Worse, the poll reveals a majority – 58 percent to 37 percent – think our democracy is nearing collapse.
Why wouldn’t they when they see lawlessness added to our economic woes.
The line from the administration is that the rate of inflation should slow by fall. That is small comfort to those on tight budgets who are having to pay considerably more than they did during the last administration for everything from food to fuel.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who is tasked with defending and explaining the indefensible and unexplainable, called it “hilarious” that people might disagree with Biden’s Atlanta speech in which he promoted an end to the Senate filibuster so that Democrats (but not all Democrats) can federalize elections in order to make themselves a permanent majority.
Psaki underscored Biden’s assertion that especially Black people are being denied their right to vote, a fiction that has worked well for them in keeping that demographic voting Democratic.
Republicans are counting the months until the November election, but there is still plenty of time for the administration to cause even more damage.
Given their refusal to change course on policies that aren’t working, they probably will.
The latest from our incoherent president:
Joe Biden's 'crack cocaine pipe' debacle and Snopes website tries to cover it up:
Christians need to be in prayer about the continued corruption in political leaders who deign to lead our country. We need to have discerning hearts and pray that this corruption will end.
The president has been predicting a Russian invasion of Ukraine for weeks, even 'green-lighting' Russia in talking about Putin making only a 'minor incursion' into the country of Ukraine. What is really going on? What are the ramifications for innocent civilians, and what about the biblical and moral implications?
Ukraine is the largest country that is entirely within Europe. The country sits on the southwestern part of the Russian Plain and has a largely low terrain. The average elevation of the land is only 574 ft (175 m).
As observed on a physical map of Ukraine, about 5% of the country is mountainous. The northern reaches of the Carpathian Mountains stretch across western Ukraine. The country's highest point is located there; Hoverla Mountain, at 2061 m (6762 ft) tall.
The southern lowland of Ukraine continues into the Crimean Peninsula, a peninsula jutting into the sea from southern Ukraine via the Perekop Isthmus. It is a disputed territory.
The Crimean Mountains front the southern edges of the Crimean Peninsula, and some lower, heavily-eroded mountains extend into Russia, just north of the Sea of Azov.
Much of central Ukraine is covered by plateaus and fertile plains (steppes), somewhat hilly areas of grasslands and shrublands.
The Black Sea Coastal Lowlands cover the southern edges of the country.
Ukraine is bordered by the waters of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
Major rivers include the Desna, Dnieper, Dniester, Donets and the Southern Bug. Numerous waterfalls are found in both the Carpathian and Crimean Mountains.
The Dnieper River, one of the major rivers of Europe (fourth by length) flows from Russia, through Belarus and Ukraine, to the Black Sea. The river's total length is 2,285 km (1,420 mi).
Ukraine is divided into 24 provinces (oblast), 1 autonomous republic (avtonomna respublika) and 2 municipalities (mista). In alphabetical order, these provinces are: Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Dnipropetrovs’k (Dnipro), Donets’k, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmel’nyts’kyy, Kirovohrad (Kropyvnyts’kyy), Kyiv, Luhans’k, L’viv, Mykolayiv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil’, Vinnytsya, Volyn’ (Luts’K), Zakarpattya (Uzhhorod), Zaporizhzhya and Zhytomyr. Crimea or Avtonomna Respublika Krym (Simferopol’) is an autonomous republic. Kyiv (Kiev) and Sevastopol’ are two municipalities of special status. The 24 oblasts and Crimea are further subdivided into 136 raions (district) and city municipalities.
With an area of 603,628 sq. km (which also includes the area covered by the Crimean Peninsula), Ukraine is the 2nd largest country by area in Europe and the 46th largest country in the world. With a population over 42 million people, Ukraine is the 7th/8th most populous county in Europe and the 32nd most populous country in the world. Located in the north-central part of the country, along the Dnieper River is Kiev (Kyiv) – the capital and the most populous city of Ukraine. Kiev is the chief cultural and industrial center of Eastern Europe.
Ukraine is an Eastern European country. It is situated both in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the earth. Ukraine is bordered by 7 European Nations: by Belarus in the north; by Hungary, Slovakia and Poland in the west; by Moldova and Romania in the southwest; and by Russia in the east and northeast. It is bounded by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov in the south. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea borders Ukraine to the south.
Now, take a look at that last film clip again and notice the following as Biden enters the room:
He's pointing down at the floor; but notice a lady dressed completely in black to his right side in a darkened area away from the audience of reporters. Here's what I saw:
Go back and look at that film clip a second time; this appears only briefly; freeze the frame and look closely. The lady dressed in all black appears in the picture at :47-:49 seconds. Remember the time Biden was entering the Capitol for his swearing in as president? He obviously had an ear piece, as he said out loud, passing the two Marine guards at the door, "Salute the Marines," which didn't do. Then, in the very next scene, we see his wife attempt to shake hands with a Soldier who is standing at attention.?!
What does the Bible say about Russia in the Bible?
Ukraine is under attack, while Biden is AWOL in Delaware. The following reports, courtesy of Sky News Australia, and GBNews UK, are informative and insightful:
62% of Americans think Putin WOULDN'T have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president, poll claims - and 59% say Biden's weakness made Russia decide to declare war - A recent survey revealed that 62 percent of Americans polled felt that Putin would not invade Ukraine if Trump was still in office
- A total of 38 percent of Democrats agreed that Trump would have held Putin back, with a whopping 85 percent of GOP voters agreeing
- A total of 38 percent of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believed that Putin would have invaded Ukraine regardless of who was president
- Another 59 percent of Americans polled believed that the Russian president moved on it's neighboring country because Putin saw weakness in Biden
- Another 41 percent said that the person sitting in office did not play not a factor in Putin's decision to invade Ukraine
- The survey, which was conducted between February 23 and 24, included 2,026 registered voters
- (SOURCE: The Daily Mail)
Biden didn't listen to his advisors before the debacle in Afghanistan withdrawal; now he was warned about the problem with sanctions:
Biden and Putin are both seen as unpopular:
Christians are under threat around the world. The following report gives us insight into the current situation in China:
Implication for Israel and the Middle East:
Implication for the world of sports (story courtesy of Daily Mail online):
Ukrainian duo Oleksandr Zinchenko and Vitaliy Mykolenko embrace before tributes at Goodison Park leave the Manchester City man in tears ahead of kick-off - Russia started a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Thursday morning
- Oleksandr Zinchenko and Vitaliy Mykolenko are both Ukrainian internationals
- They embraced each other prior to kick-off between Everton and Man City
- Zinchenko was left in tears as Goodison Park showed their support for Ukraine
- The full story:
The Ukrainian duo may be on opposing teams at Goodison Park but this did not matter, given what is currently taking place in their homeland. With both teams warming up prior to kick-off, Zinchenko and Mykolenko headed over to another to embrace and appeared to share a few words of comfort. Both players were named among the substitutes for their respective clubs, and they re-emerged from the tunnel a few minutes before kick-off to take their places on the bench. Zinchenko was clearly appreciative of the support from both sets of supporters as he applauded the home fans on his way across the pitch.
