Rev. Frank Hughes, Jr.
Sermons From S.N.B.C.
"History of the South Norfolk Baptist Church" by the Reverend Doctor H. Edgar Twine
Historical Sketch of SNBC compiled by Rev. Frank Hughes, Jr.
Covenant of SNBC, Nov. 30, 1893
Rev. Hughes Retirement Service
Hughes Family Story
Read Family Story
The Old South
The Old South - Part 2
Wauchope Family Story
In Memory of Our Wauchope Family Members
Sermons from South Norfolk: AUDIO
Sermons from South Norfolk: VIDEO
Remembering & Honoring some Musicians and their Music at South Norfolk Baptist
Singspiration Booklet
Memorial Plaques in SNBC
JULY 4th at SNBC
Music for Worship
Music for Worship 2
Music for Christmas
The Christmas Star
Sermons (PDF)
Sermons (PDF) Part 2
Sermons (PDF) Part 3
“Heart Transplants Made Here” Sermon
“Seven Perils we Face Today” Sermon
"Atoms from Amos". Rev. Frank Hughes, Jr.
“Preach the Word” (2 Tim. 4:1-5) Ordination Sermon for Bryan W. Holloman, Jr. and James Edward Griffin
Sermons for Easter
Book of Daniel
Book of Isaiah
Book of Matthew
Book of Mark
Book of Luke
Book of Acts
Night Scenes in the Bible
Book of Revelation
Seven Deadly Sins
Early Sermons from South Norfolk
“Reasons to Give Thanks” (news article by Rev. Hughes)
"Tensions of the Ministry" (Rev. Hughes)
Wednesday Night Bible Study Outlines
Sunday School notes
New Member training at South Norfolk Baptist
Vacation Bible School
Dedication of the Church Library
The Messenger
Newspaper Archives
Church Bulletins
Church Directory 1985
Mrs. Katharine Hughes
Mother's Quiet TIme
Katharine's Kitchen
From the Kitchen of Mrs. Frank Hughes, Sr.
Words from Colleagues
Rev. Hughes as artist in retirement
Rev. Hughes attends SBC
Frank Hughes, III (Rev. Hughes first son)
James Read Hughes (Rev. Hughes second son)
Joseph Truett Hughes (Rev. Hughes third son)
Jim and Joe in Elementary, Junior and Senior High School
Joe at Ridgecrest
Jim & Joe in College
Joe at Fork Union Military Academy
Joe at Southeastern Baptist Seminary
Dr. John W. Carlton, Professor of Preaching: Lectures
Dr. Glenn T. Miller, Professor of Church History: Lecture
Chaplain Joe Hughes
CH Hughes products
CH Hughes - Part 2
CH Hughes - Part 3
CH Hughes - Part 4
National Prayer Breakfast
Baptist Church History: Understanding Martin Luther and the Reformation
What is the Southern Baptist Convention?
Baptist Church History: Understanding "The Baptist Faith and Message"
The Cooperative Program
The Needed Revival
Highways to Havoc (Dr. R.G. Lee)
Dr. R.G. Lee - sermons
Reviving Standards in the Church
Billy Graham
Worship in 21st Century
Worship in 21st Century 2
The Authority of Scripture
Living in an Unholy World
The Importance of Inerrancy
"Church of Tares" Film
"Seeker Sensitive"
Veterans Day
Pearl Harbor 80th Anniversary
Queen Elizabeth II
Christian America
Recommended Websites
Sermons From S.N.B.C.
"History of the South Norfolk Baptist Church" by the Reverend Doctor H. Edgar Twine
Historical Sketch of SNBC compiled by Rev. Frank Hughes, Jr.