Implication for other European countries? Putin recently threatened military action against Sweden and Finland if they joined NATO. The U.S. now has troops in NATO countries.
Many Americans don't want intervention in Ukraine...but when does aggression from a dictator come to an end?
We need to remember what happened to Europe, indeed the world, when leaders of the free world followed the path of appeasement in dealing with Hitler.
A Weak Vice-President, who has no skills to fill that position.
An even Weaker President delivers a Weak State of the Union address (which had the fewest number of Americans watching in 30 years) backs a Weak response to the immoral invasion of Ukraine.
May I say, as already discussed on this page: the rank dishonesty and outright lies being told by President Biden, continued unabated in his 2022 State of the Union address. Having studied and researched presidential history on the graduate level, Biden should be ranked at the bottom, for telling lies and twisting the truth. It's surreal watching this man speak in public. I feel sorry for him, his wife, and especially those few I know, who had openly supported his election. I hope those "few" Democrats in my extended family, are now waking up, as others are, (and as the numerous polls suggest), to see this man's rank dishonesty. It was Harry Truman, a Democrat (and a Baptist, I might add), who once said, "There is nothing worse than a liar in public office." That quote came to my mind, as I recently sat in a pharmacy waiting area, as an elderly Black gentleman, who had been discussing the country's problems, leaned over and said to me,"we need Harry Truman back!" (Emphasis mine.)
Biden’s Top Ten Bizarre Lies from SOTU; Between the babbles are a host of mistruths.
Joe Biden's weak, forgettable State of the Union won't help his abysmal poll numbers
Americans should expect consequences brought about by a weak and dishonest president. The Bible is clear in many verses that speak concerning those who are dishonest in leadership.
Ben Shapiro explains some of the ramifications of the failed leadership policies:
Meanwhile, Russia continues it's invasion of Ukraine............
Putin’s new atrocity: Maternity hospital is bombed, with children buried under rubble in Mariupol, where '3,000 babies are without food or medicine', while Russian troops round up 400 Ukrainian 'hostages' in Kherson - Children's hospital in Mariupol, southern Ukraine, suffered a 'direct hit' by Russian rockets, Zelensky has said
- Video shows one building completely destroyed and another badly damaged as wounded patients evacuate
- Zelensky said children are trapped under rubble as he accused world leaders of being 'accomplice to terror'
- Hours earlier, foreign minister had warned 3,000 babies in the city were without access to food or medicine
- Ukrainian military says 400 people have also been arrested by Russian forces in the occupied city of Kherson
"Climate Change" has been the excuse for politicians to "Build Back Better". Recently received the following note sent from a former member of the Australian Parliament:
Joe Biden has lied once again to the American people: the Hunter laptop story WAS true, and he lied throughout the political campaign of 2020.
Former Attorney General Bill Barr: Joe Biden LIED to Americans and it did affect the outcome of the election:
The Bible is clear about those in authority who lie to their people:
Millions of voters have never heard the truth about President Biden and his son Hunter:
Hunter Biden Business Partner Confirms Email Showing Joe Was Offered 10 Percent Stake in Chinese Business Deal
A former Australia Member of Parliament has written succinctly about our current situation:
May I say that Christians are supposed to be biblically discerning about all things, and that includes how they view their duty as citizens of America to vote responsibly. To me, this has always meant looking carefully at the candidate, not the party, who is running for office. The Christian should look at the individual's character, Christian background and stand on issues that affect Christians as a group. In the run up to the last Presidential election, I had opportunity to have conversation with one of my cousins concerning the issues and candidates running for office. He was obviously a backer of the Democrat candidate without proper in-depth insight. Instead of listening to what I had to say about the things that stood out about his candidate, he, instead tried to take me to task for listening to biased mainstream media. He was stopped in his tracks when I stated that I got 3/4 of my news from overseas; and I named the legitimate sources for that news. When asked about his candidate's qualifications, I responded "he's not with us." My clear intent was to point out that man's cognitive decline and obvious inability to hold office. His bad decisions have borne out my assessment. As stated previously on this webpage concerning another Christian in the church I attend, who was totally ignorant of the BLM movement, was shocked to learn the truth as I laid it out.
Another thing seems apparent to most: Biden's fixation over his dead son. (See the news article below concerning this). This is not healthy, mentally, for someone to continually and publicly draw attention to one's deceased relative. There is something unnatural about this, or as my Dad would say, 'it sounds kind of spooky to me.'
May I say dear friends, that one must always look at the aforementioned things that assist a Christian in making correct decisions that affect our Christian country. And we clearly had a cognitively declining candidate, now president, who in popular jargon, has 'lost the plot.' Of course, we can't blame him for aging and all that comes with that; we must feel sorry for him; but we must blame the Democrats who knew he was in decline and nominated him and worked behind the scenes, as already described on this page, that got him elected anyway, in spite of his failing health. -J. Hughes
BIDEN'S EARTH DAY GIFT TO AMERICA'S ENEMIES (The most idiotic idea ever perpetrated by a U.S. President on our military)
Biden doesn't know what question he is asked? This is appalling. He is so lost and doesn't know where he is and who he's talking to. Meanwhile, he continues to lie to the public!
An Insurrection? Let's discuss this further:
Harris - Biden debacle continues unabated as U.S. is weakened by border insecurity and purposeful economic policies.
Dysfunction in Biden administration continues into May/June 2022
World Economic Forum now wants to track the clothes you wear:
Medical professional journal buys into 'climate change' religion, 'woke' in universities, and 'drag queens' for education:
Inflation, gas prices, food prices are up. Biden administration has destroyed our oil industry, our border protection, and supply chains.
One has to feel sorry for Mr. Biden, but the country is in bad shape because of him. There is much 'buyer's remorse' now, by the voters who, either as 'dyed-in-the-wool' Democrats, or else others who were misled by the fake mainstream media, put him into office and did not do their homework. Many good sources of factual news were available and these sources told the truth about his past and what to expect.
Wokeness marches into July 2022
Priorities: U.S. Military Base Is Hosting a Drag Show -Robert Spencer
It seems as if every day lately there is another reason to break out the champagne in Moscow and Beijing, and Saturday was no exception: it was the day of Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE)’s first “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival,” featuring (what else), a drag show. What does all this woke nonsense have to do with winning wars? Oh, never mind that; that’s the old, white supremacist military! The new diverse military has other priorities altogether.
The festival, according to the Daily Wire, will feature “a series of performances and speeches, including a poem on ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ and a drag show by Joshua Kelley, who performs under the moniker Harpy Daniels.”
This isn’t some outsider, non-military-grade drag show, either. Harpy Daniels is actually a yeoman 3rd class in the United States Navy, and you can just imagine how proud John Paul Jones and Chester Nimitz would be if they saw young Harpy in action. He actually joined the Navy in order to finance his drag career. Back in the bad old days, young men joined the Navy out of a sense of patriotism (and no doubt a desire for adventure), but for Harpy it’s just a means to an end: “With drag being my number one passion,” Yeoman Harpy explained, “it quickly became costly. On top of just struggling to make ends meet and then pay college loans, the Navy became a great option to get myself situated in life.“
They’re going to get a bravura performance at JBLE, because Harpy gives it his or her or xis all: “Doing drag allows me to embrace my feminine side and allows me to bring my diversity and creativity out. When I put on a face, it’s a face of art and creativity, not just a face of make-up. To hear people cheer, laugh or cry, or even join in with you during a performance is an absolute thrill.”
Those straights and dweebs over at the Daily Wire note primly that Harpy’s “professional Instagram page features dozens of photos of him in drag, many of them heavily sexualized. Some of the photos show Kelley nude, though the photos themselves appear to not violate Instagram’s nudity policies.” My fellow Americans, this is your United States Navy! The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival was the brainchild of the JBLE Breaking Barriers Alliance, a committee in the base’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. How much attention JBLE’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, or its JBLE Breaking Barriers Alliance, devotes to actual efforts to defend the United States from military threats was not disclosed. The whole thing was approved at the top: JBLE’s commander, Colonel Gregory Beaulieu, green-lighted the festival, and it was off to the races, er, that is, off to the drag show. And not just a drag show: the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival will also feature “bouncy houses and face painting for the children” who get bored with watching Harpy Daniels cavort.
A notable stick in the mud in all this has been Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), ranking member of the House Subcommittee on Military Personnel, who dared to point out that the U.S. military should actually devote its attention to winning wars, not to woke virtue-signaling: “Diversity may be a strength for America, but it cannot be an organizing principle for the Pentagon. Actual strength — physical strength, mental strength, and overall end strength — is our strength. DEI initiatives risk sapping this strength. By co-opting the Woke Left’s obsession with racial and gender diversity, the Pentagon’s DEI evangelists are ironically stifling the very type of diversity that might improve military performance: intellectual diversity.”
The U.S. Air Force didn’t even have an Office of Diversity and Inclusion until Old Joe Biden started pretending to be president. But now that seems to be all that it’s about. JBLE explained in a statement that the goal of the Summer Festival was to “provide education and awareness, increase collaboration through outreach, and recognize the diverse composition of JBLE….JBLE leadership is committed to celebrating differences and cultivating an inclusive environment where every Airman, Soldier and civilian feels valued.”
Well, heavens to betsy. We certainly don’t want our airmen or soldiers not to feel valued. Some curmudgeons might prefer that they feel equipped to defeat the enemy in combat, but come on, man! This is the twenty-first century!
Our Woke Military in 2023:
U.S. Inflation caused by Joe Biden's actions in shutting down oil production and other executive orders.
With Biden's plan in August 2022 of erasing student loans, inflation will rise even more:
Where was Joe Biden on July 4th? At Camp David with Hunter. Then, he had to come out of hiding and say a few words, prompted by Jill; while some Progressive Liberals were booed off the stage:
During a July 4th Medal of Freedom ceremony, Biden lied again:
UPDATE, JULY 9, 2022: Our lying President told the American people one thing, and did something else. (News from overseas and here at home).
Joe Biden sold nearly ONE MILLION oil barrels from emergency reserves to state-owned Chinese gas giant that Hunter's private equity firm had $1.7B stake in. Here's the real story:
Are you surprised? Tucker Carlson does the math:
Sidebar: Hunter has now been seen on a regular basis in the White House since early July 2022, interacting with the public. This administration is looking more like a "Watergate" scandal unravelling.
No longer any doubt that Joe Biden KNEW about Hunter Biden's business deals:
Then, his staff tries to cover-up his cognitive screw up:
As previously stated on this page, the most truthful information you can have about our country comes from Australia:
Watch the next video closely, as Biden asks a military aide, "What do I do next?" And then he tries to figure out where to stand on the red carpet.
America's Nightmare: Joe Biden is Mentally and Physically Deteriorating.
The truth is now out about Biden's senility and additional information on how his election was covered up.
Questions are also being raised about why he spends weekends in Delaware, not at the White House, contrary to all previous presidents.
AUGUST 2022 - Diplomatic stumbles
Australia's Manly Sea Eagles sports rugby club teaches the country a lesson on the poisonous Woke culture:
Lingering fallout from border wall and China trip:
The impropriety of raiding a former president's residence and office for political gain:
This Monologue by Will Cain on Our "Banana Republic" Must Be Heard and Shared by All
The raiding of Donald Trump's home doesn't just represent a clear injustice or abuse of power. It's the left rubbing in our faces that their people are above the law while claiming nobody is. Are we living in a banana republic? The vast majority of Americans believe so, and if they didn't before the FBI raid on Donald Trump's home, then they likely do now. The partisanship and lopsided control of our two-tiered justice system is rapidly deconstructing any trust there once was in the way our government operates. Fox News host Will Cain, sitting in for Tucker Carlson, gave one of the most important opening monologues I've ever heard. He cut to the core of what the raid on Trump's home really tells us about our Justice Department. More importantly, he told us why we should have no faith in the FBI after they ignored the unambiguous crimes of people like Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Swalwell while they try to manufacture crimes committed by a former President of the United States.
FBI Made a Big Mistake: Trump Rallies Taking Place Across the Country Following Unprecedented Raid on President Trump’s Home — Bedminster, Long Island, Phoenix, Mar-a-Lago, St. Louis, et.al.
And Joe and Hunter Biden have left town for a vacation in S.C......no doubt to avoid questions from concerned media over the raid.
.....And while hiding from reporters on vacation....more evidence emerges of Joe and Hunter Biden corruption......
It is clear that the sitting president doesn't care about the 'optics' of corrupt cronyism when appearing with corrupt son Hunter, therefore, showing his support of wrong-doing. Our faith in the freedoms we have enjoyed for so long are disappearing. He might have taken a page from the recent events surrounding England's Prince Andrew, and how Queen Elizabeth handled her problematic son. But that would be too much to ask, I guess.