Covenant of SNBC, Nov. 30, 1893
Rev. Hughes Retirement Service
Hughes Family Story
Read Family Story
The Old South
The Old South - Part 2
Wauchope Family Story
In Memory of Our Wauchope Family Members
Sermons from South Norfolk: AUDIO
Sermons from South Norfolk: VIDEO
Remembering & Honoring some Musicians and their Music at South Norfolk Baptist
Singspiration Booklet
Memorial Plaques in SNBC
JULY 4th at SNBC
Music for Worship
Music for Worship 2
Music for Christmas
The Christmas Star
Sermons (PDF)
Sermons (PDF) Part 2
Sermons (PDF) Part 3
“Heart Transplants Made Here” Sermon
“Seven Perils we Face Today” Sermon
"Atoms from Amos". Rev. Frank Hughes, Jr.
“Preach the Word” (2 Tim. 4:1-5) Ordination Sermon for Bryan W. Holloman, Jr. and James Edward Griffin
Sermons for Easter
Book of Daniel
Book of Isaiah
Book of Matthew
Book of Mark
Book of Luke
Book of Acts
Night Scenes in the Bible
Book of Revelation
Seven Deadly Sins
Early Sermons from South Norfolk
“Reasons to Give Thanks” (news article by Rev. Hughes)
"Tensions of the Ministry" (Rev. Hughes)
Wednesday Night Bible Study Outlines
Sunday School notes
New Member training at South Norfolk Baptist
Vacation Bible School
Dedication of the Church Library
The Messenger
Newspaper Archives
Church Bulletins
Church Directory 1985
Mrs. Katharine Hughes
Mother's Quiet TIme
Katharine's Kitchen
From the Kitchen of Mrs. Frank Hughes, Sr.
Words from Colleagues
Rev. Hughes as artist in retirement
Rev. Hughes attends SBC
Frank Hughes, III (Rev. Hughes first son)
James Read Hughes (Rev. Hughes second son)
Joseph Truett Hughes (Rev. Hughes third son)
Jim and Joe in Elementary, Junior and Senior High School
Joe at Ridgecrest
Jim & Joe in College
Joe at Fork Union Military Academy
Joe at Southeastern Baptist Seminary
Dr. John W. Carlton, Professor of Preaching: Lectures
Dr. Glenn T. Miller, Professor of Church History: Lecture
Chaplain Joe Hughes
CH Hughes products
CH Hughes - Part 2
CH Hughes - Part 3
CH Hughes - Part 4
National Prayer Breakfast
Baptist Church History: Understanding Martin Luther and the Reformation
What is the Southern Baptist Convention?
Baptist Church History: Understanding "The Baptist Faith and Message"
The Cooperative Program
The Needed Revival
Highways to Havoc (Dr. R.G. Lee)
Dr. R.G. Lee - sermons
Reviving Standards in the Church
Billy Graham
Worship in 21st Century
Worship in 21st Century 2
The Authority of Scripture
Living in an Unholy World
The Importance of Inerrancy
"Church of Tares" Film
"Seeker Sensitive"
Veterans Day
Pearl Harbor 80th Anniversary
Queen Elizabeth II
Christian America
Recommended Websites
"Wonderful is He" Men's Quartet: South Norfolk Bapitst Church. Organist: Gwen Whitehurst
Sermons from South Norfolk (Part 2)
The 3 Voices of Nature
The Battle for Bread
The Bold Crossing
The Choice of a Wife
The Completed Puzzle
The Covenant Summary
The Diety of Christ
The Energy Crisis
The Expendables
The Fall of Jericho
The Fifth Word from the Cross
The Fighting Farmer
The First Martyr for Christ
The First Word from the Cross
The Fourth Word from the Cross
The Greatest Sentence in Print
The Greatest Thing I Know
The Heaven of Heavens
The High Cost of Eternal Life
The High Priest We Need
The Man Who Was Not For Sale (1 Kings 21)
The Man Who Was For Sale (Matthew 26)
The Man Who can See God (Matthew 5)
The Matchless Name
The Meaning of Christ for Us
The Men Who Minister
The Men of Secret
The Mood Ring vs Ethical Decisions
The Mighty Dead
The Missions Call
The Most Important Question Ever Asked
The Number One Illness in the 70s
The Nation That is Blessed
The Next Voice You Hear
The Ninth Commandment
The Number One Illness of the 70s
The Prayer God Answers
The Prayer Life of Jesus
The Promised Rest We Dare Not Miss
The Remorse of Neglected Opportunities
The Richness of Forgiveness
The Scarlet Thread
The Second Word from the Cross
The Seventh Word from the Cross
The Sin of the Undone
The Sixth Word from the Cross
The Stirring of the Spirit
The Thankful Spirit
The Theme of the Cross
The Third Word from the Cross
The Unchanging Saviour
The Unseen Realities
Things We Never Get Over
This is Our Faith
Three Answers Every Woman Should Know
Three Reasons for Being a Christian
Thy Will Be Done
To Whom Shall We Go
Treatment of Enemies
Unoffered and Unanswered Prayer
What is Jesus Doing Now
What Would You Do If You Met Three Giants
Whatever Happened to the Jesus Movement
Where Is God
Where to Find a Cure for a Troubled Heart
Why Change the Weather?