So FBI, why no raid of Hunter Biden’s house? By Miranda Devine, New York Post, Aug 10, 2022. The message was unmistakable at Joint Base Andrews Wednesday, two days after former President Donald Trump’s Florida home was raided by the FBI. There, boarding Air Force One at 1:20 p.m., shoulder to shoulder with his father, the president, was Hunter Biden, whose home has never been raided. Despite a snail’s pace grand-jury investigation into his suspect business dealings by the US attorney in Joe Biden’s crony state of Delaware, despite copious documentary evidence that he accepted millions of dollars from America’s adversaries in exchange for influencing his father, the then-vice president, despite actively working with Communist China to extend “belt-and-road” imperialism across the globe to undermine America, Hunter, 52, looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Dressed in a suit and tie and accompanied by wife Melissa Cohen and toddler son Beau Biden, he made his way slowly up the stairs of the presidential jet, alongside Joe, exchanging private jokes before stopping at the top to turn and face the waiting cameras, father and son, giving the world a lingering view of their brazen smiles before they jetted off for a seven-day vacation to a favorite family haunt, Kiawah Island, SC. “We are untouchable” was the unspoken message. They may as well have given the middle finger to half the country. Democrats and allied media have been high-fiving and backslapping on MSNBC and CNN ever since the Mar-a-Lago raid Monday. Magazine covers featuring Trump in a photoshopped orange jumpsuit behind bars are already in the works. “No one is above the law,” they chortle. Unless you’re a Democrat.
The fact that neither President Biden, nor his handpicked Attorney General Merrick Garland, has deigned to explain the raid shows that they don’t care about the ¬optics.
They haven’t attempted to reassure the American public that it is not a political hit job to take out the likely Republican presidential candidate for 2024. They don’t care that half the country, polls show, believes the FBI has become the Democrats’ personal Gestapo.
They don’t care about the political firestorm they have ignited, because they think they control the corrupted institutions that have all the power. “They don’t even hide it anymore,” says Professor Nicholas Giordano, ex-catastrophic-planning official in New York state’s Office of Emergency Management and host of “The P.A.S. Report” podcast, which offers deep insights into the security state.
“But at this point why do they have to hide it because no one’s held accountable? It’s indisputable that when Democrats do wrong there are no arrests or charges and they are handled with kid gloves .?.?. Yet everyone in Trump’s orbit gets charged.” He says reports that the FBI relied on information from a confidential human source, who told them where to look for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, suggest that the feds have been surveilling Trump for some time. “Why are they recruiting people from Trump’s orbit to investigate him? It’s like they are surveilling him again like it’s the Russia collusion [hoax].” For the feds to claim they suddenly care about classified documents is a joke anyway. They would have to care about Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, constantly leaking classified information and lying that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation. They would have to care about Hillary Clinton’s private server and missing emails.
They would have to care that former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy Andrew McCabe lied to officials and disclosed classified information. They would have to care about Hunter’s laptop and the identity of the Big Guy.
“Let’s be honest,” said Giordano. “Plenty of people are above the law in the United States.” But not Trump, the “most investigated person” in American history. The FBI, the Department of Justice, the Southern District of New York, special counsel Robert Mueller, the Manhattan district attorney, the New York state attorney general, officials in Georgia, two impeachment trials in Congress and now the January 6 Committee have investigated every aspect of the former president’s life. He must be a master criminal to have withstood the scrutiny so far. Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was subjected to a secret warrant so the FBI could spy on his cloud for months before raiding him early in the morning and seizing all his devices — except the Hunter Biden hard drive. They charged him with nothing, returned all his property 15 months later and quietly closed the supposed investigation into alleged foreign lobbying violations. The process is the punishment. Now, almost exactly 90 days from the midterms, we are expected to believe that Trump’s home was ripped apart by dozens of FBI agents for nine hours because of a suspected violation of the Presidential Records Act.
Giuliani suspects the FBI was on a fishing expedition for evidence helpful to Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Committee’s mission to find Trump guilty of inciting the Capitol riot.
“You rip his wife’s bedroom apart and what are you looking for? It had to be for one h... of a good purpose .?.?. “I think they’re hoping there’s something there like a piece of paper saying, ‘make sure you make it to the rally’ or maybe something they can take out of context like: ‘We’re going to blow this up.’?” He does not believe that Garland wasn’t aware of the raid. Nor does he believe that the White House didn’t know. Pandora’s box Giordano says most retired FBI agents he talks to say the agency has become “nothing more than a political machine and thoroughly corrupt [meaning] ideologically corrupted, where people put their ideology before the actual mission .?.?. It is an arm of the Democratic National Committee. “At this point the FBI is unsalvageable. You can’t have an organization as powerful as the FBI being .?.?. weaponized politically.” But he warns that Democrats have “opened Pandora’s box .?.?. and they better be careful what they wish for.” Giuliani warns the boomerang will come back on Biden. “Breaking into the home of a former president is a political act — particularly since you’re breaking precedent. “All of a sudden, you’re the first president of the United States who introduced the banana-republic process of prosecuting your predecessor. We’ve avoided it for 240 years. Trump didn’t do it to Hillary. Ford didn’t do it to Nixon.
“If Trump gets elected [president], the first thing he’ll do is raid every one of Biden’s houses.” That’s something for the president to contemplate this week on Kiawah Island.
FBI Gone Wild: Federal Agent Threatened Hunter Biden Laptop Repair Guy -Matt Vespa, Town Hall, Aug 12, 2022. The trail of corruption and abuse stretches the length of the Great Wall of China by this point. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is out of control. Has the Russian collusion hoax not exposed how far agents and employees at the Department of Justice will go to undermine a duly elected president? There was election interference in 2016 and 2020, but the source was domestic, not foreign. It wasn’t the Russians but those working in the J. Edgar Hoover Building. Trump being smeared as a Kremlin agent was the first salvo, but in 2020, the Hunter Biden laptop came out in October of that year—threatening Joe Biden’s election chances. The FBI ran interference by reportedly labeling any allegations stemming from Hunter’s laptop as Russian disinformation without a thorough review. The bureau has been doing this for months with regard to making sure nothing about Hunter becomes a national news story that could damage the Biden presidency. The New York Post, which first obtained a copy of the hard drive and was censored by social media for their reports, now has a new story from the Delaware repairman whom the FBI allegedly threatened to keep quiet about this whole ordeal. Hunter had dropped off this device containing highly sensitive and, in some cases, pornographic material at this shop in Wilmington in April 2019 but never picked it up. The computer repair shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, gave a copy of the drive to the FBI but also made copies, offering one to Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, who then turned it over to The New York Post. Mr. Mac Isaac said he was left stunned by the encounter with the federal agents, wondering if they had just threatened him as they visited his business (via NY Post): The computer repair shop owner who blew the whistle on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop claims in a new book that an FBI agent threatened him to stay silent. John Paul Mac Isaac said two federal agents came to his Mac Shop in Wilmington, Del. in December 2019 to recoup the laptop following a subpoena, he details in his new book “American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth.” The repairman, who had volunteered to hand the laptop over to the feds two months earlier, said the alleged threat came after he made a joke, telling them: “Hey, lads, I’ll remember to change your names when I write the book.” “Agent Wilson kept walking but Agent DeMeo paused and turned to face me,” Paul Mac writes of the encounter. Isaac said the agent then told him: “It is our experience that nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things.” The owner said he locked the door after the agents walked out, leaving him to “digest the encounter.” “Was I being paranoid, or had what the agent just told me been a direct threat, or at best a thinly veiled one?” he writes. The New York Post has frequently been reporting about the nuggets that drop from their analysis of this hard drive which they can share on social media now that the 2020 election is over. Most of the intelligence community disregarded it as part of a potential Russian psychological operation, which was later proven false. The laptop is authentic. It’s not a Russian intelligence psyop which a host of us who aren’t Trump-deranged knew from the start. The NY Post was barred from posting anything on Twitter for days since they had uncovered the real October Surprise, which could damage Biden’s chances of winning the election. The neo-Marxist warlords of Silicon Valley suffocated this story with a pillow, a move celebrated by their allies in the media. They were right about its impact. Some surveys had 17 percent of Biden voters declaring they would not have voted for Joe Biden if they knew about the alleged shady deals and potentially compromising government access arrangements hashed out by Hunter Biden. With the FBI raiding Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago over suspicions that he didn’t hand over all the records per the Presidential Records Act, we have another instance of DOJ overreach that’s more alarming. The home of a former president was raided over some menus, a cocktail napkin, and some maps. These items were turned over last winter, but doubts remained that Trump has given the National Archives everything, hence this federally approved ransacking. We learned yesterday evening that some of the items outlined in this search warrant involved documents containing nuclear secrets. Seriously? The backstory regarding this search is just unbelievable. The FBI has no credibility anymore as they’re rightfully seen as the henchmen for the Democratic National Committee. This massive show of force was over honoring the mission statement of the National Archives, please? And now, there were nuke codes all over the place—this is a clown car that crashed the minute federal agents poured onto the Mar-a-Lago grounds. As Joel Pollack noted, if this is true, and the FBI waited 18 months to seize nuclear secrets to satisfy a political objective, that being stopping Trump from running in 2024, then everyone at the DOJ is incompetent and must be fired. Oh, and threatening civilians because they have damning information about the son of the guy they’re backing in a presidential election—also not good.
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."-Lord Acton of England
Americans expect more from the FBI leadership:
Head of Facebook reveals that the FBI lied to them about the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was true; they had the actual laptop in their possession for over a year and KNEW it was not Russian disinformation:
And then, there was the Liz Cheney problem.....
Every week, we are presented fresh evidence of Biden's mental decline:
Biden has taken more than 200 vacation days in the last 19 months in office:
From the former Director of National Intelligence................
Pence Labels Biden ‘Trojan Horse for the Radical Left’ in RNC Acceptance Speech -Brittany Bernstein August 26, 2020 Vice president Mike Pence called Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden a “Trojan horse for the radical left” in his nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night.
In a live address from Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Pence criticized said the Democrats “didn’t talk very much about their agenda” in their convention last week.
“I wouldn’t either. Bernie Sanders did tell his followers that Joe Biden would be the most liberal president in modern times,” he added.
Pence juxtaposed Biden’s moderate branding with his policy positions, including his support for “open borders, sanctuary cities and free lawyers and healthcare for illegal immigrants.” He also pointed out that Biden’s policy commitments would require raising taxes “by nearly 4 trillion dollars.”
“When you consider their agenda, it’s clear: Joe Biden would be nothing more than a Trojan horse for the radical left,” Pence said. “Last week, Joe Biden said democracy is on the ballot, but the truth is our economic recovery is on the ballot, law and order is on the ballot. But so are things far more fundamental and foundational to our country.”
The vice president’s remarks come after days of unrest in Kenosha, Wis. sparked by the police shooting of Jacob Blake on Sunday. Demonstrations in the city turned deadly Tuesday night during a confrontation between armed citizens who were protecting local businesses and an angry crowd outside a car dealership. Three people were shot, two fatally, during the incident.
“Let me be clear: the violence must stop – whether in Minneapolis, Portland or Kenosha,” Pence said. “Too many heroes have died defending our freedoms to see Americans strike each other down.” “The hard truth is, you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America,” Pence said. “Under President Trump, we will stand with those who stand on the thin blue line, and we’re not going to defund the police — not now, not ever.”
Mike Pence was right. Biden has been found out; he is a Trojan Horse. In fact, there is new evidence of this in the little-talked-about Biden's Socialist scheme called "ESG." It is explained here:
We are approaching the 1st Anniversary of Biden's failed/disorganized withdrawal from Afghanistan. What has happened since? Here is the latest report:
Meanwhile, Biden's administration has impacted our military readiness and recruitment, not to mention loss of trust in those leaders who are involved in Woke 'virtual signaling.' He himself has contributed to a disdain for the men and women in uniform. Not only in the debacle of withdrawing from Afghanistan and his lack of empathy for those parents and wives who lost service men and women, but remember what he told one U.S. Army Battalion stationed in England while on a visit he made there? That "the greatest enemy they would face in the future was climate change." I wanted to throw up. That was one of the worst things any Commander-in-Chief could say to anyone in uniform. I've never heard that from anyone, from General to Private. Soldiers do not train to fight our climate; they train to fight an enemy; they train to protect our country. "Climate Change," as referenced in many reports on this page, is a fantasy and is not a threat. It is being pushed by many uneducated individuals, and has no basis in fact.
Now consider the following report on why recruitment in our military is down:
Joe Biden's lies are catching up with him:
Is America becoming the new Fascist state?
Joe Biden is becoming more un-hinged; his remark about Fascism is from the man who, in his inaugural address called for "unity."
Go back and listen to the lecture by Lisa Sergio on this page, "The How and Why of Dictatorships," and listen closely to the clear parallels of what happened in Italy in the 1920s, and what is going on in our country now.
But, Biden is in mental decline; note this:
(Anita Dunn was responsible for this political ploy/speech in order for Dems to win Senate in mid-terms. She was the one responsible for advising Biden to stay hidden his basement during the 2020 election).
The mental decline of President Biden, being excused by the mainstream media, but obvious to all Americans, continues in September 2022, to the detriment of our national security:
October 2022: time for an "October Surprise"? From Sky News Australia, the truth of the state of our own nation:
Biden's un-presidential and irresponsible use of language; of 'Biblical' proportions.
Biden has terrified millions with his panic-stricken warning of a nuclear armageddon.
But even more petrifying? Not knowing if he's intentionally frightening
America...(an "October Surprise" prior to the mid-term elections)...or just making yet another horrific senile gaffe. (As of Dec 2022, it turned out to be a senile statement).
Now it's revealed that our country is stockpiling medicine for radiation sickness.