Your Salvation From Sin
Your Twenty Fourth Hour
You Don't Have to Worry
Take Heed
Tears that Bless
Tell It Like It Is (Part 1)
Tell It Like It Is (Part 2)
Tell It Like It Is (Part 3)
Testing Your Deeds
The Golden Rule
The Admonition for Despondency
The All Important Principle of God
The American Dream (Part 1)
The American Dream (Part 2)
The Anatomy of Courage
The Answer to Anxiety
The Backslider in Heart
The Best Years of Your Life
The Bible is No Myth
The Blessedness of Persecution
The Changing Times
The Christian Moratorium
The Christians Belongings
The Christians Responsibility
The Church as the Body of Christ
The Church at Antioch (Part 1)
The Church at Antioch (Part 2)
The Church at Philippi (Philippians 1:1-11)
The Church at Colossae (Colossians 1:1-10)
The Church at Colossae
The Church at Colosse 8pp.
The Church at Corinth
The Church at Ephesus
The Church at Ephesus (Version 2)
The Church at Galatia
Thr Church at Jerusalem
The Church at Laodicea
The Church at Pergamos (Part 1)
The Church at Pergamos (Part 2)
The Church at Philadelphia
The Church at Philippi
The Church at Rome
The Church at Rome (page 13)
The Church at Sardis (part 1)
The Church at Sardis (part 2)
The Church at Smyrna
The Church at Thyatira
The Church Giving Glory to God
The Church with a Closed Door
The Church with an Open Door
The Coat Without a Seam
The Committed
The Control of Anger
The Completed Puzzle
The Crucified Life (Matthew 16:21-26)
The Crucifixion of Christ
The Darkest Verse in the Bible
The Divinity of the Church
The Domestic Circle
The Drawn Sword
The Dropped Bridle Rein
The Effective Church
The Eighth Commandment
The Empty Tomb
The Exorcist
The Field is the World
The Fifth Commandment (version 1)
The Fifth Commandment (version 2, part 1)
The Fifth Commandment (version 2, part 2)
The Final Separation
The First Commandment
The First Martyr for Christ
The First Question that Man Asked
The Forgiveness Which Wipes Out Sin (Part 1)
The Forgiveness Which Wipes Out Sin (Part 2)
The Four Cornerstones of the Christian Home
The Fourth Commandment
The Freedom of America
The Gas Crisis Solution
The Glory of the Church
The Gospel
The Gospel in Miniature
The Great Contrast
The Great Flood
The Great Plagues
The Great Plagues (page 16)
The Great Tower
The Hard Way
The High Calling of Servants
The High Calling of Servants (part 2)
The High Calling of Servants (part 3)
The Home Next to the Church
The Home that Pleases God
The Ideal Mother
The Infaliable Refuge
Awake and Arise
A Study in Ephesians
Baptism (Part 1)
Baptism (Part 2 notes)
Blunders of Eli
Bring Back the King
Death and Your Possessions
Do You Believe in the Devil?
Do You Understand God's Love?