As one who lived during the Cuban Missile Crisis, I remain profoundly disturbed at Biden's lack of knowledge concerning what the Bible says about the real 'Armageddon' and what Jesus said about the end of time. It is truly sad to see this man off the rails mentally; the man who could inaugurate a war of epic proportions. He needs to be circumspect in his language; to choose his words more carefully. One has to wonder if that is at all possible, at this point in time. -J.Hughes
The president's "bag man" assigned to carry the "nuclear football" which can start a nuclear response:
What's Biden doing...warning of 'Armageddon' at a Political Fundraiser? His mental decline can have serious consequences for our country. Other leaders of Russia, North Korea and China have already called his bluff-type remarks. He is simply unfit to lead our nation. One journalist examines the problem:
French President Emmanuel Macron chides Biden for warning of nuclear ‘armageddon’:
“We must speak with prudence when commenting on such matters,” Macron told reporters at a European Union summit in Prague on Friday.
“I have always refused to engage in political fiction, and especially … when speaking of nuclear weapons,” he added. “On this issue, we must be very careful."
Billy Graham warns against predicting 2nd coming of Jesus Christ:
Meanwhile, as the 2022 mid-term elections approach, we need to pray for the president who has become mentally unhinged and incapable of making right decisions. Journalists from overseas have gotten to the truth of the issues:
Let's look again at the questions about Biden's mental ability that have been raised:
Another Biden speech: incoherent, full of lies, and couldn't find his way off the podium:
Have we ever seen a president like this before?
Have we ever seen a candidate like this before?
China is running a 5th Column operation in our country:
Some background..................
Hunter's ties that bind: Chinese business partner of president's son is pictured raising a glass with Vladimir Putin in 2017 - as texts reveal he was given the green light by President Xi Jinping - '#1' - to cement oil deal with the Bidens - Zang Jianjun was executive director of Chinese oil giant CEFC, which partnered with Joe Biden's brother Jim and son Hunter on a multi million dollar deal
- Newly unearthed photos obtained by DailyMail.com show Zang raising a glass with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2017
- They are pictured together at the World Judo Championships in Hungary, a favorite sport of Putin's, and drinking with Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán
- Texts reveal Zang was in close contact with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who gave the green light for his partnership with the Bidens
- Zang traveled to Moscow with Xi and met with Putin while brokering a massive $9.1billion deal to buy a share of a Russian state-owned oil firm in 2017
- Texts prove Hunter knew about his business partner's direct involvement with both the Russian and Chinese leaders
Newly unearthed photos show the Biden family's Chinese business partner meeting with Vladimir Putin. (Story follows):
We need a return to civility in American life in general, and in politics specifically. It was Ronald Reagan who gave his 11th commandment in politics: that a Republican should not speak ill of another Republican. It is not civility when we see a sitting president use profanity to the extreme of taking God's name in vain. It is also not civility when a former president makes fun of another politician's name in a derogatory manner. It's time for a return to civility.
After the mid-terms, turning the page with a new sense of purpose to restore honesty and biblical values in our country is in order. There is the possibility of a historical repeat of the Grover Cleveland presidency; winning two non-consecutive terms of office. We need a restoration of honesty in the White House and Biden has failed miserably on that point. Every historian who has written about Cleveland, has said that he was "an honest president." We need that again; an honest president who tells the truth!
On November 15th, Biden was in a G20 conference overseas, went missing, and did not appear at a state dinner. He was in a called special meeting with NATO members to discuss the latest incursion by Russia into Ukraine. When television networks broke in with a news bulletin about this, the reporters who had been brought in for what was to be a statement from Biden, were surprised as were the networks, that he said nothing and the reporters were ushered out of the room and, as usual, not allowed to ask questions. The press conference he had with pre-arranged questions, (which came earlier in the day) before the special meeting didn't go well:
"What did he know, and when did he know it?"
EVIDENCE COMING IN FROM ONE OF GREAT BRITAIN'S LARGEST NEWSPAPERS (not from the mainstream media or cable news in the U.S.):
- Business plans aimed at targets around the world based on influence peddling, including with people closely tied to foreign governments like China and Russia
- Plans based in the United States where the Biden family swindled investors of hundreds of thousands of dollars. All with Joe Biden's participation or knowledge
- Whistleblowers describe President Biden as 'chairman of the board' for these businesses. He personally participated in meetings and phone calls.
- Biden family sought business in 50 countries. On the international side of the Biden family business, the deals were often led by Hunter Biden
- Among the dozens of shell companies the Bidens set up, there were millions of dollars of wire transfers, flights on Air Force Two to conduct personal business, and meetings with heads of state all while Joe Biden was aware of what was happening
- Biden family accumulated over 150 SARs. One SAR generated by an American bank to the Treasury Department connects Hunter Biden and his business associates to international human trafficking, among other illegal activities
- Evidence Hunter Biden sought to evade these SARs, using his financial advisor, coincidentally a former Clinton Administration official
- One of Hunter’s closest associates—Eric Schwerin—was accessing Joe Biden’s money and writing checks to reimburse Hunter. Schwerin arranged the Biden’s international deals around the world while he was a frequent visitor at the Biden White House
- One of these deals involved the sale of American natural gas to China. Evidence suggests Joe Biden held a 10 percent equity stake in secret through his son
- Domestically, Jim Biden—Joe Biden’s brother—used the Biden name to enrich himself in return for the promise that when Joe Biden became President in 2020, business partners would get rich by having access to a future Biden Administration
It's time to hoover the corruption and cover-up out of the White House. It's past time for Joe Biden to TELL THE TRUTH and STOP LYING for once.
Telling the truth is not Biden's forte
In the firing line again: Biden lies again about the number of times he's visited Afghanistan and Iraq - and claims his uncle won a Purple Heart in World War II when NO such record exists - President Biden has once again claimed he has been to Afghanistan and Iraq '38, 39 times, twice as president' - when the true number is closer to 21
- His last visits were to Iraq in 2016 and Afghanistan in 2011 - long before he was elected
- Speaking to veterans in Delaware he also bizarrely claimed he awarded his uncle, Frank Biden, a Purple Heart for WWII service when he became VP in 2008
- But his uncle died almost a decade before the 2008 election in 1999
- There have been no news articles about Frank Biden's medal, and his name does not appear on a list of recipients held by the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor
-James Gordon, Dec 16, 2022, for The Daily Mail, UK.
Many Americans have responded thusly: U.S. President Joe Biden has been labelled a "serial liar" after the New York Post revealed there was no evidence to support his recent claim that he gave his uncle a Purple Heart for his actions during World War II. When he's talking to coal miners, suddenly he has family members who worked in the coal mines. When he talks to truck drivers, suddenly he was a former truck driver, when he talks to black people, suddenly he grew up in the black community. When he talks to Latinos, suddenly he grew up in the Latino community....a pretty predictable liar. When Biden starts that 'no joke' crap you know he's lying. Lying about awarding that purple heart while speaking to a group of vets is utterly deplorable. If he will lie about that, he will lie about anything and everything else with a straight face.