Duty of Children and Parents
Eighteen Works of the Flesh
Eighteen Works of the Flesh (part 2)
Enemies of the Christian
Established Power
Filled with the Spirit
Finishing Your Home Work
Following the Cloud
Fruit of the Spirit (part 1)
Fruit of the Spirit (pages 17-19 part 2)
The Future Rewards or Punishments
Getting a Miracle in the Wilderness (pages 1-9)
Getting a Miracle in the Wilderness (pages 10-12)
Gifts for the Church
Give Away the Borders of Your Life
Give Us New Life
God Calls My Name
God Give Us Men
God Silences Man
Godly Sorrow
God's Blockades on the Road to Hell
God's Courtroom
God's Glory and Man's Honor
God's Imitators
God's Outreach Instrument (pages 1-11)
God's Outreach Instrument (pages 12-18)
God's Pattern for a Christian Worker
God's Peacemakers (Part 1)
God's Peacemakers (Part 2)
Going Up Psalm
Good Gas Mileage
Good Living is Cheap
Good Things About Hell
Got Problems
Grieving the Holy Spirit
Growth in the Church By the Captive
Handling Discouragement
Handling False Accusations
Healing Comes From The Most High
Heartfelt Religion
Heat in the Kitchen
Help for the Derailed
Hiding in Religion
Hindrances to Prayer
Hindrances to Renewal
His Wife's Name was Jochebed
Hold Fast
Hold Up His Hands
Honest Hearted People
How Much Forgiveness Do You Need?
How to Handle Your Failures
I Was Made A Minister
Is Your Home Insured?
I Will Send Hornets
If I Had a Million
In Quest of a Thrill
Is it Unchristian to Judge Others?
Is the Church for Real?
Is the Energy Crisis Real? (pages 1-5)
Is the Energy Crisis Real? (pages 6-14)
Is the Energy Crisis Real? (pages 8-13)
It is Great to be Alive
It's Dynamite (pages 1-5)
It's Dynamite (pages 6-17)
Jesus and the Law
Jesus Christ the Crucified
Joy of the Resurrection
Just Look at Me Lord
Keep Short Accounts
Keeping Your Religion Up To Date
Life's Boundaries
Life's Frustrations
Life's Most Embarrassing Question
Life's Supreme Question
Longing for Righteousness
Love in Four Dimensions
Love's Record
Making a Life
Marked by the Master
Measuring Meekness
Measuring Your Maturity
Memorial to Infamy
Mercy Returns
Ministry of Compassion
Mobilization for Missions
Money and Family Finances
Moses at the Burning Bush
Must We Look for Another
Never Flinched
No Man Cared for My Soul
Olivet's Essentials
On Eagles Wings
Oh What a Beautiful Morning (Version 1)
O What a Beautiful Morning (Version 2)
On the Fence with God
One Thing is Needful
One Word Says It
Opening Heavens Gate
Opportunities of Life
Our Omnipotent Helper
Pattern for Fathers
Peace with God
Possibilities in Personal Antagonisms
Prayer and the Way to Serenity
Prayer Hindrances
Prayer or Fainting
Prayer's Difficulties
Preview of the Future
Proophecy (First in a Series)
Prophecy (Second in Series)
Reaping What You Sow
Rearing Children God's Way
Reasons for Memorial Day (main pages)
Reasons for Memorial Day (pages 8 and 12)
Recognition in Heaven
Redemption Through the Blood
Religious But Lost
Resources and Responsibilities
Resurrection Realities
Revive Thy Work
Right Turn on Red (Pages 1-8)
Right Turn on Red (pages 6-16)
Seeking A Man
Settled in the Sanctuary
Seven Other Demons
Seven Things that Unite the Church
Sorrow of a Father
Spiritual Blessings
Spiritual Fall-Out