The scariest thing is that he actually believes his own lies. These are among the most dangerous people you will ever meet. The fact he's lying to vets and survivors of war is disgusting. It’s mind-boggling how he can deliver these lies weaving and maneuvering through them all, but yet he can’t seem to be able to find his way off a simple stage after a speech!!
Several times this year (2022), Biden has incorrectly claimed his son Beau Biden died in Iraq. Beau died from brain cancer in 2015 at the age of 46. His father has often blames his son's illness and subsequent death on the exposure to toxins from burn pits in Iraq, used by the military to remove household trash and other toxic substances. It's a claim he has repeated in the past. During his first State of the Union address, Biden claimed to have been to both Iraq and Afghanistan 'over 40 times,' The actual number is closer to 21 some of which happened while he was still a U.S. senator from 1973 to 2009.
Biden has developed a habit over the decades of being somewhat economical with the truth - often in a way to connect with audiences with whom he is speaking. Although proud of his Irish heritage, in October Biden claimed 'I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically' while visiting the island, despite there being a tiny Puerto Rican community in Delaware.
Also in October he told how firefighters almost died in 2004 while putting out a blaze in his kitchen. The local fire department later described as 'insignificant' for trained professionals.
In January, he told students at historically black colleges in Atlanta he was arrested during the civil rights protests of the 1960s - although there is no evidence of this.
The previous September he told Jewish leaders he went to the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh following the 2018 killing of 11 people there. The synagogue says he never visited, although he did call the rabbi of the synagogue in 2019.
Reading the Bible in public now under attack:
End of year 2022 reassessment
As 2022 comes to a close, let us review again the main thrust of this webpage by revisiting the major religious themes under consideration in relation to "Woke" and its effect on the church and Christians.
The following articles and videos are offered by way of looking again at the problem of the "Woke" movement and it effect on the church and individual Christians:
Rev. Calvin Robinson, Anglican minister, shares some thoughts for the new year. (Courtesy of GBNews.UK)
Harry, the Prince of Woke went full-court press. Foreign journalists tell us the truth of what is going on. "SPARE" me. (Courtesy of GB News, Sky News Australia, and Sky News UK).
Prince Harry tries to 'walk-back' his 'kill count' comments:
BUT, this is 'old news' because Harry has been putting his foot in his mouth for years before "Spare" was released. Prince Harry has been dubbed a ‘complete idiot’ by army personnel he formerly supported:
In 2020, former Colour Sergeant Trevor Coult came out and bashed the prince for his recent statements about the “uncomfortable” past of the Commonwealth.
Mr. Coult began by criticizing some of Prince Harry’s comments about the “uncomfortable” history of the Commonwealth.
During his interview with the Mirror, Mr. Coult claimed, Prince Harry has “turned into a complete idiot. His comments are disgusting and I for one am pleased he has left the UK. A lot of soldiers in the British Army are from the Commonwealth too.”
“They fought alongside Harry and he should remember that. He’s having a dig at the Royal Family – his own family."
The retired sergeant pointed out how hypocritical the prince has been acting for the longest time. He noted, “He says he wants to be left alone to do his own thing but he’s constantly ¬doing Zoom calls. He can’t have it both ways so he’s now classed as what I think is an attention seeker.”
“Every time he speaks these days he loses support massively. Every time he speaks and insults the Queen, the Royal Family or has a go at the Commonwealth, all that support from all the years is slowly vanishing. It’s sad because he did good work.”
Prince Harry’s continued support for the army has earned him incredible amounts of respect during the course of his life. However, in light of his recent statements, Mr. Coult claimed, “We respect Harry for his service, for what he did in the past and setting up the Invictus Games for disabled veterans but all of that is being undone now.”
“Every time he speaks and insults the Queen, the Royal Family or has a go at the Commonwealth all that support from all the years is slowly vanishing. It’s sad because he did good work.”
For the unversed, the issue began after Prince Harry made a sweeping statement regarding the Commonwealth and invited a slew of hateful attention his way.
He claimed, "When you look across the Commonwealth, there is no way that we can move forward unless we acknowledge the past.”
"So many people have done such an incredible job of acknowledging the past and trying to right those wrongs, but I think we all acknowledge there is so much more still to do.”
“It's not going to be easy and in some cases, it's not going to be comfortable, but it needs to be done, because, guess what, everybody benefits."
"VIRTUE SIGNALING" is on the rise among politicians in California with a proposal to pay thousands of 'reparations' to Blacks for what? Certainly not slavery. None currently own one. They are historically ignorant. Yet, while many churches in England are closing and could use funding, this nonsense is currently underway, as the head of the CofE wants to splash out millions for 'reparations':
Meanwhile, Biden makes a first-time appearance at the border with Mexico, with El Passo 'sanitized' for his benefit.
Now classified documents were found kept in a non-secure garage, which Hunter could access, because he has listed Biden's home as his own official address. Now, it has come to light that there is a third AND A FOURTH location which held more classified documents. As Vice-President, Biden had no legal right to take them to his private residence or his 'think tank' (the Penn-Biden Center)which was funded by the Chinese Communist Party.) Those who currently have proper and legal access to Top Secret documents, will find this laughable at best.
Why did the FBI not search for the classified material? Why was Biden's lawyers, who are not cleared to see Top Secret information, allowed to look for the documents?
(Update: AS OF JANUARY 23, 2023, MORE CLASSIFIED FILES HAVE BEEN FOUND AND THESE DATE FROM WHEN HE WAS SENATOR IN 2009. This is a clear violation of the law.)
The laptop - the gift that keeps on giving:
In 2023, we need to address the problem of "Identity Politics"
The Biden - Nixon connection unearthed:
Our State of Dis-union in Feb 2023
Meanwhile, Rev. Calvin Robinson from England, reveals the state of immorality in his country and ours:
Presidential perspectus for 2024
(Mentally challenged lying president releases video campaign announcement; cannot speak in public to make announcement himself because he would have to take questions from the press, which he has many times refused to do.)
Biden was always unfit to be president but his
Left-wing media cheerleaders didn’t dare admit it
-Douglas Murray, Aug 2021
The craven behaviour of the USA’s
court media has hidden for too long the president’s deep flaws
world appears to have woken up to an important truth this week: which is that
Joe Biden is a truly terrible president. It is a shame that it took America
gifting Afghanistan back to the Taliban for so many people to realise this.
be charitable, there were perhaps two reasons why this had not become more
obvious before. The first is that Joe Biden is not Donald Trump and for a lot
of the planet that seems to be recommendation enough to occupy the Oval Office.
A break from the Trump show appealed to an awful lot of people.
the second reason why too few realised what the world was going to get from a
Biden presidency is that the US media simply didn’t ask the questions it needed
to ask. Before the election a near entirety of the American media gave up
covering it and simply campaigned for the Democrat nominee.
was the same with the Big Tech companies. So persuaded were they (Twitter in
particular) that they had been responsible for Donald Trump’s election in 2016
that during the 2020 race they did everything they could to get Biden in. That
included – and this cannot be said often enough – effectively muting America’s
oldest newspaper: the New York Post’s story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which
contained serious allegations of corrupt tail-coating by Hunter and other
members of the Biden family when Joe was vice-president. But Big Tech
restricted the story from being shared and almost no other journalists bothered
to follow it up.
they just hung on his every incoherent sentence and accepted his pronouncements
(generally beginning with “Look”) as if they had any more idea than he did
about whatever point he was forever struggling to make. Worse was the strange
sort of cooing that journalists made whenever Biden appeared in public ahead of
the election. They would thrill when he jogged over to speak to one of them.
They were flattered when he made even a wave in their direction. Then there was
the most irritating Biden schtick of all – the one he has of going to ice-cream
parlours. The US media can never get over the novelty of this miraculous type
of excursion. It is as though nobody in high office ever eats such a thing.
“What a crazy down-to-earth guy,” they think. “He likes ice cream!”
he exits one of these joints and emerges solemnly with his cone, the US media
can be relied upon to shout questions about which flavours he has chosen. He
will say “double-choc-chip cookie” or whatever it is that day and the court
media will “ooh” or applaud and make notes as though Dorothy Parker had just
offered them an epigram.
you see it up close you just cannot believe the cravenness of most of the
American media. Last month the CNN presenter Don Lemon was selected to quiz
Biden at a “town hall” event before the cameras. Biden was, as usual,
meandering and unfocused as though lost in the fog of his own sentences. But
Lemon would not press him properly. Rather, you could see him urging the
president on, willing him to get to the end of the sentence or to reconnect
with one of those trains of thought that been left derailed several clauses or
sentences back. It wasn’t journalism. It wasn’t even kindness. He was rooting
for the president.
footage this week from Afghanistan has at least exposed the some of the
problems that have resulted from this lack of critique. Not least the fact that
the Commander in Chief appears unfocused on the serious questions.
last month the president had assured the nation that, following the withdrawal
of American troops, there would be absolutely no collapse of the Afghan army or
government. He said that there would be no reason to compare events with
Vietnam and he even specified – in what turned out to be his worst hostage to
fortune – that there would be no Saigon-like airlifting from the roof of the US
all these things, and far more, occurred this week. And the footage from
America’s defeat in Vietnam looks positively orderly by comparison. Afghan
women trying to push their babies over barbed wire to US troops so that they
will take them out. Men trying to hold onto the sides of the last planes
heading out of Kabul. Bodies falling from the sky as their attempt to hold on
fails thousands of feet up in the air. What was Biden's response to all of this?
It was to give a belligerent press
conference explaining that all this was perfectly as it should be, and as he
had expected, and that he stood by his decision. And what did Biden do after
he’d just about managed to read that teleprompter script? He walked away
without taking any questions. That was it. If Donald Trump had done any such thing,
let alone after such a catastrophe, the US media would have declared it the
work of an unaccountable dictator.
Biden did give an interview, late in the week, to George Stephanopoulos of ABC.
During that interview, granted no doubt because the White House knew it would
be lenient, Stephanopoulos quizzed the president as much as the protocol of the
sycophants’ circle allows. As ever, it showed its limits.
one stage the interviewer asked about the footage that had come out of
Afghanistan. “We’ve all seen the pictures,” he said. “We’ve seen those hundreds
of people packed into a C-17. You’ve seen Afghans falling …” An angry,
bug-eyed, blustering Biden interrupted his interviewer. “That was four days
ago, five days ago,” he said furiously, in one of the most heartless
non-sequiturs I have heard for quite some time. And what did Stephanopoulos do?
Certainly, he did not do what an Andrew Neil or an Emma Barnett would have
didn’t even pause to notice the psychological weirdness of this reply. He did
not ask what needed to be asked, which was: “What the hell does that mean? What
has something happening four days ago got to do with what I’ve just asked you?
Does the passage of five days make something ancient history in the fog of Biden
ABC interviewer did none of this. Instead, he asked Biden what he thought when
he had seen these pictures and allowed Biden to boast that US personnel had got
on top of the situation at the airport.
is just one week in the life of Joe Biden, but you could select almost any
other week in his career and find a similar soup of certainty, unknowingness,
falteringness and arrogance. It is what you get when you have spent a career
with a court media asking you about your choice of ice cream and reached the
highest office in the land because you weren’t the other guy.
world always gets serious again. And it just got serious on Biden’s watch and
has shown something that should have been revealed during the primary season
long ago: that the man who is now commander-in-chief is not remotely in command
of his brief.
Biden Family Corruption Continues in June - July 2023
Biden's consistent chuckling around the press when asked a question that would involve his telling the truth, is an emotional coping mechanism.
A reporter asks
Joe Biden about allegations that he was involved in a criminal bribery scheme:
"I'm supposed
to walk off the stage now...Where's the money? I'm joking.
It's a bunch of
malarkey." pic.twitter.com/3nsquVd5ka
— Townhall.com
(@townhallcom) June 8, 2023
COCAINE found in the White House; CASE closed; CONTINUED obfuscation.
Biden uses an opitcal illusion to influence voters of his 'popularity' but is caught out by this report from a senior Australian newscaster. (Watch closely the cell phones used by Biden's "rent-a-crowd"):
Biden goes on vacation.....again
Media sources in England and Australia are telling the truth about our American situation and the corruption in the White House.
Americans have lost trust in our Justice System due to it's censorship and 'weaponization' programs in concert with the Biden White House.
Many Americans are saying someone else is running the White House. Two individuals have been mentioned:
Or, is there another explanation:
Joe Biden has appeared ill and unwell, before taking office as President. Christians are called upon in the Scripture, to pray for those who are sick.
Biden's lie and disgrace in visit to Hawaii after the wildfires destroyed people and their homes............
Sky News Australia host reminds viewers about a past Democrat-inspired riot over an election they called 'rigged.' Georgia Dems have a short memory about what happened in Florida when the Dems rioted there over the election of George Bush:
The new revelations of misconduct and coverup in 2023:
Real news from The Daily Mail in Britain and Sky News in Australia reveal what is happening in our country. Thanks to these overseas news sources, the truth about the Biden family corruption is being exposed - not by our own 'main-stream media'.
Biden’s Own Staff Pre- Arranges Questions From Press:
Biden continues to make outlandish claims about himself:
All Christians need to continue Praying for our country. We are living in a very troubling time, in a country led by a man who has become increasingly demented and surrounded by extreme left liberal elites who are destroying our society.