Spiritual Gifts (Pages 1-3,10-15)
Spiritual Gifts (Pages 16-19,5-8,20-22)
Spiritual Gifts (Page 23)
Spiritual Resurrection
Standing in Christ
Strength for Troubled Times
Strong in the Lord
Sweetest Text in the Bible (part 1)
Sweetest Text in the Bible (part 2: Page 9)
The Ableness of God
The Chief Corner Stone
The Judgement Day
The Judgement Seat
The Key to Heaven's Windows
The Life of Surrender
The Life that is Shaped by Love
The Light Switch
The Power of the Penitent
The Price of Power
The Price Tags of Life
The Priority of Stewardship
The Real McCoy
The Reusurrection for Life Today
The Resurrection of the Dead
The Return with Power
The Rich Fool
The Risen Life of the Christian
The Second Commandment
The Secret of Happiness
The Seven Wonders of Jesus
The Seventh Commandment
The Shepherd Psalm
The Seven Wonders of Jesus
The Sixth Commandment (pp. 1-8)
The Sixth Commandment (pp. 7-17)
The Sixth Commandment (pp. 18-19)
The Spirit Filled Life (Version 1)
The Spirit Filled Life (Version 2)
The Spirit Filled Life (Version 3)
The Straight Gate
The Sufficiency of Jesus Christ
The Story of Palm Sunday
The Taking of Oaths
The Taste Test
The Test of Prosperity
The Third Commandment
The Time to Act is Now
The Tomb of Jesus
The Truth of the Matter
The Two Trees
The Vocation of the Church
The Way Through the Wilderness
The Way Through the Wilderness (pp. 5-6)
The Winsome Invitation
The Worst Thing
The Wounds of Christ
The Woman Who Was Not For Sale
There is No Place Like Home
Things Money Cannot Buy
Things That Frighten (Part 1)
Things That Frighten (Part 2)
Things We Have in Common
Think on These Things
This is a Great Mystery
This Strange Love
Three Stops on the Second Journey
Torn Between Two Worlds
Turn Your Foot From Evil
Unhappy New Year
Unsearchable Riches
Urgency in the Nation
Vacation Temptations
Wait a Little Longer
Watch that Habit
Watch What You Say
Ways Men Try to Save Themselves
We Persuade Men
Well Nobody is Perfect
What Christ Did On the Cross
What Do You Think
What Does God Expect From Me
What Does it Mean to be a Christian
What Easter Should Mean For You
What God Has Joined Together
What is My Favorite Sin
What is Your Attitude Toward Life
What is Your Religious Faith Doing to You
What Religion Does For One Who Really Tries It
What Kind of a Dad (Pages 1-17)
What Kind of a Dad (Page 18)
What Kind of a Father
What Thomas Missed
What Will it Take to Bring You to God
What Are Saints Made Of
What's Happening In Our Nation
What's So Special about Jesus
When a Christian Sins
When it is Hard to Pray
When Praise is Missing
When Your World Falls Apart
Where Does God Live
Where The Wrath of God Begins
Where to Get the Answers
Which Way America
Who Cares
Who Controls My Life
Who Hath Bewitched You
Who Knoweth What is Good for Man in This Life
Why Am I A Christian
Why Baptize Anyway
Why I Preach the Cross
Why Jesus Died
Wives and Husbands
Your Alabaster Box
Your Release from Egypt
Your Release from Egypt (Pages 5 and 7)
Will the Real Man Stand Up
Youth and Yokes
Your Survival
How to Test the Demon Spirits
My thanks to Hackworth Reprographics, Che
for the following sermons, pr
downloaded and converted to PDF format. Now renamed with Sermon title and Scripture Text.
"An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth" (Matthew 5:38-42)
"Are You Dull in Spiritual Things?" (Hebrews 5)
"Bearing His Reproach" (Hebrews 13:13)
"Can You Stay Away from Church?" (Hebrews 12:22-25)
"Causing Others to Sin" (1Kings 22:52)
"Deliverance from Satan" (Matthew 6:13)
"Doing Your Thing" (Judges 17:6)
"Don't Let Me Die!" (2 Kings 20:1-11)
"Expect Great Things from God---Attempt Great Things for God" (John 20:18-23)
"Faith the Spiritual Dynamite" (Hebrews 11)
"Fire on the Altar" (1Kings 18:38)
"Forgive Us Our Debts" (Matthew 6:12)
"Glorifying God" (Matthew 6:13)
"God Can Really Meet Our Needs!" (Philippians 4:19)
"God's Last Word to Man" (Hebrews 1:1-2)
"Good News of a Great Joy" (Luke 2:10)
"Greater Than Angels" (Hebrews 1:3-14)
"Greatness of John The Baptist" (Matthew 11:11)
"Highway of New Opportunity" (Joshua 3:1-5)
"How do I Have Faith" (Hebrews 11:1)
"How Much Is Expected of a Layman" (Matthew 5:41)
"How to Get Rid of Resentment" (Job 12:4)
"How to Live in the Promised Land" (Joshua 1:9)
"How to Take the Promise Land" (Joshua 1:1-3)
"I Believe in Prayer" (Job 21:15)
"Last Words" (Hebrews 13)
"Let Me See Your Tongue" (Acts 5:4)
"Living on a Balanced Budget" (Judges 11:35)
"Making the Promise Land Permanent" (Joshua 24:14-15-16)
"Missing in Action" (Judges 5:28)
"Old Corn for World Hunger" (Joshua 5:12)
"Pilgrim People" (Hebrews 11:1-12)
"Prayer for a Double Portion" (2Kings 2:9)
"Prophecy--Preparation for His Coming" (1 Corinthians 15:52-58)
"Samson's Foxes" (Judges 15)
"Samson's Women" (Judges 16)
"Stay on the Job" (1 Timothy 1)
"The 3 Voices of Nature" (1 Kings 19:11-12)
"The Battle for Bread" (1 Kings 17:6)
"The Bold Crossing" (Joshua 1:9)
"The Choice of Wife" (Judges 14:3)
"The Completed Puzzle" (Hebrews 1)
"The Covenant Summary" (Hebrews 8)
"The Fall of Jericho" (Joshua 6)
"The Fifth Word from the Cross" (John 19:28-29)
"The Fighting Farmer" (Judges 6:7)
"The First Martyr for Christ" (Acts 7)
"The Fourth Word from the Cross" (Matthew 27:46)
"The High Cost of Eternal Life" (Hebrews 9)
Dec 16, 1978
Nov 25, 1973
Dec 17, 1972
Sept 9, 1973
Sept 2, 1978
June 21, 1977
April 29, 1979
July 1, 1973
Sept 27, 1980
July 15, 1973
June 25, 1972
May 2, 1976
Nov 11, 1973
Nov 4, 1973
Oct 28, 1973
Oct 14, 1973
Oct 4, 1972
Oct 7, 1973
Nov 18, 1973
Oct 3, 1974
Oct 13, 1974
March 24, 1974
March 17, 1974
Dec 15, 1974
Feb 27, 1972
May 5, 1983
3-10-79 and 6-5-83
June 27, 1976
Sept 6, 1970
Oct 6, 1974
Oct 9, 1983
Sept 29, 1974 and July 25, 1982
Feb 20, 1972
Mar 25, 1979
Jan 5, 1969
July 10, 1983
Mar 20, 1977 and Mar 30, 1980
Oct 15, 1978
July 6, 1975
Oct 1, 1972 and Oct 25, 1970
Feb 18, 1973
April 1, 1973
April 1, 1979
Sept 1, 1980
Feb 11, 1979
March 9, 1980
Feb 6, 1977
Feb 25, 1973
Dec 5, 1971
Dec 6, 1991
Dec 5, 1976
May 30, 1976
June 26, 1977
Feb 14, 1976
Dec 8, 1974
Oct 20, 1974
Feb 26, 1983
May 7, 1978
Nov 7, 1976
Jan 17, 1971
Jan 24, 1971
Oct 21, 1973
Oct 24, 1976
March 4, 1979
Oct 10, 1976
Sept 12, 1976
Sept 26, 1976
May 2, 1971
Mar 18, 1979
April 4, 1971
March 7, 1971
Feb 7, 1971
Jan 3, 1971
Dec 6, 1970
Nov 1, 1970
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